USB Type-C™-Anschlussschutz: Schutz vor Überspannung durch VBUS-Kurzschluss und 6-kanaliger ESD-Schu

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Number of switches 4 IO capacitance (typ) (pF) 1.5 IEC 61000-4-2 contact (±V) 8000 IEC 61000-4-2 air-gap (±V) 15000 Features CC dead battery resistors, Overvoltage protection, Short-to-VBUS Bi-/uni-directional Unidirectional Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Clamping voltage (V) 8 Interface type USB Type-C
Number of switches 4 IO capacitance (typ) (pF) 1.5 IEC 61000-4-2 contact (±V) 8000 IEC 61000-4-2 air-gap (±V) 15000 Features CC dead battery resistors, Overvoltage protection, Short-to-VBUS Bi-/uni-directional Unidirectional Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Clamping voltage (V) 8 Interface type USB Type-C
WQFN (RUK) 20 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • 4-Channels of Short-to-VBUS Overvoltage Protection (CC1, CC2, SBU1, SBU2 or
    CC1, CC2, DP, DM): 24-VDC Tolerant
  • 6-Channels of IEC 61000-4-2 ESD Protection (CC1, CC2, SBU1, SBU2, DP, DM)
  • CC1 and CC2 Overvoltage Protection FETs 600 mA Capable for Passing VCONN Power
  • CC Dead Battery Resistors Integrated for Handling Dead Battery Use Case in Mobile Devices
  • Advantages over TPD6S300
    • Improved Dead Battery Performance
    • USB Type-C Port Stays Connected during an IEC 61000-4-2 ESD Strike
  • 3-mm × 3-mm WQFN Package
  • 4-Channels of Short-to-VBUS Overvoltage Protection (CC1, CC2, SBU1, SBU2 or
    CC1, CC2, DP, DM): 24-VDC Tolerant
  • 6-Channels of IEC 61000-4-2 ESD Protection (CC1, CC2, SBU1, SBU2, DP, DM)
  • CC1 and CC2 Overvoltage Protection FETs 600 mA Capable for Passing VCONN Power
  • CC Dead Battery Resistors Integrated for Handling Dead Battery Use Case in Mobile Devices
  • Advantages over TPD6S300
    • Improved Dead Battery Performance
    • USB Type-C Port Stays Connected during an IEC 61000-4-2 ESD Strike
  • 3-mm × 3-mm WQFN Package

The TPD6S300A is a single-chip USB Type-C port protection device that provides 20-V Short-to-VBUS overvoltage and IEC ESD protection.

Since the release of the USB Type-C connector, many products and accessories for USB Type-C have been released that do not meet the USB Type-C specification. One example of this is USB Type-C Power Delivery adaptors that only place 20 V on the VBUS line. Another concern for USB Type-C is that mechanical twisting and sliding of the connector could short pins due to the close proximity they have in this small connector. This can cause 20-V VBUS to be shorted to the CC and SBU pins. Also due to the proximity of the pins in the Type-C connector, there is a heightened concern that debris and moisture will cause the 20-V VBUS pin to be shorted to the CC and SBU pins.

These non-ideal equipments and mechanical events make it necessary for the CC and SBU pins to be 20-V tolerant, even though the pins only operate at 5 V or lower. The TPD6S300A enables the CC and SBU pins to be 20-V tolerant without interfering with normal operation by providing overvoltage protection on the CC and SBU pins. The device places high voltage FETs in series on the SBU and CC lines. When a voltage above the OVP threshold is detected on these lines, the high voltage switches are opened up, isolating the rest of the system from the high voltage condition present on the connector.

Finally, most systems require IEC 61000-4-2 system level ESD protection for external pins. The TPD6S300A integrates IEC 61000-4-2 ESD protection for the CC1, CC2, SBU1, SBU2, DP, and DM pins, eliminating the need to place high voltage TVS diodes externally on the connector.

The TPD6S300A is a single-chip USB Type-C port protection device that provides 20-V Short-to-VBUS overvoltage and IEC ESD protection.

Since the release of the USB Type-C connector, many products and accessories for USB Type-C have been released that do not meet the USB Type-C specification. One example of this is USB Type-C Power Delivery adaptors that only place 20 V on the VBUS line. Another concern for USB Type-C is that mechanical twisting and sliding of the connector could short pins due to the close proximity they have in this small connector. This can cause 20-V VBUS to be shorted to the CC and SBU pins. Also due to the proximity of the pins in the Type-C connector, there is a heightened concern that debris and moisture will cause the 20-V VBUS pin to be shorted to the CC and SBU pins.

These non-ideal equipments and mechanical events make it necessary for the CC and SBU pins to be 20-V tolerant, even though the pins only operate at 5 V or lower. The TPD6S300A enables the CC and SBU pins to be 20-V tolerant without interfering with normal operation by providing overvoltage protection on the CC and SBU pins. The device places high voltage FETs in series on the SBU and CC lines. When a voltage above the OVP threshold is detected on these lines, the high voltage switches are opened up, isolating the rest of the system from the high voltage condition present on the connector.

Finally, most systems require IEC 61000-4-2 system level ESD protection for external pins. The TPD6S300A integrates IEC 61000-4-2 ESD protection for the CC1, CC2, SBU1, SBU2, DP, and DM pins, eliminating the need to place high voltage TVS diodes externally on the connector.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPD6S300A USB Type-C Port Protector: Short-to-VBUS Overvoltage and IEC ESD Protection datasheet PDF | HTML 08 Feb 2018
White paper A Primer on USB Type-C and Power Delivery Applications and Requirements (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 25 Mär 2022
Technical article The problem with short-to-VBUS protection integrated into your USB Type-C™/USB Pow PDF | HTML 22 Jan 2019

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WQFN (RUK) 20 Ultra Librarian

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