

USB-C® Power Delivery-Controller mit zwei Anschlüssen, mit Leistungsschaltern, Unterstützung von USB

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Function Type-C Type PD controller Power role DRP, Sink, Source Alternate mode Yes External power-path control NFET Data role DFP, DRD, UFP Internal power path 5 V 3 A Rating Catalog Dead battery support Yes Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Function Type-C Type PD controller Power role DRP, Sink, Source Alternate mode Yes External power-path control NFET Data role DFP, DRD, UFP Internal power path 5 V 3 A Rating Catalog Dead battery support Yes Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
VQFN (RSL) 48 36 mm² 6 x 6
  • USB Power Delivery (PD) controller
    • USB PD 3.0 compliant
    • Fast role swap support
    • Physical layer and policy engine
    • Configurable at Boot and host-controlled
  • USB Type-C specification compliant
    • Cable attach and orientation detection
    • Default, 1.5-A or 3-A power advertisement
    • Integrated VCONN switch
  • Integrated VBUS sourcing port power switch
    • Two 5-V, 3-A, 29-mΩ sourcing switches
    • Adjustable current limiting
    • Undervoltage and overvoltage protection
    • Fast turn-on mode to support fast-role swap
  • UL recognized component (E169910)
  • High-voltage gate drivers for two sinking paths
    • Reverse current protection
    • Slew rate control
    • Overvoltage protection
  • Alternate mode support
    • DisplayPort source
    • Thunderbolt™
  • USB type-C connector system software interface (USCI) support
  • Power management
    • Power supply from 3.3 V or VBUS source
    • 3.3-V LDO output for dead battery support
  • QFN package (0.4-mm pitch)
  • USB Power Delivery (PD) controller
    • USB PD 3.0 compliant
    • Fast role swap support
    • Physical layer and policy engine
    • Configurable at Boot and host-controlled
  • USB Type-C specification compliant
    • Cable attach and orientation detection
    • Default, 1.5-A or 3-A power advertisement
    • Integrated VCONN switch
  • Integrated VBUS sourcing port power switch
    • Two 5-V, 3-A, 29-mΩ sourcing switches
    • Adjustable current limiting
    • Undervoltage and overvoltage protection
    • Fast turn-on mode to support fast-role swap
  • UL recognized component (E169910)
  • High-voltage gate drivers for two sinking paths
    • Reverse current protection
    • Slew rate control
    • Overvoltage protection
  • Alternate mode support
    • DisplayPort source
    • Thunderbolt™
  • USB type-C connector system software interface (USCI) support
  • Power management
    • Power supply from 3.3 V or VBUS source
    • 3.3-V LDO output for dead battery support
  • QFN package (0.4-mm pitch)

The TPS65994AE is a stand-alone USB Type-C and Power Delivery (PD) controller providing cable plug and orientation detection for two USB Type-C connectors. Upon cable attachment, the TPS65994AE performs cable detection according to the USB Type-C specification. It also communicates on the CC wire using the USB PD protocol. When cable detection and USB PD negotiation are complete, the TPS65994AE enables the appropriate power path and configures alternate mode settings for external multiplexers.

The TPS65994AE is a stand-alone USB Type-C and Power Delivery (PD) controller providing cable plug and orientation detection for two USB Type-C connectors. Upon cable attachment, the TPS65994AE performs cable detection according to the USB Type-C specification. It also communicates on the CC wire using the USB PD protocol. When cable detection and USB PD negotiation are complete, the TPS65994AE enables the appropriate power path and configures alternate mode settings for external multiplexers.

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TPS65988DK AKTIV USB-C® Power Delivery Controller mit zwei Anschlüssen und integrierten Leistungsschaltern für USB4-G TPS65994AE is designed for Thunderbolt 4 host systems. For all other design considerations, use the TPS65988DK.

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* Data sheet TPS65994AE Dual Port USB Type-C® and USB PD Controller with Integrated Source Power Switches datasheet PDF | HTML 04 Jun 2021

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