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Unsymmetrischer 1-MHz-Strommodus-PWM-Controller für Fahrzeuganwendungen, 4,1V/3,6V-UVLO mit 50 % Tas

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Vin (min) (V) 3.6 Vin (max) (V) 12 Iout (max) (A) 1 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Current Topology Boost, Flyback, Forward Rating Automotive Vout (min) (V) 0 Vout (max) (V) 80 Features Adjustable switching frequency, Current limiting, Dead time control, Error amplifier, Fixed frequency, Leading edge blanking, Multi-topology, Soft start Iq (typ) (µA) 500 Duty cycle (max) (%) 50 Number of phases 1 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable
Vin (min) (V) 3.6 Vin (max) (V) 12 Iout (max) (A) 1 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Current Topology Boost, Flyback, Forward Rating Automotive Vout (min) (V) 0 Vout (max) (V) 80 Features Adjustable switching frequency, Current limiting, Dead time control, Error amplifier, Fixed frequency, Leading edge blanking, Multi-topology, Soft start Iq (typ) (µA) 500 Duty cycle (max) (%) 50 Number of phases 1 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • Qualified for automotive applications
  • AEC-Q100 qualified with the following results:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to 125°C TA
    • Device HBM classification level 2: ±2 kV
    • Device CDM classification level C5: >1000 V
  • 100-µA typical starting supply current
  • 500-µA typical operating supply current
  • Operation to 1 MHz
  • Internal soft start
  • Internal fault soft start
  • Internal leading-edge blanking of the current-sense signal
  • 1-A totem-pole output
  • 70-ns typical response from current-sense to gate-drive output
  • 1.5% tolerance voltage reference
  • Same pinout as the UCC3802 device, UC3842 device, and UC3842A device families
  • Qualified for automotive applications
  • AEC-Q100 qualified with the following results:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to 125°C TA
    • Device HBM classification level 2: ±2 kV
    • Device CDM classification level C5: >1000 V
  • 100-µA typical starting supply current
  • 500-µA typical operating supply current
  • Operation to 1 MHz
  • Internal soft start
  • Internal fault soft start
  • Internal leading-edge blanking of the current-sense signal
  • 1-A totem-pole output
  • 70-ns typical response from current-sense to gate-drive output
  • 1.5% tolerance voltage reference
  • Same pinout as the UCC3802 device, UC3842 device, and UC3842A device families

The UCC2813-x-Q1 device family of high-speed, low-power integrated circuits contains all of the control and drive components required for off-line and DC-to-DC fixed-frequency current-mode switching power supplies with minimal parts count.

These devices have the same pin configuration as the UC284x device family, and also offer the added features of internal full-cycle soft start and internal leading-edge blanking of the current-sense input.

The UCC2813-x-Q1 device family offers a variety of package options, choice of maximum duty cycle, and choice of critical voltage levels. Devices with lower reference voltage such as the UCC2813-3-Q1 and UCC2813-5-Q1 fit best into battery operated systems, while the higher reference and the higher UVLO hysteresis of the UCC2813-2-Q1 device and UCC2813-4-Q1 device make these ideal choices for use in off-line power supplies.

The UCC2813-x-Q1 device series is specified for operation from –40°C to 125°C.

The UCC2813-x-Q1 device family of high-speed, low-power integrated circuits contains all of the control and drive components required for off-line and DC-to-DC fixed-frequency current-mode switching power supplies with minimal parts count.

These devices have the same pin configuration as the UC284x device family, and also offer the added features of internal full-cycle soft start and internal leading-edge blanking of the current-sense input.

The UCC2813-x-Q1 device family offers a variety of package options, choice of maximum duty cycle, and choice of critical voltage levels. Devices with lower reference voltage such as the UCC2813-3-Q1 and UCC2813-5-Q1 fit best into battery operated systems, while the higher reference and the higher UVLO hysteresis of the UCC2813-2-Q1 device and UCC2813-4-Q1 device make these ideal choices for use in off-line power supplies.

The UCC2813-x-Q1 device series is specified for operation from –40°C to 125°C.

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Bestellen & Qualität

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