Startseite Energiemanagement AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)



QMLV, weltraumtauglich, mit isoliertem Rückkopplungsgenerator

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Vin (max) (V) 40 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Rating Space Features 1% reference, Isolated feedback generator, Synchronizable
Vin (max) (V) 40 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Rating Space Features 1% reference, Isolated feedback generator, Synchronizable
CDIP (J) 14 130.4652 mm² 19.56 x 6.67
  • An Amplitude-Modulation System for Transformer Coupling an Isolated Feedback Error Signal
  • Low-Cost Alternative to Optical Couplers
  • Internal 1% Reference and Error Amplifier
  • Internal Carrier Oscillator Usable to 5MHz
  • Modulator Synchronizable to an External Clock
  • Loop Status Monitor
  • An Amplitude-Modulation System for Transformer Coupling an Isolated Feedback Error Signal
  • Low-Cost Alternative to Optical Couplers
  • Internal 1% Reference and Error Amplifier
  • Internal Carrier Oscillator Usable to 5MHz
  • Modulator Synchronizable to an External Clock
  • Loop Status Monitor

The UC1901 family is designed to solve many of the problems associated with closing a feedback control loop across a voltage isolation boundary. As a stable and reliable alternative to an optical coupler, these devices feature an amplitude modulation system which allows a loop error signal to be coupled with a small RF transformer or capacitor.

The programmable, high-frequency oscillator within the UC1901 series permits the use of smaller, less expensive transformers which can readily be built to meet the isolation requirements of today's line-operated power systems. As an alternative to RF operation, the external clock input to these devices allows synchronization to a system clock or to the switching frequency of a SMPS.

An additional feature is a status monitoring circuit which provides an active-low output when the sensed error voltage is within ±10% of the reference. The DRIVERA output, DRIVERB output, and STATUS output are disabled until the input supply has reached a sufficient level to allow proper operation of the device.

Since these devices can also be used as a DC driver for optical couplers, the benefits of 4.5 to 40V supply operation, a 1% accurate reference, and a high gain general purpose amplifier offer advantages even though an AC system may not be desired.

The UC1901 family is designed to solve many of the problems associated with closing a feedback control loop across a voltage isolation boundary. As a stable and reliable alternative to an optical coupler, these devices feature an amplitude modulation system which allows a loop error signal to be coupled with a small RF transformer or capacitor.

The programmable, high-frequency oscillator within the UC1901 series permits the use of smaller, less expensive transformers which can readily be built to meet the isolation requirements of today's line-operated power systems. As an alternative to RF operation, the external clock input to these devices allows synchronization to a system clock or to the switching frequency of a SMPS.

An additional feature is a status monitoring circuit which provides an active-low output when the sensed error voltage is within ±10% of the reference. The DRIVERA output, DRIVERB output, and STATUS output are disabled until the input supply has reached a sufficient level to allow proper operation of the device.

Since these devices can also be used as a DC driver for optical couplers, the benefits of 4.5 to 40V supply operation, a 1% accurate reference, and a high gain general purpose amplifier offer advantages even though an AC system may not be desired.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet Isolated Feedback Generator datasheet (Rev. A) 13 Jan 2010
* SMD UC1901-SP SMD 5962-89441 08 Jul 2016
More literature TI Engineering Evaluation Units vs. MIL-PRF-38535 QML Class V Processing (Rev. B) 20 Feb 2025
Application brief DLA Approved Optimizations for QML Products (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 23 Okt 2024
Selection guide TI Space Products (Rev. J) 12 Feb 2024
Application note QML flow, its importance, and obtaining lot information (Rev. C) 30 Aug 2023
Application note Heavy Ion Orbital Environment Single-Event Effects Estimations (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 17 Nov 2022
Application note Single-Event Effects Confidence Interval Calculations (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 19 Okt 2022
Application note DLA Standard Microcircuit Drawings (SMD) and JAN Part Numbers Primer 21 Aug 2020
Application note Hermetic Package Reflow Profiles, Termination Finishes, and Lead Trim and Form PDF | HTML 18 Mai 2020
E-book Radiation Handbook for Electronics (Rev. A) 21 Mai 2019
Application note The UC1901 Simplifies the Problem of Isolated Feedback in Switching Regulators 05 Sep 1999

Design und Entwicklung

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