Startseite Schnittstelle USB-ICs USB-Hubs und -Controller



Hub für USB 3.2 x1 gen1, vier Anschlüsse


Function USB3 USB speed (Mbps) 5000 Type Hub Supply voltage (V) 1.1, 3.3 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Function USB3 USB speed (Mbps) 5000 Type Hub Supply voltage (V) 1.1, 3.3 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
VQFN (RGC) 64 81 mm² 9 x 9
  • Four port USB 3.2 x1 Gen1 (5Gbps) hub
  • USB 2.0 hub features
    • Multiple transaction translator (MTT) hub: four transaction translators
    • Two asynchronous endpoint buffers per transaction translator
  • Supports battery charging:
    • Supports D+/D– divider charging port (ACP1, ACP2, and ACP3) when the upstream port is unconnected or not configured
    • Supports automatic mode for transition between DCP or ACP modes when the upstream port is unconnected
    • Supports galaxy charging
    • CDP mode (upstream port connected)
    • DCP mode (upstream port unconnected)
    • DCP mode complies with Chinese telecommunications industry standard YD/T 1591-2009
  • Supports operation as a USB 3.2 x1 Gen1 or USB 2.0 compound device
  • Per port or ganged power switching and overcurrent notification inputs
  • Supports four external downstream ports
  • Supports vendor requests to read and write I2C and EEPROM read at 100k
  • I2C controller supports clock stretching
  • OTP ROM, Serial EEPROM or I2C/SMBus target interface for custom configurations:
    • VID and PID
    • Port customizations
    • Manufacturer and product strings (not by OTP ROM)
    • Serial number (not by OTP ROM)
  • Application Feature selection using pin selection or EEPROM or I2C/SMBus target interface
  • Provides 128-bit Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
  • Single clock input, 24MHz crystal or oscillator
  • Downstream ports configurable to USB 2.0 only
  • 64-pin QFN package (RGC)
  • Four port USB 3.2 x1 Gen1 (5Gbps) hub
  • USB 2.0 hub features
    • Multiple transaction translator (MTT) hub: four transaction translators
    • Two asynchronous endpoint buffers per transaction translator
  • Supports battery charging:
    • Supports D+/D– divider charging port (ACP1, ACP2, and ACP3) when the upstream port is unconnected or not configured
    • Supports automatic mode for transition between DCP or ACP modes when the upstream port is unconnected
    • Supports galaxy charging
    • CDP mode (upstream port connected)
    • DCP mode (upstream port unconnected)
    • DCP mode complies with Chinese telecommunications industry standard YD/T 1591-2009
  • Supports operation as a USB 3.2 x1 Gen1 or USB 2.0 compound device
  • Per port or ganged power switching and overcurrent notification inputs
  • Supports four external downstream ports
  • Supports vendor requests to read and write I2C and EEPROM read at 100k
  • I2C controller supports clock stretching
  • OTP ROM, Serial EEPROM or I2C/SMBus target interface for custom configurations:
    • VID and PID
    • Port customizations
    • Manufacturer and product strings (not by OTP ROM)
    • Serial number (not by OTP ROM)
  • Application Feature selection using pin selection or EEPROM or I2C/SMBus target interface
  • Provides 128-bit Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
  • Single clock input, 24MHz crystal or oscillator
  • Downstream ports configurable to USB 2.0 only
  • 64-pin QFN package (RGC)

The TUSB8042A is a four-port USB 3.2 x1 Gen1 (5Gbps) hub. The device provides simultaneous SuperSpeed USB, high-speed, or full-speed connections on the upstream port. The device also provides SuperSpeed USB, high-speed, full-speed, or low-speed connections on the downstream port. When the upstream port is connected to an electrical environment that only supports high-speed, full-speed, or low-speed connections, SuperSpeed USB connectivity is disabled on the downstream ports.

When the upstream port is connected to an electrical environment that only supports full-speed or low-speed connections, SuperSpeed USB and high-speed connectivity are disabled on the downstream ports.

The TUSB8042A supports per port or ganged power switching and overcurrent protection, and supports battery charging applications.

An individually port power controlled hub switches power on or off to each downstream port as requested by the USB host. Also when an individually port power controlled hub senses an overcurrent event, only power to the affected downstream port is switched off.

A ganged hub switches on power for all the downstream ports when power is required for any port. The power to the downstream ports is not switched off unless all ports are in a state that allows power to be removed. Also when a ganged hub senses an overcurrent event, power to all downstream ports is switched off.

The TUSB8042A downstream ports provide support for battery charging applications by providing Battery Charging Downstream Port (CDP) handshaking support. The device also supports a Dedicated Charging Port (DCP) mode when the upstream port is not connected. The DCP mode supports USB devices which support with the USB Battery Charging, Galaxy Charging, and Chinese Telecommunications Industry Standard YD/T 1591-2009. In addition when upstream port is unconnected, the TUSB8042A supports the divider charging port modes (ACPx modes) and an automatic transition through all modes, starting with ACP3 and ending in DCP.

The TUSB8042A provides pin strap configuration for some features including battery-charging support, and also provides customization though OTP ROM, I2C EEPROM, or through an I2C/SMBus target interface for PID, VID, and custom port and phy configurations. Custom string support is also available when using an I2C EEPROM or the I2C/SMBus target interface.

The device is available in a 64-pin RGC package and is offered in a commercial version (TUSB8042A) for operation over the temperature range of 0°C to 70°C, and in an industrial version (TUSB8042AI) for operation over the temperature range of –40°C to 85°C.

The TUSB8042A is a four-port USB 3.2 x1 Gen1 (5Gbps) hub. The device provides simultaneous SuperSpeed USB, high-speed, or full-speed connections on the upstream port. The device also provides SuperSpeed USB, high-speed, full-speed, or low-speed connections on the downstream port. When the upstream port is connected to an electrical environment that only supports high-speed, full-speed, or low-speed connections, SuperSpeed USB connectivity is disabled on the downstream ports.

When the upstream port is connected to an electrical environment that only supports full-speed or low-speed connections, SuperSpeed USB and high-speed connectivity are disabled on the downstream ports.

The TUSB8042A supports per port or ganged power switching and overcurrent protection, and supports battery charging applications.

An individually port power controlled hub switches power on or off to each downstream port as requested by the USB host. Also when an individually port power controlled hub senses an overcurrent event, only power to the affected downstream port is switched off.

A ganged hub switches on power for all the downstream ports when power is required for any port. The power to the downstream ports is not switched off unless all ports are in a state that allows power to be removed. Also when a ganged hub senses an overcurrent event, power to all downstream ports is switched off.

The TUSB8042A downstream ports provide support for battery charging applications by providing Battery Charging Downstream Port (CDP) handshaking support. The device also supports a Dedicated Charging Port (DCP) mode when the upstream port is not connected. The DCP mode supports USB devices which support with the USB Battery Charging, Galaxy Charging, and Chinese Telecommunications Industry Standard YD/T 1591-2009. In addition when upstream port is unconnected, the TUSB8042A supports the divider charging port modes (ACPx modes) and an automatic transition through all modes, starting with ACP3 and ending in DCP.

The TUSB8042A provides pin strap configuration for some features including battery-charging support, and also provides customization though OTP ROM, I2C EEPROM, or through an I2C/SMBus target interface for PID, VID, and custom port and phy configurations. Custom string support is also available when using an I2C EEPROM or the I2C/SMBus target interface.

The device is available in a 64-pin RGC package and is offered in a commercial version (TUSB8042A) for operation over the temperature range of 0°C to 70°C, and in an industrial version (TUSB8042AI) for operation over the temperature range of –40°C to 85°C.

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