Startseite Energiemanagement Stromversorgung und Treiber für LCD & OLED -Displays



4-kanalige LCD-Vorspannungsversorgung mit voll integr. pos. Ladungspumpe, LDO-Controller, 3,3 V, 1,6


Display type LCD unipolar IC integration LCD bias, VCOM Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vin (max) (V) 5.8 Applications 7 inches or less, 7 to 13 inches Source driver voltage (min) (V) 5 Source driver voltage (max) (V) 15 Level shifter/scan driver (Ch) 0 V_POS (max) (V) 30 V_NEG (max) (V) -2 Features VCOM or op amp Topology Boost Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Display type LCD unipolar IC integration LCD bias, VCOM Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vin (max) (V) 5.8 Applications 7 inches or less, 7 to 13 inches Source driver voltage (min) (V) 5 Source driver voltage (max) (V) 15 Level shifter/scan driver (Ch) 0 V_POS (max) (V) 30 V_NEG (max) (V) -2 Features VCOM or op amp Topology Boost Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
HTSSOP (PWP) 24 49.92 mm² 7.8 x 6.4 VQFN (RGE) 24 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • 2.7-V to 5.8-V Input Voltage Range
  • 1.6-MHz Fixed Switching Frequency
  • 3 Independent Adjustable Outputs
  • Boost Converter Output Voltage VO1 of up to 15 V With < 1% Output Voltage Accuracy
  • Negative Regulated Charge Pump VO2
  • Positive Charge Pump VO3
  • Integrated VCOM Buffer
  • Virtual Synchronous Converter Technology in Boost Converter
  • Auxiliary 3.3-V Linear Regulator Controller
  • Internal Soft Start
  • Internal Power-On Sequencing
  • Fault Detection of all Outputs (TPS65100/05)
  • No Fault Detection (TPS65101)
  • Thermal Shutdown
  • Available in TSSOP-24 and VQFN-24 PowerPAD™ Packages
  • 2.7-V to 5.8-V Input Voltage Range
  • 1.6-MHz Fixed Switching Frequency
  • 3 Independent Adjustable Outputs
  • Boost Converter Output Voltage VO1 of up to 15 V With < 1% Output Voltage Accuracy
  • Negative Regulated Charge Pump VO2
  • Positive Charge Pump VO3
  • Integrated VCOM Buffer
  • Virtual Synchronous Converter Technology in Boost Converter
  • Auxiliary 3.3-V Linear Regulator Controller
  • Internal Soft Start
  • Internal Power-On Sequencing
  • Fault Detection of all Outputs (TPS65100/05)
  • No Fault Detection (TPS65101)
  • Thermal Shutdown
  • Available in TSSOP-24 and VQFN-24 PowerPAD™ Packages

The TPS6510x series offers a compact and small power supply solution that provides all three voltages required by thin film transistor (TFT) LCD displays. The auxiliary linear regulator controller can be used to generate a 3.3-V logic power rail for systems powered by a 5-V supply rail only.

The main output VO1, is a 1.6-MHz, fixed-frequency PWM boost converter providing the source drive voltage for the LCD display. The device is available in two versions with different internal switch current limits to allow the use of a smaller external inductor when lower output power is required. The TPS65100/01 has a typical switch current limit of 2.3 A, and the TPS65105 has a typical switch current limit of 1.37 A. A fully integrated adjustable charge pump doubler/tripler provides the positive LCD gate drive voltage. An externally adjustable negative charge pump provides the negative gate drive voltage. Due to the high 1.6-MHz switching frequency of the charge pumps, inexpensive and small 220-nF capacitors can be used.

The TPS6510x series has an integrated VCOM buffer to power the LCD backplane. For LCD panels powered by 5 V only, the TPS6510x series has a linear regulator controller using an external transistor to provide a regulated 3.3-V output for the digital circuits. For maximum safety, the TPS65100/05 goes into shutdown as soon as one of the outputs is out of regulation. The device can be enabled again by toggling the input or the enable (EN) pin to GND. The TPS65101 does not enter shutdown when one of the outputs is below its power good threshold.

The TPS6510x series offers a compact and small power supply solution that provides all three voltages required by thin film transistor (TFT) LCD displays. The auxiliary linear regulator controller can be used to generate a 3.3-V logic power rail for systems powered by a 5-V supply rail only.

The main output VO1, is a 1.6-MHz, fixed-frequency PWM boost converter providing the source drive voltage for the LCD display. The device is available in two versions with different internal switch current limits to allow the use of a smaller external inductor when lower output power is required. The TPS65100/01 has a typical switch current limit of 2.3 A, and the TPS65105 has a typical switch current limit of 1.37 A. A fully integrated adjustable charge pump doubler/tripler provides the positive LCD gate drive voltage. An externally adjustable negative charge pump provides the negative gate drive voltage. Due to the high 1.6-MHz switching frequency of the charge pumps, inexpensive and small 220-nF capacitors can be used.

The TPS6510x series has an integrated VCOM buffer to power the LCD backplane. For LCD panels powered by 5 V only, the TPS6510x series has a linear regulator controller using an external transistor to provide a regulated 3.3-V output for the digital circuits. For maximum safety, the TPS65100/05 goes into shutdown as soon as one of the outputs is out of regulation. The device can be enabled again by toggling the input or the enable (EN) pin to GND. The TPS65101 does not enter shutdown when one of the outputs is below its power good threshold.


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* Data sheet TPS6510x Triple Output LCD Supply With Linear Regulator and VCOM Buffer datasheet (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 31 Aug 2016

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