

Versorgungsspannungsmonitor mit extrem geringem Stromverbrauch, 150 nA

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Number of supplies monitored 1 Threshold voltage 1 (typ) (V) 0.9, 1.1, 1.52, 1.67, 2.63, 2.93, 3.08, 4.38 Features Manual reset capable, Reset time delay, Undervoltage monitor only Reset threshold accuracy (%) 1.6 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.00015 Output driver type/reset output Active-low, Push-Pull Time delay (ms) 200 Supply voltage (min) (V) 0.9 Supply voltage (max) (V) 6.5 Rating Catalog Watchdog timer WDI (s) None Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Number of supplies monitored 1 Threshold voltage 1 (typ) (V) 0.9, 1.1, 1.52, 1.67, 2.63, 2.93, 3.08, 4.38 Features Manual reset capable, Reset time delay, Undervoltage monitor only Reset threshold accuracy (%) 1.6 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.00015 Output driver type/reset output Active-low, Push-Pull Time delay (ms) 200 Supply voltage (min) (V) 0.9 Supply voltage (max) (V) 6.5 Rating Catalog Watchdog timer WDI (s) None Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
X2SON (DQN) 4 1 mm² 1 x 1
  • Ultralow Supply Current: 150 nA (Typical)
  • Operating Supply Voltage: 0.9 V to 6.5 V
  • Valid Reset for VDD > 0.6 V
  • Push-Pull RESET Output
  • Factory-Trimmed Reset Threshold Voltages
  • Temperature Range: –40°C to 85°C
  • Packages: 1-mm × 1-mm X2SON or 3-Pin SOT23
  • Ultralow Supply Current: 150 nA (Typical)
  • Operating Supply Voltage: 0.9 V to 6.5 V
  • Valid Reset for VDD > 0.6 V
  • Push-Pull RESET Output
  • Factory-Trimmed Reset Threshold Voltages
  • Temperature Range: –40°C to 85°C
  • Packages: 1-mm × 1-mm X2SON or 3-Pin SOT23

The TPS3831 and TPS3839 devices (both referred to as TPS383x) are ultralow current (150 nA, typical), voltage supervisory circuits that monitor a single voltage. Both devices initiate an active-low reset signal whenever the VDD supply voltage drops below the factory-trimmed reset threshold voltage. The reset output remains low for 200 ms (typical) after the VDD voltage rises above the threshold voltage and hysteresis. These devices are designed to ignore fast transients on the VDD pin. The TPS3831 device includes a manual reset input that forces RESET low when MR is low.

The ultralow current consumption of 150 nA makes these voltage supervisors ideal for use in low-power and portable applications. The TPS383x devices are specified to have the correct output logic state for supply voltages down to 0.6 V.

The TPS383x devices feature precision factory-trimmed threshold voltages and extremely low-power operation. The TPS3831 device is available in a 4-pin, 1-mm × 1-mm (DQN) X2SON package. The TPS3839 device is available in a 3-pin SOT23 (DBZ) package or a 4-pin, 1-mm × 1-mm (DQN) X2SON package.

The TPS3831 and TPS3839 devices (both referred to as TPS383x) are ultralow current (150 nA, typical), voltage supervisory circuits that monitor a single voltage. Both devices initiate an active-low reset signal whenever the VDD supply voltage drops below the factory-trimmed reset threshold voltage. The reset output remains low for 200 ms (typical) after the VDD voltage rises above the threshold voltage and hysteresis. These devices are designed to ignore fast transients on the VDD pin. The TPS3831 device includes a manual reset input that forces RESET low when MR is low.

The ultralow current consumption of 150 nA makes these voltage supervisors ideal for use in low-power and portable applications. The TPS383x devices are specified to have the correct output logic state for supply voltages down to 0.6 V.

The TPS383x devices feature precision factory-trimmed threshold voltages and extremely low-power operation. The TPS3831 device is available in a 4-pin, 1-mm × 1-mm (DQN) X2SON package. The TPS3839 device is available in a 3-pin SOT23 (DBZ) package or a 4-pin, 1-mm × 1-mm (DQN) X2SON package.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS383x 150-nA, Ultralow Power, Supply Voltage Monitor datasheet (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 01 Jul 2015
Application note Voltage Supervisors (Reset ICs): Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (Rev. A) 17 Mär 2020
Selection guide Voltage Supervisors (Reset ICs) Quick Reference Guide (Rev. H) 28 Feb 2020
E-book Voltage Supervisor and Reset ICs: Tips, Tricks and Basics 28 Jun 2019
Application brief Latching a Voltage Supervisor (Reset IC) (Rev. A) 05 Apr 2019
Application note Comparing Voltage and Processor Monitoring Solutions 05 Apr 2019
Technical article Tips and tricks for optimizing your voltage supervisor PDF | HTML 07 Mär 2017
User guide USB Type-C Mini Dock Users Guide (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 08 Aug 2016
Design guide TIDA-01243 Design Guide 05 Aug 2016
Application note Using the TPS3839/1yxx as an Adjustable Supply Voltage Supervisor 16 Aug 2012

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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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