Startseite Energiemanagement AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)



Stromversorgungscontroller für LED-Beleuchtung

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Vin (max) (V) 18 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Control mode Current Topology Boost, Buck, Flyback, PFC controller, SEPIC Rating Catalog Features Programmable soft start, Single-phase, Transition Control Mode, Undervoltage protection Duty cycle (max) (%) 1
Vin (max) (V) 18 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Control mode Current Topology Boost, Buck, Flyback, PFC controller, SEPIC Rating Catalog Features Programmable soft start, Single-phase, Transition Control Mode, Undervoltage protection Duty cycle (max) (%) 1
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • Transition Mode Controller for Low Implementation Cost of AC Input LED Lighting Applications
  • Implements Single Stage Power Factor Corrected LED Driver
  • Enhanced Transient Response With Slew-Rate Comparator
  • Interfaces with Traditional Wall Dimmers
  • Accurate Internal VREF for Tight Output Regulation
  • Two UVLO Options
  • Overvoltage Protection (OVP), Open-Feedback Protection and Enable Circuits
  • ±750-mA Peak Gate Drive Current
  • Low Start-Up and Operating Currents
  • Lead (Pb)-Free Packages
    • AC Input General Lighting Applications Using HB LEDs
    • Industrial, Commercial and Residential Lighting Fixtures
    • Outdoor Lighting: Street, Roadway, Parking, Construction and Ornamental LED Lighting Fixtures

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Transition Mode Controller for Low Implementation Cost of AC Input LED Lighting Applications
  • Implements Single Stage Power Factor Corrected LED Driver
  • Enhanced Transient Response With Slew-Rate Comparator
  • Interfaces with Traditional Wall Dimmers
  • Accurate Internal VREF for Tight Output Regulation
  • Two UVLO Options
  • Overvoltage Protection (OVP), Open-Feedback Protection and Enable Circuits
  • ±750-mA Peak Gate Drive Current
  • Low Start-Up and Operating Currents
  • Lead (Pb)-Free Packages
    • AC Input General Lighting Applications Using HB LEDs
    • Industrial, Commercial and Residential Lighting Fixtures
    • Outdoor Lighting: Street, Roadway, Parking, Construction and Ornamental LED Lighting Fixtures

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The UCC28810 and UCC28811 are general lighting power controllers for low to medium power lumens applications requiring power factor correction and EMC compliance. It is designed for controlling a flyback, buck or boost converter operating in critical conduction mode. It features a transconductance voltage amplifier for feedback error processing, a simple current reference generator for generating a current command proportional to the input voltage, a current-sense (PWM) comparator, PWM logic and a totem-pole driver for driving an external FET.

In the critical conduction mode operation, the PWM circuit is self-oscillating with the turn-on being governed by a transformer zero energy detector (TZE pin) and the turn-off being governed by the current sense comparator. Additionally, the controller provides features such as peak current limit, restart timer, overvoltage protection (OVP), and enable.

The efficient system performance is attained by incorporation of zero power detect function which allows the controller output to shut down at light load conditions without running into overvoltage. The device also features an innovative slew rate enhancement circuit which improves the large signal transient performance of the voltage error amplifier. The low start-up and operating currents of the device result in low power consumption and ease of start-up. The highly-accurate internal bandgap reference leads to tight regulation of the output voltage in normal and OVP conditions, resulting in higher system reliability. The enable comparator ensures that the controller is off if the feedback sense path is broken or if the input voltage is very low.

There are two key parametric differences between UCC28810 and UCC28811, the UVLO turn-on threshold and the gM amplifier source current. The UVLO turn-on threshold of the UCC28810 is 15.8 V and for the UCC28811 it is 12.5 V. The gM amplifier source current for UCC28810 is typically 1.3 mA, and for the UCC28811 it is 300µA. The higher UVLO turn-on threshold of the UCC28810 allows quicker and easier start-up with a smaller VDD capacitance while the lower UVLO turn-on threshold of UCC28811 allows operation of the critical conduction mode controller to be easily controlled by the downstream PWM controller in two-stage power converters. The UCC28810 gM amplifier also provides a full 1.3-mA typical source current for faster start-up and improved transient response when the output is low either at start-up or during transient conditions. The UCC28811 is suitable for applications such as street lights and larger area luminaires where a two-stage power conversion is needed. The UCC28810 is suitable for applications such as commercial or residential retrofit luminaires where there is no down-stream PWM conversion and the advantages of smaller VDD capacitor and improved transient response can be realized.

