The TL7759 is a supply-voltage supervisor designed for use as a reset controller in microcomputer and microprocessor systems. The supervisor monitors the supply voltage for undervoltage conditions. During power up, when the supply voltage, VCC, attains a value approaching 1 V, the RESET and RESET\ outputs become active (high and low, respectively) to prevent undefined operation. If the supply voltage drops below the input threshold voltage level (VIT-), the reset outputs go to the reset active state until the supply voltage has returned to its nominal value (see timing diagram).
The TL7759C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.
The TL7759 is a supply-voltage supervisor designed for use as a reset controller in microcomputer and microprocessor systems. The supervisor monitors the supply voltage for undervoltage conditions. During power up, when the supply voltage, VCC, attains a value approaching 1 V, the RESET and RESET\ outputs become active (high and low, respectively) to prevent undefined operation. If the supply voltage drops below the input threshold voltage level (VIT-), the reset outputs go to the reset active state until the supply voltage has returned to its nominal value (see timing diagram).
The TL7759C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.