Startseite Energiemanagement AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)



Zweiseitiger 300-kHz-Spannungsmodus-PWM-Controller mit 45 % Tastverhältnis, 0 bis 70 Grad Celsius, 4


Vin (max) (V) 40 Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70 Control mode Voltage Topology Boost, Flyback, Forward, Full bridge, Half bridge, Push pull Rating Catalog Features Adjustable switching frequency, Error amplifier, Multi-topology, Soft start, Synchronization pin Duty cycle (max) (%) 90
Vin (max) (V) 40 Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70 Control mode Voltage Topology Boost, Flyback, Forward, Full bridge, Half bridge, Push pull Rating Catalog Features Adjustable switching frequency, Error amplifier, Multi-topology, Soft start, Synchronization pin Duty cycle (max) (%) 90
SOIC (D) 16 59.4 mm² 9.9 x 6 SOIC (DW) 16 106.09 mm² 10.3 x 10.3
  • Complete PWM Power Control Circuitry
  • Uncommitted Outputs for Single-Ended or Push-Pull Applications
  • Low Standby Current . . . 8 mA Typical
  • Interchangeable With SG1524, SG2524 and SG3524, Respectively

  • Complete PWM Power Control Circuitry
  • Uncommitted Outputs for Single-Ended or Push-Pull Applications
  • Low Standby Current . . . 8 mA Typical
  • Interchangeable With SG1524, SG2524 and SG3524, Respectively

The UC1524, UC2524 and UC3524 incorporate on a single monolithic chip all the functions required for the construction of regulating power supplies, inverters or switching regulators. They can also be used as the control element for high-power-output applications. The UC1524 family was designed for switching regulators of either polarity, transformer-coupled dc-to-dc converters, transformerless voltage doublers and polarity converter applications employing fixed-frequency, pulse-width modulation techniques. The dual alternating outputs allow either single-ended or push-pull applications. Each device includes an on-chip reference, error amplifier, programmable oscillator, pulse-steering flip-flop, two uncommitted output transistors, a high-gain comparator, and current-limiting and shut-down circuitry. The UC1524 is characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. The UC2524 and UC3524 are designed for operation from -25°C to 85°C and 0°C to 70°C, respectively.

The UC1524, UC2524 and UC3524 incorporate on a single monolithic chip all the functions required for the construction of regulating power supplies, inverters or switching regulators. They can also be used as the control element for high-power-output applications. The UC1524 family was designed for switching regulators of either polarity, transformer-coupled dc-to-dc converters, transformerless voltage doublers and polarity converter applications employing fixed-frequency, pulse-width modulation techniques. The dual alternating outputs allow either single-ended or push-pull applications. Each device includes an on-chip reference, error amplifier, programmable oscillator, pulse-steering flip-flop, two uncommitted output transistors, a high-gain comparator, and current-limiting and shut-down circuitry. The UC1524 is characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. The UC2524 and UC3524 are designed for operation from -25°C to 85°C and 0°C to 70°C, respectively.


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TL494 AKTIV 40-V-, 0,2-A-, 300-kHz-PWM-Controller Supports push-pull topology

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* Data sheet Advanced Regulating Pulse Width Modulators datasheet (Rev. E) 15 Jul 2005

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  • RoHS
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