

95 nA Ruhestrom, 5,5 V-Aufwärtswandler mit Eingangsstrombegrenzung und schnellem Einschwingverhalten

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Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Boost Type Converter Vin (min) (V) 0.5 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 1000 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 3000 Features Bypass Mode Pass-through Mode, Enable, Load Disconnect, UVLO Fixed Vout (min) (V) 1.8 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Iq (typ) (µA) 0.1 Duty cycle (max) (%) 100 Switch current limit (typ) (A) 1.5
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Boost Type Converter Vin (min) (V) 0.5 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 1000 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 3000 Features Bypass Mode Pass-through Mode, Enable, Load Disconnect, UVLO Fixed Vout (min) (V) 1.8 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Iq (typ) (µA) 0.1 Duty cycle (max) (%) 100 Switch current limit (typ) (A) 1.5
DSBGA (YBH) 6 1.4 mm² 1.4 x 1 SOT-5X3 (DRL) 6 2.56 mm² 1.6 x 1.6
  • Input voltage range: 0.5V to 5.5V
  • 0.7V minimum start-up voltage for TPS61299x
  • 0.9V minimum start-up voltage for TPS61299xA
  • Input operating voltage down to 150mV with signal VIN > 0.7V for TPS61299x
  • Input operating voltage down to 150mV with signal VIN > 0.9V for TPS61299xA
  • Output voltage range: 1.8V to 5.5V VSEL pin select output voltage
  • Average input current limit: 5mA; 25mA; 50mA; 100mA; 250mA, 500mA, 1.2A, 1.9A (different versions)
  • 95nA typical quiescent current from VOUT
  • 60nA typical shutdown current from VIN to GND for TPS61299x
  • 30nA typical force pass through current from VIN to GND for TPS61299xA
  • Up to 91% efficiency at VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 5V, and IOUT =10µA
  • Up to 94% efficiency at VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 5V, and IOUT =200mA
  • Fast transient performance: setting time ~8µs at VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 5V, IOUT = 0A -> 200mA
  • True disconnection at EN low for TPS61299x
  • Force pass through at EN low for TPS61299xA
  • Automatic PFM/PWM mode transition
  • Auto pass-through at VIN > VOUT
  • Output SCP and thermal shutdown protections
  • 6-Pin WCSP (1.2mm x 0.8mm) / SOT563 package (1.6mm x 1.6mm)
  • Input voltage range: 0.5V to 5.5V
  • 0.7V minimum start-up voltage for TPS61299x
  • 0.9V minimum start-up voltage for TPS61299xA
  • Input operating voltage down to 150mV with signal VIN > 0.7V for TPS61299x
  • Input operating voltage down to 150mV with signal VIN > 0.9V for TPS61299xA
  • Output voltage range: 1.8V to 5.5V VSEL pin select output voltage
  • Average input current limit: 5mA; 25mA; 50mA; 100mA; 250mA, 500mA, 1.2A, 1.9A (different versions)
  • 95nA typical quiescent current from VOUT
  • 60nA typical shutdown current from VIN to GND for TPS61299x
  • 30nA typical force pass through current from VIN to GND for TPS61299xA
  • Up to 91% efficiency at VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 5V, and IOUT =10µA
  • Up to 94% efficiency at VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 5V, and IOUT =200mA
  • Fast transient performance: setting time ~8µs at VIN = 3.6V, VOUT = 5V, IOUT = 0A -> 200mA
  • True disconnection at EN low for TPS61299x
  • Force pass through at EN low for TPS61299xA
  • Automatic PFM/PWM mode transition
  • Auto pass-through at VIN > VOUT
  • Output SCP and thermal shutdown protections
  • 6-Pin WCSP (1.2mm x 0.8mm) / SOT563 package (1.6mm x 1.6mm)

The TPS61299x/xA is a synchronous boost converter with 95nA ultra-low quiescent current and average input current limit. The device provides a power solution for portable equipment with alkaline battery and coin cell battery. This device has high efficiency under light-load condition to achieve long operation time and average input current limit can avoid battery discharging with high current.

The TPS61299x/xA has wide input voltage range from 0.5V to 5.5V and output voltage range from 1.8V to 5.5V. The device has different versions for average input current limit from 5mA to 1.9A. The TPS61299 with 1.2A current limit can support up to 500mA output current from 3V to 5V conversion and achieve approximately 94% efficiency at 200mA load.

The TPS61299x/xA has optional fast-load transient performance at output voltage is 4.5V, 5V or 5.5V. In fast-load transient, the typical setting time is 8µs when output current transient from 0A to 200mA.

The TPS61299x supports true shutdown function when it is disabled. And TPS61299xA supports force pass through function when it is disabled. Customer could choose either one for specific application.

The TPS61299x/xA offers a very small solution size with 6-ball 1.2mm x 0.8mm WCSP package and 6-pin 1.6mm x 1.6mm SOT563 package.

The TPS61299x/xA is a synchronous boost converter with 95nA ultra-low quiescent current and average input current limit. The device provides a power solution for portable equipment with alkaline battery and coin cell battery. This device has high efficiency under light-load condition to achieve long operation time and average input current limit can avoid battery discharging with high current.

The TPS61299x/xA has wide input voltage range from 0.5V to 5.5V and output voltage range from 1.8V to 5.5V. The device has different versions for average input current limit from 5mA to 1.9A. The TPS61299 with 1.2A current limit can support up to 500mA output current from 3V to 5V conversion and achieve approximately 94% efficiency at 200mA load.

The TPS61299x/xA has optional fast-load transient performance at output voltage is 4.5V, 5V or 5.5V. In fast-load transient, the typical setting time is 8µs when output current transient from 0A to 200mA.

The TPS61299x supports true shutdown function when it is disabled. And TPS61299xA supports force pass through function when it is disabled. Customer could choose either one for specific application.

The TPS61299x/xA offers a very small solution size with 6-ball 1.2mm x 0.8mm WCSP package and 6-pin 1.6mm x 1.6mm SOT563 package.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS61299 x/xA 95nA Quiescent Current, 5.5V Boost Converter with Input Current Limit and Fast Transient Performance datasheet (Rev. E) PDF | HTML 18 Jun 2024
EVM User's guide TPS61299EVM-016 Evaluation Module User's Guide PDF | HTML 01 Feb 2024
Technical article Extending battery life with a boost converter PDF | HTML 05 Jan 2024
Certificate TPS61299EVM-016 EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 27 Okt 2023
Application note Ultra-low Voltage (150 mV) Start-up Design Based on TPS61299 PDF | HTML 28 Sep 2023
Product overview Solving Ultra-Low-Power Challenges for Conn. Devices W/ Adv. Battery Chemistries PDF | HTML 14 Sep 2023
Application note Boost Behaviors at Shutdown (Disabled): True Disconnect or Pass Through PDF | HTML 29 Aug 2023
Application note Fast Transient Performance Advantages in Smart Watch Applications with TPS61299 PDF | HTML 21 Aug 2023
Certificate TPS61299EVM-BMC103 EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 21 Jul 2023
Certificate TPS61299EVM-103 EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 11 Jan 2023

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SOT-5X3 (DRL) 6 Ultra Librarian

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