Startseite Energiemanagement AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)



Synchroner Synchrongleichrichter-Controller für Hochfrequenz-Multimode-Betrieb

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Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode VDS sensing Topology Active-clamp flyback, Active-clamp forward, CCM, DCM, Forward, Full bridge, Half bridge, LLC, Quasi resonant Rating Catalog Features 1 MHz operation, 800 kHz operation, Adaptive Minimum Off-time, Automatic light load and sleep mode, High or low-side configurable, Proportional gate drive, Synchronous Rectifier, USB C/PD compatible
Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode VDS sensing Topology Active-clamp flyback, Active-clamp forward, CCM, DCM, Forward, Full bridge, Half bridge, LLC, Quasi resonant Rating Catalog Features 1 MHz operation, 800 kHz operation, Adaptive Minimum Off-time, Automatic light load and sleep mode, High or low-side configurable, Proportional gate drive, Synchronous Rectifier, USB C/PD compatible
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • Supports Topologies such as Active Clamp Flyback, QR, DCM, CCM Flyback and LLC
  • MOSFET VDS Sensing up to 230 V
  • Operating Frequency Up to 1 MHz
    • 1 MHz for UCC24612-1
    • 800 kHz for UCC24612-2
  • Wide VDD Range Allows for Direct Bias from 5-V to 28-V Output Systems
  • 4-A Sink, 1-A Source Gate Driver with Proportional Gate Drive
  • Adaptive Minimum Off-time for Increased Noise Immunity
  • Cycle Limit Pre-Turn-off Improves Efficiency in CCM
  • High or Low-Side Configurable
  • Automatic Light-Load and Sleep-Mode Management with 320-µA standby current
  • 16-ns Typical Turnoff Propagation Delay
  • 9.5-V Gate Drive Clamp for Reduced Driving Loss
  • Supports Topologies such as Active Clamp Flyback, QR, DCM, CCM Flyback and LLC
  • MOSFET VDS Sensing up to 230 V
  • Operating Frequency Up to 1 MHz
    • 1 MHz for UCC24612-1
    • 800 kHz for UCC24612-2
  • Wide VDD Range Allows for Direct Bias from 5-V to 28-V Output Systems
  • 4-A Sink, 1-A Source Gate Driver with Proportional Gate Drive
  • Adaptive Minimum Off-time for Increased Noise Immunity
  • Cycle Limit Pre-Turn-off Improves Efficiency in CCM
  • High or Low-Side Configurable
  • Automatic Light-Load and Sleep-Mode Management with 320-µA standby current
  • 16-ns Typical Turnoff Propagation Delay
  • 9.5-V Gate Drive Clamp for Reduced Driving Loss

UCC24612 is a high performance synchronous rectifier controller and driver for standard and logic-level N-channel MOSFET power devices. By implementing a near-ideal diode emulation UCC24612 reduces losses of the output rectifier and indirectly the primary side losses. The drain to source (VDS) sensing control scheme allows UCC24612 to work with multiple topologies, such as Active Clamp Flyback, QR/DCM/CCM Flyback and LLC, et.

Integrated features simplify the design effort, enabling UCC24612 to excel in a variety of applications and frequencies. The wide operating VDD and VD voltage ranges enable simple implementation in systems with outputs up to 28 V. Efficiency and noise immunity is enhanced with adaptive minimum off-time. Variants UCC24612-1 and UCC24612-2 offer different minimum on-times to provide additional noise immunity. Robust operation in continuous conduction mode (CCM) is further enhanced with proportional gate-drive and CCM cycle limit pre-turn-off.

UCC24612 has multiple features that improve efficiency. The fast comparator with short propagation delays reduces switching loss. The 9.5-V gate drive clamp reduces MOSFET driving losses. Frequency dependent standby modes further decreases standby power. These features help UCC24612 be part of a greater system that meets stringent efficiency standards such as Department of Energy (DoE) Level VI and Code of Conduct (CoC) Tier 2.

UCC24612 is available in a SOT23-5 package.

UCC24612 is a high performance synchronous rectifier controller and driver for standard and logic-level N-channel MOSFET power devices. By implementing a near-ideal diode emulation UCC24612 reduces losses of the output rectifier and indirectly the primary side losses. The drain to source (VDS) sensing control scheme allows UCC24612 to work with multiple topologies, such as Active Clamp Flyback, QR/DCM/CCM Flyback and LLC, et.

Integrated features simplify the design effort, enabling UCC24612 to excel in a variety of applications and frequencies. The wide operating VDD and VD voltage ranges enable simple implementation in systems with outputs up to 28 V. Efficiency and noise immunity is enhanced with adaptive minimum off-time. Variants UCC24612-1 and UCC24612-2 offer different minimum on-times to provide additional noise immunity. Robust operation in continuous conduction mode (CCM) is further enhanced with proportional gate-drive and CCM cycle limit pre-turn-off.

UCC24612 has multiple features that improve efficiency. The fast comparator with short propagation delays reduces switching loss. The 9.5-V gate drive clamp reduces MOSFET driving losses. Frequency dependent standby modes further decreases standby power. These features help UCC24612 be part of a greater system that meets stringent efficiency standards such as Department of Energy (DoE) Level VI and Code of Conduct (CoC) Tier 2.

UCC24612 is available in a SOT23-5 package.

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Alle anzeigen 8
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet UCC24612 High Frequency Synchronous Rectifier Controller datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 13 Feb 2018
Technical article High-frequency resonant converter design considerations, Part 2 PDF | HTML 21 Dez 2023
More literature PCB layout guidelines to optimize power supply performance 23 Mär 2021
Technical article Gain ultra-high power density for 100-W USB Power Delivery adapters PDF | HTML 05 Mär 2019
Technical article How topology selection can help improve reliability in industrial AC/DC power supp PDF | HTML 14 Feb 2019
Technical article Intelligently control an active clamp flyback PDF | HTML 01 Mär 2018
Application note UCC24610 and UCC24612 SR Range Extension Guide 18 Dez 2017
EVM User's guide Using the UCC24612-1EVM 16 Mai 2017

Design und Entwicklung

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UCC28780EVM-002 — UCC28780 Aktiv-Clamp-Sperrregler, 45 W AC/DC-EVM mit GaN-FET

The UCC28780EVM-002 demonstrates high-efficiency and high-density for a 45-W off-line adapter using the UCC28780 active-clamp flyback controller at high frequency nominal 300 kHz using GaN MOSFET Power ICs, NV6115 and NV6117.  The EVM also uses the UCC24612 synchronous rectifier controller on (...)

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

UCC28780EVM-021 — UCC28780 EVM für Active-Clamp-Flyback-Wandler, 45 W mit UCC24612 und Si-MOSFET

The UCC28780EVM-021 is a 45-W evaluation module (EVM) for evaluating an off-line active-clamp flyback adapter for notebook charging and other applications. The EVM meets CoC Tier 2 and DoE Level 6 efficiency requirements. It is intended for evaluation purposes and is not intended to be an end (...)

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

UCC24612-1EVM — Demoplatine für sekundärseitigen Synchron-Gleichrichter-Controller-Dioden-Austausch

The UCC24612-1EVM evaluation module (EVM) is used to convert the output rectifier of a flyback converter from a diode to a synchronous rectifier (SR) FET to investigate and evaluate the efficiency benefits of using an SR over a rectifier diode.
Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

UCC24612 SIMPLIS Model (Rev. A)

SLUM597A.ZIP (491 KB) - SIMPLIS Model

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SOT-23 (DBV) 5 Ultra Librarian

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