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Open-Drain-Spannungsüberwacher mit vier Versorgungsspannungen mit programmierbarer Verzögerung und W

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Number of supplies monitored 3, 4 Threshold voltage 1 (typ) (V) 0.4 Features Manual reset capable, Negative voltage monitoring, Separate VDD & sense, Timeout watchdog, Undervoltage and overvoltage monitor, Watchdog timer Reset threshold accuracy (%) 0.5 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.011 Output driver type/reset output Active-low, Open-drain Time delay (ms) 20, 300 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.8 Supply voltage (max) (V) 6.5 Rating Catalog Watchdog timer WDI (s) 0.6 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Number of supplies monitored 3, 4 Threshold voltage 1 (typ) (V) 0.4 Features Manual reset capable, Negative voltage monitoring, Separate VDD & sense, Timeout watchdog, Undervoltage and overvoltage monitor, Watchdog timer Reset threshold accuracy (%) 0.5 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.011 Output driver type/reset output Active-low, Open-drain Time delay (ms) 20, 300 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.8 Supply voltage (max) (V) 6.5 Rating Catalog Watchdog timer WDI (s) 0.6 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
VQFN (RGP) 20 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • Four Independent Voltage Supervisors
  • Channel 1:
    • Adjustable Threshold Down to 0.4 V
    • Manual Reset (MR) Input
  • Channels 2, 3:
    • Adjustable Threshold Down to 0.4 V
  • Channel 4:
    • Adjustable Threshold at Any Positive or Negative Voltage
    • Window Comparator
  • Adjustable Delay Time: 1.4 ms to 10 s
  • Threshold Accuracy: 0.25% Typical
  • Very Low Quiescent Current: 11 µA Typical
  • Watchdog Timer With Dedicated Output
  • Well-Controlled Output During Power Up
  • TPS386000: Open-Drain RESETn and WDO
  • TPS386040: Push-Pull RESETn and WDO
  • Package: 4-mm × 4-mm, 20-Pin VQFN
  • Four Independent Voltage Supervisors
  • Channel 1:
    • Adjustable Threshold Down to 0.4 V
    • Manual Reset (MR) Input
  • Channels 2, 3:
    • Adjustable Threshold Down to 0.4 V
  • Channel 4:
    • Adjustable Threshold at Any Positive or Negative Voltage
    • Window Comparator
  • Adjustable Delay Time: 1.4 ms to 10 s
  • Threshold Accuracy: 0.25% Typical
  • Very Low Quiescent Current: 11 µA Typical
  • Watchdog Timer With Dedicated Output
  • Well-Controlled Output During Power Up
  • TPS386000: Open-Drain RESETn and WDO
  • TPS386040: Push-Pull RESETn and WDO
  • Package: 4-mm × 4-mm, 20-Pin VQFN

The TPS3860x0 family of supply voltage supervisors (SVSs) can monitor four power rails that are greater than 0.4 V and one power rail less than 0.4 V (including negative voltage) with a 0.25% (typical) threshold accuracy. Each of the four supervisory circuits (SVS-n) assert a RESETn or RESETn output signal when the SENSEm input voltage drops below the programmed threshold. With external resistors, the threshold of each SVS-n can be programmed (where n = 1, 2, 3, 4 and m = 1, 2, 3, 4L, 4H).

Each SVS-n has a programmable delay before releasing RESETn or RESETn. The delay time can be set independently for each SVS from 1.4 ms to 10 s through the CTn pin connection. Only SVS-1 has an active-low manual reset (MR) input; a logic-low input to MR asserts RESET1 or RESET1.

SVS-4 monitors the threshold window using two comparators. The extra comparator can be configured as a fifth SVS to monitor negative voltage with voltage reference output VREF.

The TPS3860x0 has a very low quiescent current of 11 µA (typical) and is available in a small, 4-mm x 4-mm, VQFN-20 package.

The TPS3860x0 family of supply voltage supervisors (SVSs) can monitor four power rails that are greater than 0.4 V and one power rail less than 0.4 V (including negative voltage) with a 0.25% (typical) threshold accuracy. Each of the four supervisory circuits (SVS-n) assert a RESETn or RESETn output signal when the SENSEm input voltage drops below the programmed threshold. With external resistors, the threshold of each SVS-n can be programmed (where n = 1, 2, 3, 4 and m = 1, 2, 3, 4L, 4H).

Each SVS-n has a programmable delay before releasing RESETn or RESETn. The delay time can be set independently for each SVS from 1.4 ms to 10 s through the CTn pin connection. Only SVS-1 has an active-low manual reset (MR) input; a logic-low input to MR asserts RESET1 or RESET1.

SVS-4 monitors the threshold window using two comparators. The extra comparator can be configured as a fifth SVS to monitor negative voltage with voltage reference output VREF.

The TPS3860x0 has a very low quiescent current of 11 µA (typical) and is available in a small, 4-mm x 4-mm, VQFN-20 package.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS386000 and TPS386040 Quad Supply Voltage Supervisors With Adjustable Delay and Watchdog Timer datasheet (Rev. F) PDF | HTML 03 Okt 2018
Application note Voltage and Processor Monitoring Solutions in Factory Automation and Control App (Rev. A) 05 Aug 2021
Application note Optimizing Resistor Dividers at a Comparator (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 30 Apr 2021
Selection guide Voltage Supervisors (Reset ICs) Quick Reference Guide (Rev. H) 28 Feb 2020
E-book Voltage Supervisor and Reset ICs: Tips, Tricks and Basics 28 Jun 2019
Application brief Creating a Sequencing Voltage Supervisor (Reset IC) Using TPS386000 and LM3880 14 Mai 2019
Application note Comparing Voltage and Processor Monitoring Solutions 05 Apr 2019
Technical article Tips and tricks for optimizing your voltage supervisor PDF | HTML 07 Mär 2017
Analog Design Journal Analog Applications Journal 4Q 2014 24 Okt 2014
Analog Design Journal Power-supply sequencing for FPGAs 24 Okt 2014
Application note Setting the SVS Voltage Monitor Threshold 23 Mai 2012
Application note Choosing an Appropriate Pull-up/Pull-down Resistor for Open Drain Outputs 19 Sep 2011

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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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