

650 V 35 mΩ GaN FET im TOLL-Gehäuse mit integriertem Treiber und Schutz

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VDS (max) (V) 650 RDS(on) (mΩ) 35 ID (max) (A) 20 Features Bottom-side cooled, Cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection, Latched overcurrent protection, Over Current Protection, Slew Rate Control, Wide input voltage Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 175
VDS (max) (V) 650 RDS(on) (mΩ) 35 ID (max) (A) 20 Features Bottom-side cooled, Cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection, Latched overcurrent protection, Over Current Protection, Slew Rate Control, Wide input voltage Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 175
TO-OTHER (KLA) 9 115.632 mm² 9.9 x 11.68
  • 650V 35mΩ GaN power FET with integrated gate driver
    • >200V/ns FET hold-off
    • Adjustable slew rates for optimization of switching performance and EMI mitigation
      • 10V/ns to 100V/ns turn-on slew rates
      • 10V/ns to full speed turn-off slew rates
    • Operates with supply pin and input logic pin voltage range from 9V to 26V
  • Robust Protection
    • Cycle-by-cycle overcurrent and latched short-circuit protection with <300ns response
    • Withstands 720V surge while hard-switching
    • Self-protection from internal overtemperature and UVLO monitoring
  • 9.8mm × 11.6mm TOLL package witht thermal pad
  • 650V 35mΩ GaN power FET with integrated gate driver
    • >200V/ns FET hold-off
    • Adjustable slew rates for optimization of switching performance and EMI mitigation
      • 10V/ns to 100V/ns turn-on slew rates
      • 10V/ns to full speed turn-off slew rates
    • Operates with supply pin and input logic pin voltage range from 9V to 26V
  • Robust Protection
    • Cycle-by-cycle overcurrent and latched short-circuit protection with <300ns response
    • Withstands 720V surge while hard-switching
    • Self-protection from internal overtemperature and UVLO monitoring
  • 9.8mm × 11.6mm TOLL package witht thermal pad

The LMG365xR035 GaN FET with integrated driver and protection is targeted at switch-mode power converters and enables designers to achieve new levels of power density and efficiency.

Adjustable gate driver strength allows the control of turn-on and maximum turn-off slew rates independently, which can be used to actively control EMI and optimize switching performance. Turn on slew rate can be varied from 10V/ns to 100V/ns, while the turn off slew rate can be limited from 10V/ns to a maximum based on the magnitude of load current. Protection features include under-voltage lockout (UVLO), cycle-by-cycle overcurrent limit, short-circuit and overtemperature protection. The LMG3651R035 provides a 5V LDO output on LDO5V pin that can be used to power external digital isolator. The LMG3656R035 includes the zero-voltage detection (ZVD) feature which provides a pulse output from the ZVD pin when zero-voltage switching is realized. The LMG3657R035 includes the zero-current detection (ZCD) feature that sets the ZCD pin high when the drain-to-source current is negative and transitions to low upon detecting the zero-crossing point.

The LMG365xR035 GaN FET with integrated driver and protection is targeted at switch-mode power converters and enables designers to achieve new levels of power density and efficiency.

Adjustable gate driver strength allows the control of turn-on and maximum turn-off slew rates independently, which can be used to actively control EMI and optimize switching performance. Turn on slew rate can be varied from 10V/ns to 100V/ns, while the turn off slew rate can be limited from 10V/ns to a maximum based on the magnitude of load current. Protection features include under-voltage lockout (UVLO), cycle-by-cycle overcurrent limit, short-circuit and overtemperature protection. The LMG3651R035 provides a 5V LDO output on LDO5V pin that can be used to power external digital isolator. The LMG3656R035 includes the zero-voltage detection (ZVD) feature which provides a pulse output from the ZVD pin when zero-voltage switching is realized. The LMG3657R035 includes the zero-current detection (ZCD) feature that sets the ZCD pin high when the drain-to-source current is negative and transitions to low upon detecting the zero-crossing point.

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Alle anzeigen 5
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet LMG365xR035 650V 35 mΩ GaN FET With Integrated Driver and Protection datasheet PDF | HTML 20 Dez 2024
Technical article 以整合式 TOLL 封裝 GaN 裝置推動電源供應設計創新 PDF | HTML 20 Mär 2025
Technical article 통합 TOLL 패키지형 GaN 장치를 사용해 전원 공급 장치 설계 혁신 주도 PDF | HTML 20 Mär 2025
Technical article Driving innovation in power-supply designs with integrated TOLL-packaged GaN devices PDF | HTML 28 Feb 2025
EVM User's guide LMG3650R035 Evaluation Module PDF | HTML 20 Dez 2024

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LMG3650EVM-114 — LMG3650R035-Tochterkarte

Das Evaluierungsmodul (EVM) LMG3650R035 konfiguriert zwei GaN-FETs LMG3650R035 in einer Halbbrücke mit Übertemperaturschutz, Zyklus-für-Zyklus-Überstromschutz, Latched-Kurzschlussschutz und allen erforderlichen zusätzlichen Peripherieschaltungen zum Testen isolierter Vorspannungsversorgung oder (...)

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF | HTML
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
TO-OTHER (KLA) 9 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
Beinhaltete Information:
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  • Montagestandort

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