

Low-Dropout-Spannungsregler, 100 mA, 16 V, mit Gegenstromschutz

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Output options Fixed Output Iout (max) (A) 0.1 Vin (max) (V) 16 Vin (min) (V) 3.7 Vout (max) (V) 5 Vout (min) (V) 3 Fixed output options (V) 3, 3.2, 3.3, 3.8, 5 Rating Catalog Noise (µVrms) 190 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.09 Thermal resistance θJA (°C/W) 180 Load capacitance (min) (µF) 4.7 Regulated outputs (#) 1 Features Enable Accuracy (%) 2 Dropout voltage (Vdo) (typ) (mV) 170 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Output options Fixed Output Iout (max) (A) 0.1 Vin (max) (V) 16 Vin (min) (V) 3.7 Vout (max) (V) 5 Vout (min) (V) 3 Fixed output options (V) 3, 3.2, 3.3, 3.8, 5 Rating Catalog Noise (µVrms) 190 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.09 Thermal resistance θJA (°C/W) 180 Load capacitance (min) (µF) 4.7 Regulated outputs (#) 1 Features Enable Accuracy (%) 2 Dropout voltage (Vdo) (typ) (mV) 170 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • 100-mA Low-Dropout Regulator
  • Fixed Output Voltage Options: 5 V, 3.8 V, 3.3 V, 3.2 V, and 3 V
  • Dropout Typically 170 mV at 100-mA
  • Thermal Protection
  • Less Than 1 uA Quiescent Current in Shutdown
  • \x9640°C to 125°C Operating Junction Temperature Range
  • 5-Pin SOT-23 (DBV) Package
  • ESD Protection Verified to 1.5 KV Human Body Model (HBM) per MIL-STD-883C
  • 100-mA Low-Dropout Regulator
  • Fixed Output Voltage Options: 5 V, 3.8 V, 3.3 V, 3.2 V, and 3 V
  • Dropout Typically 170 mV at 100-mA
  • Thermal Protection
  • Less Than 1 uA Quiescent Current in Shutdown
  • \x9640°C to 125°C Operating Junction Temperature Range
  • 5-Pin SOT-23 (DBV) Package
  • ESD Protection Verified to 1.5 KV Human Body Model (HBM) per MIL-STD-883C

The TPS761xx is a 100 mA, low dropout (LDO) voltage regulator designed specifically for battery-powered applications. A proprietary BiCMOS fabrication process allows the TPS761xx to provide outstanding performance in all specifications critical to battery-powered operation.

The TPS761xx is available in a space-saving SOT-23 (DBV) package and operates over a junction temperature range of \x9640°C to 125°C.

The TPS761xx is a 100 mA, low dropout (LDO) voltage regulator designed specifically for battery-powered applications. A proprietary BiCMOS fabrication process allows the TPS761xx to provide outstanding performance in all specifications critical to battery-powered operation.

The TPS761xx is available in a space-saving SOT-23 (DBV) package and operates over a junction temperature range of \x9640°C to 125°C.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet Low-Power 100-mA Low-Dropout Linear Regulator datasheet (Rev. B) 04 Mai 2001

Design und Entwicklung

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DEM-SOT23LDO — DEM-SOT23LDO-kompatibel mit den meisten LDO-Reglern mit positivem Ausgang im 5- oder 6-Kanal-SOT23-G

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

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Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
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Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
Beinhaltete Information:
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  • Montagestandort

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