Startseite Schnittstelle USB-ICs USB-Redriver & -Multiplexer



USB 2.0 Highspeed-Signalumformer mit DCP- und CDP-Controllern

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Type Redriver Function USB 2.0 USB speed (Mbps) 480 Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (max) (V) 6.5 Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.3 Input/output voltage (min) (V) 0 Input/output voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Configuration USB 2.0 Single-channel Features USB 2.0 Redriver with 5 Meter Cable Redriving Strength with CDP+DCP Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Supply current (max) (µA) 36000 ESD HBM (typ) (kV) 2
Type Redriver Function USB 2.0 USB speed (Mbps) 480 Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (max) (V) 6.5 Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.3 Input/output voltage (min) (V) 0 Input/output voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Configuration USB 2.0 Single-channel Features USB 2.0 Redriver with 5 Meter Cable Redriving Strength with CDP+DCP Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Supply current (max) (µA) 36000 ESD HBM (typ) (kV) 2
X2QFN (RWB) 12 2.56 mm² 1.6 x 1.6
  • Wide supply voltage range: 2.3 – 6.5 V
  • Ultra-low USB disconnect and shutdown power consumption
  • Provides USB 2.0 high-speed signal conditioning
  • Compatible with USB 2.0, OTG 2.0 and BC 1.2
  • Support for low-speed, full-speed, high-speed signaling
  • Integrated BC 1.2 Charging Downstream Port (CDP) and Dedicated Charging Port (DCP) controllers that dynamically changes per DCP/CDP pin
  • Host or device agnostic
  • Supports up to 5-m cable length
    • Four selectable signal boost (edge boost along with DC boost) settings through the external pull-down resistor values
    • Three selectable RX equalization settings through the pull-up-or-down to compensate ISI jitter for high-loss applications
  • Supports up to 10-m cable length with two TUSB217A devices
  • Scalable solution – devices can be daisy chained for high loss applications
  • RWB is pin compatible with TUSB211/212/214/216
  • Wide supply voltage range: 2.3 – 6.5 V
  • Ultra-low USB disconnect and shutdown power consumption
  • Provides USB 2.0 high-speed signal conditioning
  • Compatible with USB 2.0, OTG 2.0 and BC 1.2
  • Support for low-speed, full-speed, high-speed signaling
  • Integrated BC 1.2 Charging Downstream Port (CDP) and Dedicated Charging Port (DCP) controllers that dynamically changes per DCP/CDP pin
  • Host or device agnostic
  • Supports up to 5-m cable length
    • Four selectable signal boost (edge boost along with DC boost) settings through the external pull-down resistor values
    • Three selectable RX equalization settings through the pull-up-or-down to compensate ISI jitter for high-loss applications
  • Supports up to 10-m cable length with two TUSB217A devices
  • Scalable solution – devices can be daisy chained for high loss applications
  • RWB is pin compatible with TUSB211/212/214/216

The TUSB217A is a third-generation USB 2.0 high-speed signal conditioner designed to compensate both AC loss (due to capacitive load) and DC loss (due to resistive loss) in the transmission channel.

The TUSB217A leverages a patented design to speed-up transition edges of USB 2.0 high-speed signal with an edge booster and increases static levels with a DC boost function. In addition, the TUSB217A includes a pre-equalization function to improve the receiver sensitivity and compensate the inter-symbol interference (ISI) jitter in application with longer cable length. USB low-speed and full-speed signal characteristics are unaffected by the TUSB217A.

The TUSB217A improves signal quality without altering packet timing or adding propagation delay or latency.

The TUSB217A helps a system to pass the USB 2.0 high-speed near end eye compliance with a cable as long as 5 meters.

The TUSB217A is compatible with the USB On-The-Go (OTG) and battery charging (BC 1.2) protocols. The Integrated BC 1.2 battery charging controller can be enabled through a control pin.

The TUSB217A is a third-generation USB 2.0 high-speed signal conditioner designed to compensate both AC loss (due to capacitive load) and DC loss (due to resistive loss) in the transmission channel.

The TUSB217A leverages a patented design to speed-up transition edges of USB 2.0 high-speed signal with an edge booster and increases static levels with a DC boost function. In addition, the TUSB217A includes a pre-equalization function to improve the receiver sensitivity and compensate the inter-symbol interference (ISI) jitter in application with longer cable length. USB low-speed and full-speed signal characteristics are unaffected by the TUSB217A.

The TUSB217A improves signal quality without altering packet timing or adding propagation delay or latency.

The TUSB217A helps a system to pass the USB 2.0 high-speed near end eye compliance with a cable as long as 5 meters.

The TUSB217A is compatible with the USB On-The-Go (OTG) and battery charging (BC 1.2) protocols. The Integrated BC 1.2 battery charging controller can be enabled through a control pin.

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Technische Dokumentation

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Alle anzeigen 5
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TUSB217A USB 2.0 High-Speed Signal Conditioner With DCP and CDP Controllers datasheet PDF | HTML 02 Jun 2021
Application note Solving Signal Integrity Challenges with USB2 Redrivers (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 26 Aug 2024
Application note TUSB21xx High-Speed Signal Quality Test Modes PDF | HTML 08 Aug 2022
Application note TUSB212 to TUSB216I Transition Guide PDF | HTML 03 Mär 2022
EVM User's guide TUSB217AEVM-BC Evaluation Module User's Guide PDF | HTML 25 Mai 2021

Design und Entwicklung

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TUSB217AEVM-BC — TUSB217A-Evaluierungsmodul für Highspeed-USB 2.0 Hochgeschwindigkeits-Signalkonditionierer mit Batte

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