USB-/AC-Lader-PMIC für 1 Li-Ion-Zelle, 2 DC/DC, 2 LDOs, I2C-Schnittstelle, in QFN-48
- Linear Charger Management for Single Li-Ion or
Li-Polymer Cells - Dual Input Ports for Charging From USB or From
Wall Plug, Handles 100-mA and 500-mA USB
Requirements - Charge Current Programmable via External
Resistor - 1-A, 95% Efficient Step-Down Converter for I/O
and Peripheral Components (VMAIN) - 400-mA, 90% Efficient Step-Down Converter for
Processor Core (VCORE) - 2x 200-mA LDOs for I/O and Peripheral
Components, LDO Enable via Bus - Serial Interface Compatible With I2C, Supports
100-kHz, 400-kHz Operation - LOW_PWR Pin to Lower or Disable Processor
Core Supply Voltage in Deep Sleep Mode - 70-µA Quiescent Current
- 1% Reference Voltage
- Thermal Shutdown Protection
The TPS65012 device is an integrated power and battery management IC for applications powered by one Li-Ion or Li-Polymer cell and which require multiple power rails. The TPS65012 device provides two highly efficient, 1.25-MHz step down converters targeted at providing the core voltage and peripheral, I/O rails in a processor-based system. Both step-down converters enter a low-power mode at light load for maximum efficiency across the widest possible range of load currents. The TPS65012 device also integrates two 200-mA LDO voltage regulators, which are enabled via the serial interface. Each LDO operates with an input voltage range between 1.8 V and 6.5 V, allowing them to be supplied from one of the step-down converters or directly from the battery.
The TPS65012 device has a highly integrated and flexible Li-Ion linear charger and system power management. It offers integrated USB-port and AC-adapter supply management with autonomous power-source selection, power FET and current sensor, high accuracy current and voltage regulation, charge status, and charge termination.
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SLVC030 — TPS6501xEVM Controller Update File, Ver. 1.40 (Build 0146) (Rev. B)
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