Hochtemperatur-Strommodus-Aufwärtscontroller mit breitem Eingangsspannungsbereich
- For Boost, Flyback, SEPIC, LED Driver Applications
- Wide Input Operating Voltage: 5.5 V to 52 V
- Adjustable Oscillator Frequency
- Fixed-Frequency Current-Mode Control
- Internal Slope Compensation
- Integrated Low-Side Driver
- Programmable Closed-Loop Soft Start
- Overcurrent Protection
- External Synchronization Capable
- Reference Voltage: 700 mV
- Low-Current Disable Function
- Down-Hole Drilling
- High Temperature Environments
- Controlled Baseline
- One Assembly/Test Site
- One Fabrication Site
- Available in Extreme (–55°C/210°C)
Temperature Range(1) - Extended Product Life Cycle
- Extended Product-Change Notification
- Product Traceability
- Texas Instruments high temperature products utilize highly
optimized silicon (die) solutions with design and process
enhancements to maximize performance over extended
(1) Custom temperature ranges available
The TPS40210 is a wide input voltage (5.5 V to 52 V) non-synchronous boost controller. It is suitable for topologies that require a grounded source N-channel FET, including boost, flyback, SEPIC, and various LED driver applications. Device features include programmable soft start, overcurrent protection with automatic retry, and programmable oscillator frequency. Current-mode control provides improved transient response and simplified loop compensation.
Technische Dokumentation
Design und Entwicklung
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TPS40210EVM — Entwicklungsplatinen/EVMs
Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
CFP (HKK) | 10 | Ultra Librarian |
Bestellen & Qualität
- RoHS
- Bausteinkennzeichnung
- Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
- MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
- MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
- Materialinhalt
- Qualifikationszusammenfassung
- Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
- Werksstandort
- Montagestandort
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