

Verbessertes Produkt – synchroner Abwärtswandler, 17 V, 1,5 A

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Rating HiRel Enhanced Product Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 1.5 Vin (min) (V) 3.1 Vin (max) (V) 17 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 900 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 1100 Features Enable, Forced PWM, Frequency synchronization, Light Load Efficiency, Power good, Synchronous Rectification Control mode Voltage mode Vout (min) (V) 3.3 Vout (max) (V) 3.3 Iq (typ) (µA) 20 Duty cycle (max) (%) 100
Rating HiRel Enhanced Product Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 1.5 Vin (min) (V) 3.1 Vin (max) (V) 17 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 900 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 1100 Features Enable, Forced PWM, Frequency synchronization, Light Load Efficiency, Power good, Synchronous Rectification Control mode Voltage mode Vout (min) (V) 3.3 Vout (max) (V) 3.3 Iq (typ) (µA) 20 Duty cycle (max) (%) 100
VQFN (RSA) 16 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • Controlled Baseline
    • One Assembly
    • One Test Site
    • One Fabrication Site
  • Extended Temperature Performance of –55°C to 125°C
  • Enhanced Diminishing Manufacturing Sources (DMS) Support
  • Enhanced Product-Change Notification
  • Qualification Pedigree
  • High-Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down Converter With up to 95% Efficiency
  • 3.1 V to 17 V Operating Input Voltage Range
  • Adjustable Output Voltage Range From
    1.2 V to 16 V
  • Fixed Output Voltage Options Available in
    3.3 V and 5 V
  • Synchronizable to External Clock Signal up to 1.4 MHz
  • Up to 1.5 A Output Current
  • High Efficiency Over a Wide Load Current
    Range Due to PFM/PWM Operation Mode
  • 100% Maximum Duty Cycle for Lowest Dropout
  • 20 µA Quiescent Current (Typical)
  • Overtemperature and Overcurrent Protected
  • Available in 16 Pin QFN Package
    • Point-of-Load Regulation From 12 V Bus
    • Organizers, PDAs, and Handheld PCs
    • Handheld Scanners

Component qualification in accordance with JEDEC and industry standards to ensure reliable operation over an extended temperature range. This includes, but is not limited to, Highly Accelerated Stress Test (HAST) or biased 85/85, temperature cycle, autoclave or unbiased HAST, electromigration, bond intermetallic life, and mold compound life. Such qualification testing should not be viewed as justifying use of this component beyond specified performance and environmental limits.
PowerPAD is a trademark of Texas Instruments.

  • Controlled Baseline
    • One Assembly
    • One Test Site
    • One Fabrication Site
  • Extended Temperature Performance of –55°C to 125°C
  • Enhanced Diminishing Manufacturing Sources (DMS) Support
  • Enhanced Product-Change Notification
  • Qualification Pedigree
  • High-Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down Converter With up to 95% Efficiency
  • 3.1 V to 17 V Operating Input Voltage Range
  • Adjustable Output Voltage Range From
    1.2 V to 16 V
  • Fixed Output Voltage Options Available in
    3.3 V and 5 V
  • Synchronizable to External Clock Signal up to 1.4 MHz
  • Up to 1.5 A Output Current
  • High Efficiency Over a Wide Load Current
    Range Due to PFM/PWM Operation Mode
  • 100% Maximum Duty Cycle for Lowest Dropout
  • 20 µA Quiescent Current (Typical)
  • Overtemperature and Overcurrent Protected
  • Available in 16 Pin QFN Package
    • Point-of-Load Regulation From 12 V Bus
    • Organizers, PDAs, and Handheld PCs
    • Handheld Scanners

Component qualification in accordance with JEDEC and industry standards to ensure reliable operation over an extended temperature range. This includes, but is not limited to, Highly Accelerated Stress Test (HAST) or biased 85/85, temperature cycle, autoclave or unbiased HAST, electromigration, bond intermetallic life, and mold compound life. Such qualification testing should not be viewed as justifying use of this component beyond specified performance and environmental limits.
PowerPAD is a trademark of Texas Instruments.

The TPS6211x devices are a family of low-noise synchronous step-down dc-dc converters that are ideally suited for systems powered from a 2-cell Li-ion battery or from a 12 V or 15 V rail.

The TPS6211x is a synchronous PWM converter with integrated N-channel and P-channel power MOSFET switches. Synchronous rectification is used to increase efficiency and to reduce external component count. To achieve highest efficiency over a wide load current range, the converter enters a power-saving, pulse-frequency modulation (PFM) mode at light load currents. Operating frequency is typically 1 MHz, allowing the use of small inductor and capacitor values. The device can be synchronized to an external clock signal in the range of 0.8 MHz to 1.4 MHz. For low noise operation, the converter can be operated in PWM-only mode. In the shutdown mode, the current consumption is reduced to less than 2 µA. The TPS6211x is available in the 16 pin (RSA) QFN package, and operates over a free-air temperature range of –55°C to 125°C.

The TPS6211x devices are a family of low-noise synchronous step-down dc-dc converters that are ideally suited for systems powered from a 2-cell Li-ion battery or from a 12 V or 15 V rail.

The TPS6211x is a synchronous PWM converter with integrated N-channel and P-channel power MOSFET switches. Synchronous rectification is used to increase efficiency and to reduce external component count. To achieve highest efficiency over a wide load current range, the converter enters a power-saving, pulse-frequency modulation (PFM) mode at light load currents. Operating frequency is typically 1 MHz, allowing the use of small inductor and capacitor values. The device can be synchronized to an external clock signal in the range of 0.8 MHz to 1.4 MHz. For low noise operation, the converter can be operated in PWM-only mode. In the shutdown mode, the current consumption is reduced to less than 2 µA. The TPS6211x is available in the 16 pin (RSA) QFN package, and operates over a free-air temperature range of –55°C to 125°C.

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Alle anzeigen 11
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet 17 V, 1.5 A Synchronous Step-Down Converter datasheet (Rev. C) 29 Mai 2008
Application note QFN and SON PCB Attachment (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 06 Dez 2023
Application note Optimizing Resistor Dividers at a Comparator (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 30 Apr 2021
Application note Extended Temperature DC/DC Switching Regulator Solutions PDF | HTML 12 Jan 2021
Application note Performing Accurate PFM Mode Efficiency Measurements (Rev. A) 11 Dez 2018
Analog Design Journal Testing tips for applying external power to supply outputs without an input voltage 24 Okt 2016
Application note Basic Calculation of a Buck Converter's Power Stage (Rev. B) 17 Aug 2015
Analog Design Journal Five steps to a great PCB layout for a step-down converter 29 Jan 2015
Application note Understanding the Absolute Maximum Ratings of the SW Node (Rev. A) 13 Jan 2012
Application note Choosing an Appropriate Pull-up/Pull-down Resistor for Open Drain Outputs 19 Sep 2011
Analog Design Journal IQ: What it is, what it isn’t, and how to use it 17 Jun 2011

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VQFN (RSA) 16 Ultra Librarian

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