LNB-Spannungsregler mit I2C-Schnittstelle
- Complete integrated solution for LNB and I2C interface
- DiSEqC 2.x and DiSEqC 1.x compatible
- Supports 5-V, 12-V, and 15-V power rail
- Up to 1000-mA accurate output current limit adjustable by external resistor
- Boost switch peak current limit proportional to LDO current limit
- Boost converter with 140-mΩ low Rds(on) internal power switch
- Boost switching frequency 1-MHz or 500-kHz selectable
- Dedicated enable pin for non-I2C application
- Low drop output LDO with push-pull output stage for VLNB output
- Built-in accurate 22-kHz tone generator and external tone input support
- Supports both external 44-kHz and 22-kHz tone input
- Adjustable soft-start and 13-V to 18-V voltage transition time
- 650 mV to 750-mV, 22-kHz tone amplitude selection
- I2C registers accessible with EN low
- Short circuit dynamic protection
- Diagnostics for output voltage level, DiSEqC tone input and output, current level, and cable connection
- Thermal protection available
- 20-lead WQFN 3-mm × 3-mm (RUK) package
Designed for analog and digital satellite receivers, the TPS65235 is a monolithic voltage regulator with I2C interface; specifically to provide the 13-V to 18-V power supply and the 22-kHz tone signal to the LNB down converter in the antenna dish or to the multi-switch box. It offers a complete solution with minimum component count, low power dissipation together with simple design and I2C standard interface.
TPS65235 features high power efficiency. The boost converter integrates a 140-mΩ power MOSFET running at 1 MHz or 500 kHz selectable switching frequency. Drop out voltage at the linear regulator is 0.8 V to minimize power loss. TPS65235 provides multiple ways to generate the 22 kHz signal. Integrated linear regulator with push-pull output stage generates 22-kHz tone signal superimposed at the output even at zero loading. Current limit of linear regulator can be programmed by external resistor with ±10% accuracy. Full range of diagnostic read by I2C is available for system monitoring.
TPS65235 supports advanced DiSEqC 2.x standard with 22-kHz tone detection circuit and output interface.
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Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
WQFN (RUK) | 20 | Ultra Librarian |
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- Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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