

Sensor de temperatura digital de ±0.5 °C y 1.4 V a –3.6 V con I²C y SMBus

Detalles del producto

Local sensor accuracy (max) 0.5, 1 Type Local Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.4 Interface type I2C, SMBus Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Features ALERT, NIST traceable, One-shot conversion Supply current (max) (µA) 10 Temp resolution (max) (bps) 12 Remote channels (#) 0 Addresses 4 Rating Catalog
Local sensor accuracy (max) 0.5, 1 Type Local Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.4 Interface type I2C, SMBus Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Features ALERT, NIST traceable, One-shot conversion Supply current (max) (µA) 10 Temp resolution (max) (bps) 12 Remote channels (#) 0 Addresses 4 Rating Catalog
SOT-5X3 (DRL) 6 2.56 mm² 1.6 x 1.6
  • TMP112A accuracy without calibration:
    • ±0.5°C (maximum) from 0°C to +65°C (3.3V)
    • ±1.0°C (maximum) from –40°C to +125°C
  • TMP112B accuracy without calibration:
    • ±0.5°C (maximum) from 0°C to +65°C (1.8V)
    • ±1.0°C (maximum) from –40°C to +125°C
  • TMP112N accuracy without calibration:
    • ±1.0°C (maximum) from –40°C to +125°C
  • TMP112Dx accuracy without calibration:
    • ±0.5°C (maximum) from -25°C to 85°C (V+ ≥ 1.5V)
    • ±1.0°C (maximum) from –40°C to 125°C
  • SOT563 package (1.6mm × 1.6mm)
  • X2SON package (0.8mm × 0.8mm)
  • Low quiescent current:
    • 7.5-µA active (maximum), 0.35-µA shutdown (maximum)
  • Supply range: 1.4V to 3.6V
  • Resolution: 12 Bits
  • Digital output: SMBus™, Two-Wire, and I2C interface compatibility
  • NIST traceable
  • TMP112A accuracy without calibration:
    • ±0.5°C (maximum) from 0°C to +65°C (3.3V)
    • ±1.0°C (maximum) from –40°C to +125°C
  • TMP112B accuracy without calibration:
    • ±0.5°C (maximum) from 0°C to +65°C (1.8V)
    • ±1.0°C (maximum) from –40°C to +125°C
  • TMP112N accuracy without calibration:
    • ±1.0°C (maximum) from –40°C to +125°C
  • TMP112Dx accuracy without calibration:
    • ±0.5°C (maximum) from -25°C to 85°C (V+ ≥ 1.5V)
    • ±1.0°C (maximum) from –40°C to 125°C
  • SOT563 package (1.6mm × 1.6mm)
  • X2SON package (0.8mm × 0.8mm)
  • Low quiescent current:
    • 7.5-µA active (maximum), 0.35-µA shutdown (maximum)
  • Supply range: 1.4V to 3.6V
  • Resolution: 12 Bits
  • Digital output: SMBus™, Two-Wire, and I2C interface compatibility
  • NIST traceable
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Solicitar más información

La documentación de calibración según el Instituto Nacional de Estándares y Tecnología (NIST) está disponible. Solicitar ahora

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Pin por pin con la misma funcionalidad que el dispositivo comparado
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Misma funcionalidad con diferente configuración de pines que el dispositivo comparado
NUEVO TMP110 ACTIVO ‌Sensor de temperatura con I²C con precisión de ‌±1.0 °C y alerta en encapsulado compacto X2SON Lower accuracy (±1.0°C) and software-compatible alternative for cost-optimized designs. Pin-to-pin (X2SON package), with a wider VCC range (1.14 to 5.5V)
NUEVO TMP112D ACTIVO Sensor de temperatura con I²C con una precisión de ±0.5 °C y opción de alerta Similar accuracy (±0.5°C) and software-compatible alternative for cost-optimized designs. X2SON package.
TMP116 ACTIVO Sensor de temperatura digital de 0.2 °C con memoria no volátil de 64 bits 6-pin WSON package and offers higher accuracy (±0.2°C) and a wider operating temperature range (-55°C to 125°C)

Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet TMP112x High-Accuracy, Low-Power, Digital Temperature Sensors With SMBus and Two-Wire Serial Interface in SOT563 and X2SON Packages datasheet (Rev. L) PDF | HTML 03 jul 2024
Application note How to Read and Interpret Digital Temperature Sensor Output Data (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 21 ene 2025
Product overview Ultra-Small Temperature Sensor Comparison Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 21 ene 2025
Application note LM75B and TMP1075 Industry-Standard Devices: Design Guidelines and Spec Comparison (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 07 mar 2024
Application brief Improving System Reliability in Auto and Ind. Cameras w/ AccurateTemp. Sensing PDF | HTML 03 ene 2022
Technical article Interface to sensors in seconds with ASC Studio PDF | HTML 12 nov 2020
Application note How to Boost Your CPU, GPU, and SoC Performance Through Thermal Accuracy PDF | HTML 22 sep 2020
Application brief High-Performance Processor Die Temperature Monitoring (Rev. A) 17 oct 2019
Application note Low-Power Design Techniques for Temperature-Sensing Applications 06 jun 2019
Application brief How to monitor board temperature 28 ene 2019
Application brief Temperature sensing fundamentals 28 ene 2019
Application note Temperature sensors: PCB guidelines for surface mount devices (Rev. A) 18 ene 2019
Application note Wearable Temp-Sensing Layout Considerations Optimized for Thermal Response (Rev. B) 23 oct 2018
Application brief Ambient Temperature Measurement Layout Considerations 16 jul 2018
Application note Calculating Useful Lifetimes of Temperature Sensors 06 jul 2018
Technical article Real-time temperature sensing with dual-mode connectivity PDF | HTML 03 nov 2016
Technical article New proof-of-concept design shows health monitoring in a small form factor smart p PDF | HTML 19 may 2016
Technical article Cold chain in the IoT PDF | HTML 20 nov 2015

Diseño y desarrollo

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Placa de evaluación

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Placa de evaluación

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for asset tracking and cold chain data logging with
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choice of multiple sensor (...)
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Ejemplo de código o demostración

SBOC486 TMP102 Arduino Example Code v1.0

Productos y hardware compatibles

Productos y hardware compatibles

Sensores de temperatura digitales
TMP102 Sensor de temperatura digital de ±2 °C con interfaz I2C/SMBus en encapsulado de 2.56 mm2 TMP112 Sensor de temperatura digital de ±0.5 °C y 1.4 V a –3.6 V con I²C y SMBus
Controlador o biblioteca

LM75SW-LINUX — Controlador Linux para sensores de temperatura I2C

The Linux driver support LM75 compatible Temperature Sensors. The Linux driver supports communication through the I2C bus and interfaces with the Hardware Monitoring sub-system.
Linux Mainline Status

Available in Linux Main line: Yes
Available through N/A

Supported Devices:
  • LM75A
  • TMP100
  • TMP101
  • (...)
IDE, configuración, compilador o depurador

ASC-STUDIO-TMP112 ASC studio for configuring all aspects of the TMP112 temperature sensor

SysConfig can be used to help simplify configuration challenges and accelerate software development with the TMP112 temperature sensor.
Productos y hardware compatibles

Productos y hardware compatibles

Sensores de temperatura digitales
TMP112 Sensor de temperatura digital de ±0.5 °C y 1.4 V a –3.6 V con I²C y SMBus
Modelo de simulación

TMP102, TMP112 IBIS Model

SBFM009.ZIP (63 KB) - IBIS Model

Muchos diseños de referencia de TI incluyen TMP112

Utilice nuestra herramienta de selección de diseños de referencia para revisar e identificar los diseños que mejor se adaptan a su aplicación y parámetros.

Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
SOT-5X3 (DRL) 6 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

Soporte y capacitación

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El contenido lo proporcionan “tal como está” TI y los colaboradores de la comunidad y no constituye especificaciones de TI. Consulte los términos de uso.

Si tiene preguntas sobre la calidad, el paquete o el pedido de productos de TI, consulte el soporte de TI. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
