

Synchroner 2-A-Abwärtswandler mit 165 °C TJ, für die Automobilindustrie, 3 V bis 10 V,geringer Ru

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Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 165 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 2 Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 10 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 1000 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2500 Features Enable, Forced PWM, Light Load Efficiency, Output discharge, Power good, Soft Start Adjustable, Synchronous Rectification, Tracking, UVLO adjustable, Wettable flanks package Control mode DCS-Control Vout (min) (V) 0.4 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Iq (typ) (µA) 4 Duty cycle (max) (%) 100
Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 165 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 2 Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 10 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 1000 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2500 Features Enable, Forced PWM, Light Load Efficiency, Output discharge, Power good, Soft Start Adjustable, Synchronous Rectification, Tracking, UVLO adjustable, Wettable flanks package Control mode DCS-Control Vout (min) (V) 0.4 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Iq (typ) (µA) 4 Duty cycle (max) (%) 100
VQFN-HR (RYT) 9 4.4 mm² 2.2 x 2
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications:
    • Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C, T A
    • Level 2 device HBM ESD classification
    • Level C4B CDM ESD classification
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Extended T J range: up to 165°C
  • High efficiency DCS-Control topology
    • R DS(ON): 62-mΩ high side, 22-mΩ low side
    • Seamless PWM/PFM transition
    • Internal compensation
  • 4-µA low I Q (typical)
  • Up to 2-A continuous output current
  • ±1.5% output voltage accuracy across temp
  • Configurable output voltage options:
    • 0.6-V to 5.5-V V FB external divider
    • V SET internal divider
      • 16 options between 0.4 V and 5.5 V
  • Flexibility through the MODE/S-CONF pin
    • 2.5-MHz or 1.0-MHz switching frequency
    • Forced PWM or Auto PFM (power save mode) with dynamic mode change option
    • Output discharge on and off
  • No external bootstrap capacitor required
  • Overcurrent and overtemperature protection
  • 100% duty cycle mode
  • Precise enable input
  • Adjustable soft start and tracking
  • Power-good output
  • Optimized pinout for single-layer routing
  • Wettable 2.2-mm × 2.0-mm VQFN package with 0.5-mm pitch
  • Create a custom design with the TPS62992-Q1 using the WEBENCH Power Designer
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications:
    • Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C, T A
    • Level 2 device HBM ESD classification
    • Level C4B CDM ESD classification
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Extended T J range: up to 165°C
  • High efficiency DCS-Control topology
    • R DS(ON): 62-mΩ high side, 22-mΩ low side
    • Seamless PWM/PFM transition
    • Internal compensation
  • 4-µA low I Q (typical)
  • Up to 2-A continuous output current
  • ±1.5% output voltage accuracy across temp
  • Configurable output voltage options:
    • 0.6-V to 5.5-V V FB external divider
    • V SET internal divider
      • 16 options between 0.4 V and 5.5 V
  • Flexibility through the MODE/S-CONF pin
    • 2.5-MHz or 1.0-MHz switching frequency
    • Forced PWM or Auto PFM (power save mode) with dynamic mode change option
    • Output discharge on and off
  • No external bootstrap capacitor required
  • Overcurrent and overtemperature protection
  • 100% duty cycle mode
  • Precise enable input
  • Adjustable soft start and tracking
  • Power-good output
  • Optimized pinout for single-layer routing
  • Wettable 2.2-mm × 2.0-mm VQFN package with 0.5-mm pitch
  • Create a custom design with the TPS62992-Q1 using the WEBENCH Power Designer

The TPS62992-Q1 is a highly efficient, small, and flexible synchronous step-down DC-DC converter that is easy to use. A selectable switching frequency of 2.5 MHz or 1.0 MHz allows the use of small inductors and provides fast transient response. The device supports high V OUT accuracy of ± 1.5% across the entire operasting temperature range and enhanced load transient performance with the DCS-Control topology. The wide 3-V to 10-V input voltage range supports a variety of nominal inputs, like 9-V supply rails, single-cell or multi-cell Li-Ion, and 5-V or 3.3-V rails.

The TPS62992-Q1 can automatically enter power save mode (if auto PFM or PWM is selected) at light loads to maintain high efficiency. Additionally, to provide high efficiency at very small loads, the device has a low typical quiescent current of 4 µA. AEE, if enabled, provides high efficiency across V IN, V OUT, and load current. The device includes a MODE/Smart-CONF input to set the internal and external divider, switching frequency, output voltage discharge, and automatic power save mode or forced PWM operation.

The TPS62992-Q1 is a highly efficient, small, and flexible synchronous step-down DC-DC converter that is easy to use. A selectable switching frequency of 2.5 MHz or 1.0 MHz allows the use of small inductors and provides fast transient response. The device supports high V OUT accuracy of ± 1.5% across the entire operasting temperature range and enhanced load transient performance with the DCS-Control topology. The wide 3-V to 10-V input voltage range supports a variety of nominal inputs, like 9-V supply rails, single-cell or multi-cell Li-Ion, and 5-V or 3.3-V rails.

The TPS62992-Q1 can automatically enter power save mode (if auto PFM or PWM is selected) at light loads to maintain high efficiency. Additionally, to provide high efficiency at very small loads, the device has a low typical quiescent current of 4 µA. AEE, if enabled, provides high efficiency across V IN, V OUT, and load current. The device includes a MODE/Smart-CONF input to set the internal and external divider, switching frequency, output voltage discharge, and automatic power save mode or forced PWM operation.

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Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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