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Hochleistungs-PD-Schnittstelle gemäß IEEE 802.3bt PoE mit automatischem MPS & Autoclass


Vin (min) (V) 8 Vin (max) (V) 57 PoE current limit (min) (mA) 1550, 1900 PoE inrush limit (mA) (typ) (A) 0.2, 0.335, 200, 335 rDS(on) per FET (typ) (mΩ) 100, 300 PoE standards supported 802.3bt Type 3, 802.3bt Type 4 PD power level 13W, 25W, 51W, 71W DC/DC control PD Only Fault response Auto Retry Features Autoclass, Automatic MPS, Inrush delay, Non-standard POE++ compatible, PG, Thermal shutdown Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog
Vin (min) (V) 8 Vin (max) (V) 57 PoE current limit (min) (mA) 1550, 1900 PoE inrush limit (mA) (typ) (A) 0.2, 0.335, 200, 335 rDS(on) per FET (typ) (mΩ) 100, 300 PoE standards supported 802.3bt Type 3, 802.3bt Type 4 PD power level 13W, 25W, 51W, 71W DC/DC control PD Only Fault response Auto Retry Features Autoclass, Automatic MPS, Inrush delay, Non-standard POE++ compatible, PG, Thermal shutdown Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog
VQFN (RGW) 20 25 mm² 5 x 5
  • IEEE 802.3bt (Draft) PD Solution for Type 3 or Type 4 PoE
  • Supports Power Levels for Type-4 ( TPS2372-4) 90-W and Type-3 ( TPS2372-3) 60-W Operation
  • Robust 100 V Hotswap MOSFET
    • TPS2372-4 (typ.): 0.1-Ω, 2.2-A Current Limit
    • TPS2372-3 (typ.): 0.3-Ω, 1.85-A Current Limit
  • Allocated Power Indicator Outputs
  • PG Output with Inrush Completion Delay
    • Compliant to PSE Inrush
  • Automatic Maintain Power Signature (MPS)
    • Auto-adjust MPS for Type 1-2 or 3-4 PSE
    • Supports Ultra-Low Power Standby Modes
  • Supports Autoclass Operation
  • Supports PoE++ PSE
  • -40°C to 125°C Junction Temperature Range
  • 20-lead VQFN Package
  • IEEE 802.3bt (Draft) PD Solution for Type 3 or Type 4 PoE
  • Supports Power Levels for Type-4 ( TPS2372-4) 90-W and Type-3 ( TPS2372-3) 60-W Operation
  • Robust 100 V Hotswap MOSFET
    • TPS2372-4 (typ.): 0.1-Ω, 2.2-A Current Limit
    • TPS2372-3 (typ.): 0.3-Ω, 1.85-A Current Limit
  • Allocated Power Indicator Outputs
  • PG Output with Inrush Completion Delay
    • Compliant to PSE Inrush
  • Automatic Maintain Power Signature (MPS)
    • Auto-adjust MPS for Type 1-2 or 3-4 PSE
    • Supports Ultra-Low Power Standby Modes
  • Supports Autoclass Operation
  • Supports PoE++ PSE
  • -40°C to 125°C Junction Temperature Range
  • 20-lead VQFN Package

The TPS2372 contains all of the features needed to implement an IEEE802.3at or IEEE802.3bt (draft) (Type 1-4) powered device (PD). The low internal switch resistance allows the TPS2372-4 and TPS2372-3 to support high power applications up to 90 W and 60 W respectively. Assuming 100-meter CAT5 cable, this translates into 71.3 W and 51 W at PD input.

The TPS2372 operates with enhanced features.

The Automatic MPS function enables applications requiring very low power standby modes. The TPS2372 automatically generates the necessary pulsed current to maintain the PSE power. An external resistor is used to enable this functionality and to program the MPS pulsed current amplitude.

The TPS2372 also implements a delay function to allow the remote PSE to complete its inrush phase before releasing the Power Good (PG) output. This ensures that the IEEE802.3bt (draft) startup requirements are met.

The Autoclass enable input also allows advanced system power optimization modes compliant with IEEE802.3bt (draft) standard.

The TPS2372 contains all of the features needed to implement an IEEE802.3at or IEEE802.3bt (draft) (Type 1-4) powered device (PD). The low internal switch resistance allows the TPS2372-4 and TPS2372-3 to support high power applications up to 90 W and 60 W respectively. Assuming 100-meter CAT5 cable, this translates into 71.3 W and 51 W at PD input.

The TPS2372 operates with enhanced features.

The Automatic MPS function enables applications requiring very low power standby modes. The TPS2372 automatically generates the necessary pulsed current to maintain the PSE power. An external resistor is used to enable this functionality and to program the MPS pulsed current amplitude.

The TPS2372 also implements a delay function to allow the remote PSE to complete its inrush phase before releasing the Power Good (PG) output. This ensures that the IEEE802.3bt (draft) startup requirements are met.

The Autoclass enable input also allows advanced system power optimization modes compliant with IEEE802.3bt (draft) standard.

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Technische Dokumentation

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Alle anzeigen 12
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS2372 High-Power PoE PD Interface with Automatic MPS and Autoclass datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 19 Okt 2018
Application note PoE Powered Devices Debug Guidelines PDF | HTML 19 Jul 2021
Application note PoE PD Schematic Review Guidelines PDF | HTML 29 Apr 2021
Application brief How to Identify Allocated Power at PD Through TPH, TPL, and BT Pins PDF | HTML 21 Jul 2020
Technical article Delivering a smooth transition from AC to PoE power PDF | HTML 01 Nov 2018
Technical article Key considerations for designing with the new PoE standard PDF | HTML 16 Jul 2018
Technical article The new PoE standard: It’s almost here PDF | HTML 06 Jun 2018
Technical article Less (standby) power and more light PDF | HTML 10 Mai 2018
Application note Beyond BT High-Power PoE Solution using the TPS23880 and TPS2372-4 17 Apr 2018
Technical article Would you like a logo to go with your PoE system? PDF | HTML 16 Mär 2018
EVM User's guide TPS2372-3EVM-757 Evaluation Module 22 Dez 2017
EVM User's guide TPS2372-4EVM-006 Evaluation Module (Rev. A) 18 Sep 2017

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Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

TPS2372-3EVM-757 Gerber

SLVC707.ZIP (485 KB)

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