Startseite Energiemanagement Stromversorgung und Treiber für LCD & OLED -Displays



10-Kanal-Pegelumsetzer für LCD-Displays mit VCOM-Operationsverstärker


Display type LCD unipolar IC integration LCD level shifter, VCOM Applications 13 to 21 inches, 21 inches and above Level shifter/scan driver (Ch) 10 Features VCOM or op amp Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Display type LCD unipolar IC integration LCD level shifter, VCOM Applications 13 to 21 inches, 21 inches and above Level shifter/scan driver (Ch) 10 Features VCOM or op amp Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
VQFN (RHD) 28 25 mm² 5 x 5
  • 10-Channel Level Shifter, Organized as Two Groups of 8 + 2 Channels
  • Separate Positive Supplies (VGH) for Each Group
  • VGH Levels up to 38V
  • VGL Levels down to -13V
  • Logic Level Inputs
  • High Peak Output Currents
  • High-Speed VCOM Buffer
  • 28-Pin 5x5 mm QFN Package
    • Large Format LCD Displays using GIP Technology

  • 10-Channel Level Shifter, Organized as Two Groups of 8 + 2 Channels
  • Separate Positive Supplies (VGH) for Each Group
  • VGH Levels up to 38V
  • VGL Levels down to -13V
  • Logic Level Inputs
  • High Peak Output Currents
  • High-Speed VCOM Buffer
  • 28-Pin 5x5 mm QFN Package
    • Large Format LCD Displays using GIP Technology

The TPS65190 is a combined multi-channel level-shifter and VCOM buffer intended for use in large format LCD display applications such as TVs and monitors. The device converts the logic-level signals generated by the Timing Controller (T-CON) to the high-level gate drive signals used by the display panel and amplifies/buffers an externally generated VCOM voltage.

The 10 level shifter channels are organized as 2 groups, each with its own positive supply. Channels 1-6 and 9-10 are supplied by VGH1 and channels 7-8 are supplied by VGH2. The two positive supplies can be tied together if one positive supply voltage is used for all level shifter channels. Both level shifter groups use the same negative supply VGL.

The level-shifters feature low impedance output stages that achieve fast rise and fall times even when driving significant capacitive loads.

The uncommitted high-speed operational amplifier features a high slew rate and high peak current capability that make it particularly suitable for driving the panel's common rail (VCOM).

The TPS65190 is a combined multi-channel level-shifter and VCOM buffer intended for use in large format LCD display applications such as TVs and monitors. The device converts the logic-level signals generated by the Timing Controller (T-CON) to the high-level gate drive signals used by the display panel and amplifies/buffers an externally generated VCOM voltage.

The 10 level shifter channels are organized as 2 groups, each with its own positive supply. Channels 1-6 and 9-10 are supplied by VGH1 and channels 7-8 are supplied by VGH2. The two positive supplies can be tied together if one positive supply voltage is used for all level shifter channels. Both level shifter groups use the same negative supply VGL.

The level-shifters feature low impedance output stages that achieve fast rise and fall times even when driving significant capacitive loads.

The uncommitted high-speed operational amplifier features a high slew rate and high peak current capability that make it particularly suitable for driving the panel's common rail (VCOM).

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Ähnliche Funktionalität wie verglichener Baustein
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Technische Dokumentation

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet 10-Channel Level Shifter and VCOM Buffer for LCD Displays datasheet 08 Sep 2009
Application note Understanding Undervoltage Lockout in Power Devices (Rev. A) 19 Sep 2018

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