Startseite Energiemanagement Sequenzer



Strahlungsfester Vier-Kanal-QMLV-Stromversorgungssequenzer, 14 V


Supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Number of supplies monitored 4 Supply voltage (max) (V) 14 Iq (typ) (mA) 2.5 Number of sequenced outputs 4 Rating Space Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125
Supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Number of supplies monitored 4 Supply voltage (max) (V) 14 Iq (typ) (mA) 2.5 Number of sequenced outputs 4 Rating Space Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125
CFP (HFT) 22 60.221856 mm² 6.211 x 9.696
  • Radiation performance:
    • Radiation hardness assurance (RHA) up to a total ionizing dose (TID) of 100krad(Si)
    • Single-event latchup (SEL), single-event burnout (SEB), and single-event gate rupture (SEGR) immune up to linear energy transfer (LET) = 75MeV-cm2/mg
    • Single-event functional interrupt (SEFI) and single-event transient (SET) characterized up to LET = 75MeV-cm2/mg
  • Wide supply IN voltage range (VIN): 3V to 14V
  • Sequence and monitor up to 4 voltage rails with a single device
    • Daisy chain capability for extended channel count
  • Single resistor programmable global timers for:
    • Sequence up and down delay
    • Sequence up time to regulation
  • Reverse order sequence down
  • Precision threshold voltage and hysteresis current
    • VTH_SENSEx of 599mV ±1% across: voltage, temperature, and radiation (TID)
    • IHYS_SENSEx of 24µA ±3% across: voltage, temperature, and radiation (TID)
  • Push-pull outputs with programmable pull-up voltage between 1.6V to 7V
    • Global ENx pull-up domain (VPULL_UP1)
    • Common SEQ_DONE and PWRGD pull-up domain (VPULL_UP2)
  • FAULT open drain output for monitoring of state machine induced faults
  • Available in military (–55°C to 125°C) temperature range
  • Radiation performance:
    • Radiation hardness assurance (RHA) up to a total ionizing dose (TID) of 100krad(Si)
    • Single-event latchup (SEL), single-event burnout (SEB), and single-event gate rupture (SEGR) immune up to linear energy transfer (LET) = 75MeV-cm2/mg
    • Single-event functional interrupt (SEFI) and single-event transient (SET) characterized up to LET = 75MeV-cm2/mg
  • Wide supply IN voltage range (VIN): 3V to 14V
  • Sequence and monitor up to 4 voltage rails with a single device
    • Daisy chain capability for extended channel count
  • Single resistor programmable global timers for:
    • Sequence up and down delay
    • Sequence up time to regulation
  • Reverse order sequence down
  • Precision threshold voltage and hysteresis current
    • VTH_SENSEx of 599mV ±1% across: voltage, temperature, and radiation (TID)
    • IHYS_SENSEx of 24µA ±3% across: voltage, temperature, and radiation (TID)
  • Push-pull outputs with programmable pull-up voltage between 1.6V to 7V
    • Global ENx pull-up domain (VPULL_UP1)
    • Common SEQ_DONE and PWRGD pull-up domain (VPULL_UP2)
  • FAULT open drain output for monitoring of state machine induced faults
  • Available in military (–55°C to 125°C) temperature range

The TPS7H3014 is an integrated, 3V to 14V, four-channel radiation-hardness-assured power-supply sequencer. Channel count can be expanded by connecting multiple devices in a daisy-chain configuration. The device provides sequence up and down control signals for integrated circuits (IC) with active high ("on") inputs. In addition SEQ_DONE and PWRGD flags are provided to monitor the sequence and power status of the monitored power tree.

An accurate 599mV ±1% threshold voltage and a 24µA ±3% hysteresis current provide programmable rise and fall monitoring voltages. The rise and fall delay time is globally programmed via a single resistor. Also, a time-to-regulation timer is provided to track the rising voltage on SENSEx. In addition to these features, a FAULT detection pin is incorporated to monitor internally generated faults and provide increased system level reliability for power sequencing space applications. A standard microcircuit drawing (SMD) is available for the QML variant, 5962R2320101VXC.

The TPS7H3014 is an integrated, 3V to 14V, four-channel radiation-hardness-assured power-supply sequencer. Channel count can be expanded by connecting multiple devices in a daisy-chain configuration. The device provides sequence up and down control signals for integrated circuits (IC) with active high ("on") inputs. In addition SEQ_DONE and PWRGD flags are provided to monitor the sequence and power status of the monitored power tree.

An accurate 599mV ±1% threshold voltage and a 24µA ±3% hysteresis current provide programmable rise and fall monitoring voltages. The rise and fall delay time is globally programmed via a single resistor. Also, a time-to-regulation timer is provided to track the rising voltage on SENSEx. In addition to these features, a FAULT detection pin is incorporated to monitor internally generated faults and provide increased system level reliability for power sequencing space applications. A standard microcircuit drawing (SMD) is available for the QML variant, 5962R2320101VXC.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS7H3014-SP Radiation-Hardened, 14V, 4-Channel Sequencer datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 12 Jun 2024
* SMD TPS7H3014-SP SMD 5962-23201 20 Jun 2024
* Radiation & reliability report TPS7H3014-SP Single-Event Effects (SEE) PDF | HTML 12 Jun 2024
* Radiation & reliability report TPS7H3014-SP Neutron Displacement Damage (NDD) Characterization Report 04 Apr 2024
* Radiation & reliability report TPS7H3014-SP Total Ionizing Dose (TID) Report 04 Apr 2024
More literature TI Engineering Evaluation Units vs. MIL-PRF-38535 QML Class V Processing (Rev. B) 20 Feb 2025
Application brief DLA Approved Optimizations for QML Products (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 23 Okt 2024
Selection guide TI Space Products (Rev. J) 12 Feb 2024
Application note QML flow, its importance, and obtaining lot information (Rev. C) 30 Aug 2023
Application note Heavy Ion Orbital Environment Single-Event Effects Estimations (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 17 Nov 2022
Application note DLA Standard Microcircuit Drawings (SMD) and JAN Part Numbers Primer 21 Aug 2020
E-book Radiation Handbook for Electronics (Rev. A) 21 Mai 2019

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Bestellen & Qualität

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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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