Devices are available in the industrial temperature range of –40°C to 105°C. Package offering is an 8-pin SOIC (D) package.

The UCC28810 and UCC28811 are general lighting power controllers for low to medium power lumens applications requiring power factor correction and EMC compliance. It is designed for controlling a flyback, buck or boost converter operating in critical conduction mode. It features a transconductance voltage amplifier for feedback error processing, a simple current reference generator for generating a current command proportional to the input voltage, a current-sense (PWM) comparator, PWM logic and a totem-pole driver for driving an external FET.

In the critical conduction mode operation, the PWM circuit is self-oscillating with the turn-on being governed by a transformer zero energy detector (TZE pin) and the turn-off being governed by the current sense comparator. Additionally, the controller provides features such as peak current limit, restart timer, overvoltage protection (OVP), and enable.

The efficient system performance is attained by incorporation of zero power detect function which allows the controller output to shut down at light load conditions without running into overvoltage. The device also features an innovative slew rate enhancement circuit which improves the large signal transient performance of the voltage error amplifier. The low start-up and operating currents of the device result in low power consumption and ease of start-up. The highly-accurate internal bandgap reference leads to tight regulation of the output voltage in normal and OVP conditions, resulting in higher system reliability. The enable comparator ensures that the controller is off if the feedback sense path is broken or if the input voltage is very low.

There are two key parametric differences between UCC28810 and UCC28811, the UVLO turn-on threshold and the gM amplifier source current. The UVLO turn-on threshold of the UCC28810 is 15.8 V and for the UCC28811 it is 12.5 V. The gM amplifier source current for UCC28810 is typically 1.3 mA, and for the UCC28811 it is 300µA. The higher UVLO turn-on threshold of the UCC28810 allows quicker and easier start-up with a smaller VDD capacitance while the lower UVLO turn-on threshold of UCC28811 allows operation of the critical conduction mode controller to be easily controlled by the downstream PWM controller in two-stage power converters. The UCC28810 gM amplifier also provides a full 1.3-mA typical source current for faster start-up and improved transient response when the output is low either at start-up or during transient conditions. The UCC28811 is suitable for applications such as street lights and larger area luminaires where a two-stage power conversion is needed. The UCC28810 is suitable for applications such as commercial or residential retrofit luminaires where there is no down-stream PWM conversion and the advantages of smaller VDD capacitor and improved transient response can be realized.

Devices are available in the industrial temperature range of –40°C to 105°C. Package offering is an 8-pin SOIC (D) package.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet LED Lighting Power Controller datasheet 22 Okt 2008
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 Jun 2018
Application note PWM, analog dimming solution to implement 0.05% to 100% dimming range UCC28811 17 Jan 2014
User guide Isolated 240W Offline LED Driver Reference Design Using UCC28810, UCC28811, and 10 Jun 2010
User guide Non-Isolated 240W Offline LED Driver Using UCC28810, and UCC28811 09 Jun 2010

Design und Entwicklung

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UCC28810EVM-003 — 110-W-Multistring-LED-Treiber mit universellem Line-Eingang und PFC-Evaluierungsmodul

The UCC28810EVM-003 is an 110-W offline AC-to-DC LED current driver with power factor correction. This design utilizes a three stage approach with a universal input boost PFC stage, a low-side buck stage providing a controlled current source and a half-bridge DC transformer stage to provide (...)

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

PMP22538 — Referenzdesign für 60-W-GaN-GaN-Flyback-Controller

Dieses Referenzdesign verwendet einen UCC28811-PFC-Flyback-Controller (Power Factor Correction), um einen isolierten 60-V-Ausgang zu erzeugen, der eine Last von 1 A ermöglicht und gleichzeitig die harmonische Verzerrung am Eingang niedrig hält. Der LMG3411R150 GaN-Primärschalter bietet Designern (...)
Test report: PDF

PMP6024 — Referenzdesign eines LED-Treibers mit 100 bis 240 VAC Eingangsspannung, 60 W und PWM-Dimmfunktion fü

PMP6024 is an offline, LED driver circuit consisting of an isolated, power-factor corrected, constant output voltage flyback converter followed by two DC/DC buck LED current controllers.  It is suitable for indoor or outdoor area lighting applications of 3500-5000 lumens (depending upon LED (...)
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
SOIC (D) 8 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

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  • RoHS
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  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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