

80V synchronous buck controller with constant current and constant voltage regulation

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Vin (min) (V) 5.05 Vin (max) (V) 80 Iout (max) (A) 20 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 150 Control mode current mode Rating Automotive Vout (min) (V) 0.8 Vout (max) (V) 80 Features Adjustable current limit, Constant current, Controller, Current Regulation, Current control, Current monitoring, Current sense, Current sense/monitor, Cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection, Differential Voltage sensing, Enable, Enable pin, Frequency synchronization, Load Disconnect, Phase Interleaving, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Spread Spectrum, Synchronous Rectification, UVLO adjustable Iq (typ) (µA) 140, 150 Number of phases 1
Vin (min) (V) 5.05 Vin (max) (V) 80 Iout (max) (A) 20 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 150 Control mode current mode Rating Automotive Vout (min) (V) 0.8 Vout (max) (V) 80 Features Adjustable current limit, Constant current, Controller, Current Regulation, Current control, Current monitoring, Current sense, Current sense/monitor, Cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection, Differential Voltage sensing, Enable, Enable pin, Frequency synchronization, Load Disconnect, Phase Interleaving, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Spread Spectrum, Synchronous Rectification, UVLO adjustable Iq (typ) (µA) 140, 150 Number of phases 1
VQFN (RGY) 19 15.75 mm² 4.5 x 3.5
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Wide input voltage operating range: 5V to 80V
  • Adjustable output voltage from 0.8V to 79V, or fixed output of 5V or 12V
  • Constant-Current Constant-Voltage (CC-CV) operation
    • Current regulation accuracy: ±3%
    • Voltage regulation accuracy: ±1%
  • Current monitoring and constant current features
    • Analog voltage proportional to output current (IMON)
    • Programmable average output current limit (ILIM)
    • Dynamic average output current limit (ISET)
  • 2.3µA typical shutdown mode IQ and 15µA typical sleep mode IQ
  • Standard-level MOSFET gate drivers
  • Power-good status indicator (PGOOD)
  • Programmable switching frequency from 100kHz to 2.2MHz
  • Optional external clock synchronization
  • Selectable dual random spread spectrum (DRSS) feature for enhanced EMI performance across low and high-frequency bands
  • Internal slope compensation and bootstrap diode
  • Dual-input VCC regulator to reduce power dissipation (BIAS)
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Wide input voltage operating range: 5V to 80V
  • Adjustable output voltage from 0.8V to 79V, or fixed output of 5V or 12V
  • Constant-Current Constant-Voltage (CC-CV) operation
    • Current regulation accuracy: ±3%
    • Voltage regulation accuracy: ±1%
  • Current monitoring and constant current features
    • Analog voltage proportional to output current (IMON)
    • Programmable average output current limit (ILIM)
    • Dynamic average output current limit (ISET)
  • 2.3µA typical shutdown mode IQ and 15µA typical sleep mode IQ
  • Standard-level MOSFET gate drivers
  • Power-good status indicator (PGOOD)
  • Programmable switching frequency from 100kHz to 2.2MHz
  • Optional external clock synchronization
  • Selectable dual random spread spectrum (DRSS) feature for enhanced EMI performance across low and high-frequency bands
  • Internal slope compensation and bootstrap diode
  • Dual-input VCC regulator to reduce power dissipation (BIAS)

The LM5190 is an 80V, ultra-low IQ, synchronous buck DC/DC controller with Constant-Current Constant-Voltage (CC-CV) regulation. The controller uses a peak current-mode control architecture for easy loop compensation, fast transient response, and excellent load and line regulation. The integrated CC-CV operation features a high accuracy for the regulation of both voltage (±1%) and current (±3%) . The CC-CV operation also provides seamless transition between constant-current and constant-voltage mode. The CC-CV operation effectively reduces the bill of materials (BOM) count and cost for applications that require average output current control. The output current limit is programmable and can be dynamically changed. The LM5190 has an output current monitor.

The LM5190 has a unique EMI reduction feature known as dual random spread spectrum (DRSS). Combining low-frequency triangular and high-frequency random modulations mitigates EMI disturbances across lower and higher frequency bands, respectively. This hybrid technique aligns with the multiple resolution bandwidth (RBW) settings specified in industry-standard EMC tests.

Additional features of the LM5190 include 150°C maximum junction temperature operation, user-selectable diode emulation for lower current consumption at light-load conditions, open-drain power-good flag for fault reporting and output monitoring, precision enable input, monotonic start-up into prebiased load, integrated dual-input VCC bias supply regulator, internal 2.75ms soft-start time, and thermal shutdown protection with automatic recovery.

The LM5190 controller comes in a 3.5mm × 4.5mm, thermally enhanced, 19-pin VQFN package.

The LM5190 is an 80V, ultra-low IQ, synchronous buck DC/DC controller with Constant-Current Constant-Voltage (CC-CV) regulation. The controller uses a peak current-mode control architecture for easy loop compensation, fast transient response, and excellent load and line regulation. The integrated CC-CV operation features a high accuracy for the regulation of both voltage (±1%) and current (±3%) . The CC-CV operation also provides seamless transition between constant-current and constant-voltage mode. The CC-CV operation effectively reduces the bill of materials (BOM) count and cost for applications that require average output current control. The output current limit is programmable and can be dynamically changed. The LM5190 has an output current monitor.

The LM5190 has a unique EMI reduction feature known as dual random spread spectrum (DRSS). Combining low-frequency triangular and high-frequency random modulations mitigates EMI disturbances across lower and higher frequency bands, respectively. This hybrid technique aligns with the multiple resolution bandwidth (RBW) settings specified in industry-standard EMC tests.

Additional features of the LM5190 include 150°C maximum junction temperature operation, user-selectable diode emulation for lower current consumption at light-load conditions, open-drain power-good flag for fault reporting and output monitoring, precision enable input, monotonic start-up into prebiased load, integrated dual-input VCC bias supply regulator, internal 2.75ms soft-start time, and thermal shutdown protection with automatic recovery.

The LM5190 controller comes in a 3.5mm × 4.5mm, thermally enhanced, 19-pin VQFN package.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet LM5190 80V , Synchronous, Buck Controller With Constant-Current and Constant-Voltage Regulation datasheet PDF | HTML 15 Nov 2024
Functional safety information LM5190 and LM25190 Functional Safety FIT Rate, FMD and Pin FMA PDF | HTML 11 Nov 2024

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VQFN (RGY) 19 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

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  • RoHS
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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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