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Number of supplies monitored 3, 4 Threshold voltage 1 (typ) (V) 0.4, 2.9 Features Manual reset capable, Reset time delay, Separate VDD & sense, Undervoltage monitor only Reset threshold accuracy (%) 0.5 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.007 Output driver type/reset output Active-low, Open-drain Time delay (ms) 50 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.8 Supply voltage (max) (V) 6.5 Rating Catalog Watchdog timer WDI (s) None Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Number of supplies monitored 3, 4 Threshold voltage 1 (typ) (V) 0.4, 2.9 Features Manual reset capable, Reset time delay, Separate VDD & sense, Undervoltage monitor only Reset threshold accuracy (%) 0.5 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.007 Output driver type/reset output Active-low, Open-drain Time delay (ms) 50 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.8 Supply voltage (max) (V) 6.5 Rating Catalog Watchdog timer WDI (s) None Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
VSSOP (DGK) 8 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9
  • Four Channel Voltage Detector
  • Threshold Accuracy: 0.25% (typ)
  • Fixed 50-ms RESET Delay Time
  • Active-Low Manual Reset Input
  • Very Low Quiescent Current: 7 µA (Typical)
  • SVS-1: Fixed Threshold for Monitoring 3.3 V
  • SVS-2/3/4: Adjustable Threshold Down to 0.4 V
  • Open-Drain RESET Output
  • Space-Saving, 8-pin MSOP Package
  • Four Channel Voltage Detector
  • Threshold Accuracy: 0.25% (typ)
  • Fixed 50-ms RESET Delay Time
  • Active-Low Manual Reset Input
  • Very Low Quiescent Current: 7 µA (Typical)
  • SVS-1: Fixed Threshold for Monitoring 3.3 V
  • SVS-2/3/4: Adjustable Threshold Down to 0.4 V
  • Open-Drain RESET Output
  • Space-Saving, 8-pin MSOP Package

The TPS386596 device monitors four power rails and asserts the RESET signal when any of the SENSE inputs drop below the respective thresholds. SVS-1 can be used to monitor a 3.3-V nominal power supply with no external components required. SVS-2, SVS-3, and SVS-4 are adjustable using external resistors and can be used to monitor any power-supply voltage higher than 0.4 V. All SENSE inputs have a threshold accuracy of 0.25% (typical). The TPS386596L33 also has an active-low manual reset (MR) that can assert the RESET signal as desired by the application. The open-drain, active-low RESET output deasserts after a fixed 50-ms delay.

The TPS386596 has a low quiescent current of 7 µA (typical) and is available in a space-saving, 8-pin MSOP package.

The TPS386596 device monitors four power rails and asserts the RESET signal when any of the SENSE inputs drop below the respective thresholds. SVS-1 can be used to monitor a 3.3-V nominal power supply with no external components required. SVS-2, SVS-3, and SVS-4 are adjustable using external resistors and can be used to monitor any power-supply voltage higher than 0.4 V. All SENSE inputs have a threshold accuracy of 0.25% (typical). The TPS386596L33 also has an active-low manual reset (MR) that can assert the RESET signal as desired by the application. The open-drain, active-low RESET output deasserts after a fixed 50-ms delay.

The TPS386596 has a low quiescent current of 7 µA (typical) and is available in a space-saving, 8-pin MSOP package.

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open-in-new 比較替代產品
TPS3704 現行 具高準確度和極小體積的多通道視窗監控器 Quad-channel voltage supervisor with manual reset that offers high accuracy (1%) and low IQ (7.5 uA).


star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 6
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet TPS386596 Quad Reset Supervisor With Manual Reset Input datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2015年 3月 20日
Application note Optimizing Resistor Dividers at a Comparator (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2021年 4月 30日
Selection guide Voltage Supervisors (Reset ICs) Quick Reference Guide (Rev. H) 2020年 2月 28日
E-book Voltage Supervisor and Reset ICs: Tips, Tricks and Basics 2019年 6月 28日
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 2018年 6月 25日
Application note Choosing an Appropriate Pull-up/Pull-down Resistor for Open Drain Outputs 2011年 9月 19日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


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封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
VSSOP (DGK) 8 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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