USB 3.0, 5 Gbps-Einzel-Kanal-Treiber

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Type Redriver Function USB 3.0 USB speed (Mbps) 5000 Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Input/output voltage (min) (V) 0.1 Input/output voltage (max) (V) 1.2 Configuration Single-channel Features Single Channel USB 3.0 Redriver with Aggressive Low-Power Architecture Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Supply current (max) (µA) 65000 ESD HBM (typ) (kV) 5 Bandwidth (MHz) 2500
Type Redriver Function USB 3.0 USB speed (Mbps) 5000 Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Input/output voltage (min) (V) 0.1 Input/output voltage (max) (V) 1.2 Configuration Single-channel Features Single Channel USB 3.0 Redriver with Aggressive Low-Power Architecture Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Supply current (max) (µA) 65000 ESD HBM (typ) (kV) 5 Bandwidth (MHz) 2500
WSON (DRF) 8 4 mm² 2 x 2
  • Aggressive Low-Power Architecture (Typ):
    • 126 mW Active Power
    • 20 mW in U2/U3
    • 3 mW with No Connection
  • Automatic LFPS DE Control
  • Excellent Jitter and Loss Compensation
    • 32 inches of FR4 4 mil Stripline
    • 3 m of 30 AWG cable
  • Integrated Termination
  • Small 2 × 2 mm QFN Package
  • Selectable Receiver Equalization, Transmitter
    De-Emphasis and Output Swing
  • Hot-Plug Capable
  • ESD Protection ±5 kV HBM

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Aggressive Low-Power Architecture (Typ):
    • 126 mW Active Power
    • 20 mW in U2/U3
    • 3 mW with No Connection
  • Automatic LFPS DE Control
  • Excellent Jitter and Loss Compensation
    • 32 inches of FR4 4 mil Stripline
    • 3 m of 30 AWG cable
  • Integrated Termination
  • Small 2 × 2 mm QFN Package
  • Selectable Receiver Equalization, Transmitter
    De-Emphasis and Output Swing
  • Hot-Plug Capable
  • ESD Protection ±5 kV HBM

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The TUSB501 is a 3rd generation 3.3-V USB 3.0 single-channel redriver. When 5 Gbps SuperSpeed USB signals travel across a PCB or cable, signal integrity degrades due to loss and inter-symbol interference. The TUSB501 recovers incoming data by applying equalization that compensates channel loss, and drives out signals with a high differential voltage. This extends the possible channel length, and enables systems to pass USB 3.0 compliance. The TUSB501 advanced state machine makes it transparent to hosts and devices.

After power up, the TUSB501 periodically performs receiver detection on the TX pair. If it detects a SuperSpeed USB receiver, RX termination becomes enabled, and the TUSB501 is ready to redrive.

The receiver equalizer has three gain settings that are controlled by pin EQ: 3 dB, 6 dB, and 9 dB. This should be set based on amount of loss before the TUSB501. Likewise, the output driver supports configuration of De-Emphasis and Output Swing (pins DE and OS). These settings allow the TUSB501 to be flexibly placed in the SuperSpeed USB path, with optimal performance.

Over previous generations, the TUSB501 features reduced power in all link states, a stronger OS option, improved receiver equalization settings, and an intelligent LFPS Controller. This controller senses the low frequency signals and automatically disables driver de-emphasis, for full USB 3.0 compliance.

The TUSB501 is packaged in a small 2 × 2 mm QFN, and operates through an industrial temperature range of –40°C to 85°C.

The TUSB501 is a 3rd generation 3.3-V USB 3.0 single-channel redriver. When 5 Gbps SuperSpeed USB signals travel across a PCB or cable, signal integrity degrades due to loss and inter-symbol interference. The TUSB501 recovers incoming data by applying equalization that compensates channel loss, and drives out signals with a high differential voltage. This extends the possible channel length, and enables systems to pass USB 3.0 compliance. The TUSB501 advanced state machine makes it transparent to hosts and devices.

After power up, the TUSB501 periodically performs receiver detection on the TX pair. If it detects a SuperSpeed USB receiver, RX termination becomes enabled, and the TUSB501 is ready to redrive.

The receiver equalizer has three gain settings that are controlled by pin EQ: 3 dB, 6 dB, and 9 dB. This should be set based on amount of loss before the TUSB501. Likewise, the output driver supports configuration of De-Emphasis and Output Swing (pins DE and OS). These settings allow the TUSB501 to be flexibly placed in the SuperSpeed USB path, with optimal performance.

Over previous generations, the TUSB501 features reduced power in all link states, a stronger OS option, improved receiver equalization settings, and an intelligent LFPS Controller. This controller senses the low frequency signals and automatically disables driver de-emphasis, for full USB 3.0 compliance.

The TUSB501 is packaged in a small 2 × 2 mm QFN, and operates through an industrial temperature range of –40°C to 85°C.

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Alle anzeigen 7
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet USB 3.0 Single Channel Redriver with Equalization datasheet (Rev. A) 02 Aug 2013
Application note High-Speed Layout Guidelines for Signal Conditioners and USB Hubs 14 Jun 2018
Technical article How to deliver clean USB Type-C™ signals PDF | HTML 07 Aug 2017
Technical article How to correct 10Gbps performance issues with a USB Type-C™ active redriver multip PDF | HTML 01 Dez 2016
Technical article Why use a USB Type-C™ redriver in your personal electronics designs? PDF | HTML 25 Okt 2016
Technical article How USB will enable the future of automotive infotainment PDF | HTML 08 Okt 2015
EVM User's guide TUSB501-EVM 24 Okt 2013

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WSON (DRF) 8 Ultra Librarian

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