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4-kanalige LCD-Vorspannungsversorgung mit integriertem Eingangs-/Ausgangs-Trennschalter, 2 OpAmps &


Display type LCD unipolar IC integration LCD bias Vin (min) (V) 8 Vin (max) (V) 14.7 Applications 13 to 21 inches, 21 inches and above Source driver voltage (max) (V) 19 Level shifter/scan driver (Ch) 0 V_POS (max) (V) 34 V_NEG (max) (V) -2 Features VCOM or op amp Topology Boost, Buck Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Display type LCD unipolar IC integration LCD bias Vin (min) (V) 8 Vin (max) (V) 14.7 Applications 13 to 21 inches, 21 inches and above Source driver voltage (max) (V) 19 Level shifter/scan driver (Ch) 0 V_POS (max) (V) 34 V_NEG (max) (V) -2 Features VCOM or op amp Topology Boost, Buck Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
VQFN (RGZ) 48 49 mm² 7 x 7
  • 8-V to 14.7-V Input Voltage Range
  • 500 kHz / 750 kHz Fixed Switching Frequency
  • Boost Output Voltage up to 19 V
    • 1%-Accurate Boost With 2.8-A Switch Current Overvoltage Protection
  • Input-to-Output Isolation Switch for Vs Short-Circuit protection for Boost
  • 2.5-A Step-Down Converter
  • Regulated Positive Charge-Pump Driver VGH
  • Regulated Negative Charge-Pump Driver VGL
  • Gate Voltage Shaping for VGH
  • Soft Start for all Converters
  • Two Integrated High-Speed Opamps
    • 50-MHz, 3-dB Bandwidth
    • Slew Rate 55 V / µs
    • 215-mA Short-Circuit Current
  • 48 Pin 7x7 mm QFN Package
  • 8-V to 14.7-V Input Voltage Range
  • 500 kHz / 750 kHz Fixed Switching Frequency
  • Boost Output Voltage up to 19 V
    • 1%-Accurate Boost With 2.8-A Switch Current Overvoltage Protection
  • Input-to-Output Isolation Switch for Vs Short-Circuit protection for Boost
  • 2.5-A Step-Down Converter
  • Regulated Positive Charge-Pump Driver VGH
  • Regulated Negative Charge-Pump Driver VGL
  • Gate Voltage Shaping for VGH
  • Soft Start for all Converters
  • Two Integrated High-Speed Opamps
    • 50-MHz, 3-dB Bandwidth
    • Slew Rate 55 V / µs
    • 215-mA Short-Circuit Current
  • 48 Pin 7x7 mm QFN Package

The TPS65162 is a compact LCD bias IC with two high-speed operational amplifiers for the Vcom supply. The high current capability of the device is ideal for large LCD-monitor and LCD-TV applications.

The TPS65162 generates all four voltage rails for a TFT LCD (Vs, Vlogic, VGH and VGL) and includes two op-amps to generate the VCOM supply rail. An input-to-output isolation switch is integrated into the device, providing short-circuit protection for the boost converter. A current-limit function is implemented in the input-to-output isolation switch to allow soft turn-on during start-up. The device also features gate voltage shaping for improved TFT-LCD picture quality. The device consists of a boost converter to provide the source voltage Vs, and a step-down converter to provide the logic voltage for the system. A positive and a negative charge-pump driver provide adjustable regulated output voltages VGH and VGL to bias the TFT. Both boost and buck converter, as well as the charge-pump drivers, operate with a fixed switching frequency of 500 kHz or 750 kHz, selectable by the FREQ pin. The device includes adjustable power-on sequencing. The safety features of the device are overvoltage protection for boost converter, short-circuit protection for Vs, Vlogic and VGH, and thermal shutdown.

The TPS65162 is a compact LCD bias IC with two high-speed operational amplifiers for the Vcom supply. The high current capability of the device is ideal for large LCD-monitor and LCD-TV applications.

The TPS65162 generates all four voltage rails for a TFT LCD (Vs, Vlogic, VGH and VGL) and includes two op-amps to generate the VCOM supply rail. An input-to-output isolation switch is integrated into the device, providing short-circuit protection for the boost converter. A current-limit function is implemented in the input-to-output isolation switch to allow soft turn-on during start-up. The device also features gate voltage shaping for improved TFT-LCD picture quality. The device consists of a boost converter to provide the source voltage Vs, and a step-down converter to provide the logic voltage for the system. A positive and a negative charge-pump driver provide adjustable regulated output voltages VGH and VGL to bias the TFT. Both boost and buck converter, as well as the charge-pump drivers, operate with a fixed switching frequency of 500 kHz or 750 kHz, selectable by the FREQ pin. The device includes adjustable power-on sequencing. The safety features of the device are overvoltage protection for boost converter, short-circuit protection for Vs, Vlogic and VGH, and thermal shutdown.

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TPS65178 AKTIV Vollständig programmierbarer LCD-Bias-IC für TV mit 6-Kanal-Gamma-Puffer, VCOM-Referenz und dynamisc This product has the same rails, flexible sequencing, I2C programming, temperature compensation for VGH and an integrated 6ch gamma buffer, but without OpAmps.

Technische Dokumentation

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Alle anzeigen 7
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet Compact LCD Bias IC With High Speed Amplifiers for TV-LCD Panels datasheet (Rev. C) 03 Jul 2012
Application note Basic Calculation of a Boost Converter's Power Stage (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 28 Okt 2022
Application note Understanding Undervoltage Lockout in Power Devices (Rev. A) 19 Sep 2018
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 Jun 2018
Application note Generation of a VCOM buffer input using PWM signal 21 Dez 2015
Application note Basic Calculation of a Buck Converter's Power Stage (Rev. B) 17 Aug 2015
User guide TPS65162EVM-278 (Rev. A) 05 Okt 2009

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