Startseite Energiemanagement Spannungsreferenzen Shunt-Spannungsreferenzen



2,5 V, 0,2 %, 50 ppm/°C Präzisions-Shunt-Spannungsreferenz für die Automobilindustrie

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VO (V) 2.5 Initial accuracy (max) (%) 0.2 VO adj (min) (V) 2.5 VO adj (max) (V) 2.5 Iz for regulation (min) (µA) 41 Reference voltage (V) Fixed Rating Automotive Temp coeff (max) (ppm/°C) 50 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Iout/Iz (max) (mA) 20
VO (V) 2.5 Initial accuracy (max) (%) 0.2 VO adj (min) (V) 2.5 VO adj (max) (V) 2.5 Iz for regulation (min) (µA) 41 Reference voltage (V) Fixed Rating Automotive Temp coeff (max) (ppm/°C) 50 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Iout/Iz (max) (mA) 20
SOT-23 (DBZ) 3 6.9204 mm² 2.92 x 2.37 SOT-SC70 (DCK) 5 4.2 mm² 2 x 2.1
  • Qualified for Automotive Applications
  • Fixed Output Voltages of 2.048 V, 2.5 V, 4.096 V, 5 V
  • Tight Output Tolerances and Low Temperature Coefficient
    • Max 0.1%, 50 ppm/°C – A Grade
    • Max 0.2%, 50 ppm/°C – B Grade
    • Max 0.5%, 50 ppm/°C – C Grade
  • Low Output Noise: 41 µVRMS Typ
  • Wide Operating Current Range:
    60 μA Typ to 15 mA
  • Stable With All Capacitive Loads; No Output Capacitor Required
  • Available in Extended Temperature Range: –40°C to 125°C
  • Qualified for Automotive Applications
  • Fixed Output Voltages of 2.048 V, 2.5 V, 4.096 V, 5 V
  • Tight Output Tolerances and Low Temperature Coefficient
    • Max 0.1%, 50 ppm/°C – A Grade
    • Max 0.2%, 50 ppm/°C – B Grade
    • Max 0.5%, 50 ppm/°C – C Grade
  • Low Output Noise: 41 µVRMS Typ
  • Wide Operating Current Range:
    60 μA Typ to 15 mA
  • Stable With All Capacitive Loads; No Output Capacitor Required
  • Available in Extended Temperature Range: –40°C to 125°C

The TL4050-Q1 family of shunt voltage references are versatile easy-to-use references suitable for a wide array of applications. The two-terminal fixed-output device requires no external capacitors for operation and is stable with all capacitive loads. Additionally, the reference offers low dynamic impedance, low noise, and low temperature coefficient to ensure a stable output voltage over a wide range of operating currents and temperatures.

The TL4050-Q1 is available in three initial tolerances, ranging from 0.1% (maximum) for the A grade to 0.5% (maximum) for the C grade. Thus, a great deal of flexibility is available to designers in choosing the best cost-to-performance ratio for their applications. Packaged in the space-saving SOT-23-3 and SC-70 packages and requiring a minimum current of 45 µA (typical), the TL4050-Q1 also is ideal for portable applications.

The TL4050x-Q1 characterization is for operation over an ambient temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.

The TL4050-Q1 family of shunt voltage references are versatile easy-to-use references suitable for a wide array of applications. The two-terminal fixed-output device requires no external capacitors for operation and is stable with all capacitive loads. Additionally, the reference offers low dynamic impedance, low noise, and low temperature coefficient to ensure a stable output voltage over a wide range of operating currents and temperatures.

The TL4050-Q1 is available in three initial tolerances, ranging from 0.1% (maximum) for the A grade to 0.5% (maximum) for the C grade. Thus, a great deal of flexibility is available to designers in choosing the best cost-to-performance ratio for their applications. Packaged in the space-saving SOT-23-3 and SC-70 packages and requiring a minimum current of 45 µA (typical), the TL4050-Q1 also is ideal for portable applications.

The TL4050x-Q1 characterization is for operation over an ambient temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TL4050-Q1 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference datasheet (Rev. F) 19 Apr 2013
E-book Voltage Supervisor and Reset ICs: Tips, Tricks and Basics 28 Jun 2019

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