Startseite Energiemanagement AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)



Synchroner Gleichrichtercontroller mit extrem niedrigem Standby-Strom

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Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Volt-sec balance Topology CCM, DCM Rating Catalog Features 100uA standby current operation, 200 kHz operation, Compatible with CCM, Low standby current, Synchronous Rectifier, Volt-second balancing
Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Volt-sec balance Topology CCM, DCM Rating Catalog Features 100uA standby current operation, 200 kHz operation, Compatible with CCM, Low standby current, Synchronous Rectifier, Volt-second balancing
SOT-23 (DBV) 6 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • Secondary-Side SR Controller Optimized for 5-V to 24-V Flyback Systems
  • Operating Frequency Up to 200 kHz
  • Volt-Second Balance SR On-Time Control
  • Minimize Effect of MOSFET Device and Layout Inductance
  • CCM Operation Compatibility
  • Compatible with PSR and SSR Control
  • Auto Low-Power Detect and 110-µA Standby Mode Current
  • Wide VDD Range from 3.6 V to 28 V
  • Rail-to-Rail Gate Driver with 13-V Clamp
  • Open and Short Pin Fault Protection
  • Secondary-Side SR Controller Optimized for 5-V to 24-V Flyback Systems
  • Operating Frequency Up to 200 kHz
  • Volt-Second Balance SR On-Time Control
  • Minimize Effect of MOSFET Device and Layout Inductance
  • CCM Operation Compatibility
  • Compatible with PSR and SSR Control
  • Auto Low-Power Detect and 110-µA Standby Mode Current
  • Wide VDD Range from 3.6 V to 28 V
  • Rail-to-Rail Gate Driver with 13-V Clamp
  • Open and Short Pin Fault Protection

The UCC24630 SR controller is a high-performance controller and driver for N-channel MOSFET power devices used for secondary-side synchronous rectification.

The combination of controller and MOSFET emulates a near-ideal diode rectifier. This solution not only directly reduces power dissipation of the rectifier but also reduces primary-side losses as well, due to compounding of efficiency gains.

Utilizing a volt-second balancing control method, the UCC24630 is ideal for flyback power supplies over a wide-output voltage range since the device is not connected directly to the MOSFET drain. The SR drive turn-off threshold is not dependent on the MOSFET RDS(on) which allows optimizing for maximum conduction time. Also secondary current ringing due to device and layout inductance does not affect the SR turn-off threshold.

The UCC24630 controller offers a programmable false-trigger filter, a frequency detector to automatically switch to standby mode during low power conditions and pin fault protections. The UCC24630 is compatible with DCM, TM and CCM operation.

The wide VDD operating range, wide programming range of the VPC voltage and blanking time, allows use in a variety of flyback converter designs.

The UCC24630 SR controller is a high-performance controller and driver for N-channel MOSFET power devices used for secondary-side synchronous rectification.

The combination of controller and MOSFET emulates a near-ideal diode rectifier. This solution not only directly reduces power dissipation of the rectifier but also reduces primary-side losses as well, due to compounding of efficiency gains.

Utilizing a volt-second balancing control method, the UCC24630 is ideal for flyback power supplies over a wide-output voltage range since the device is not connected directly to the MOSFET drain. The SR drive turn-off threshold is not dependent on the MOSFET RDS(on) which allows optimizing for maximum conduction time. Also secondary current ringing due to device and layout inductance does not affect the SR turn-off threshold.

The UCC24630 controller offers a programmable false-trigger filter, a frequency detector to automatically switch to standby mode during low power conditions and pin fault protections. The UCC24630 is compatible with DCM, TM and CCM operation.

The wide VDD operating range, wide programming range of the VPC voltage and blanking time, allows use in a variety of flyback converter designs.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet UCC24630 Synchronous Rectifier Controller With Ultra-Low-Standby Current datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 30 Mär 2015
Application note UCC24630 and UCC24636 SR-Control Configurations Guide 18 Dez 2017
EVM User's guide Using the UCC24630EVM-636 65-W AC-to-DC Adapter (Rev. B) 12 Dez 2016
Technical article Achieving low standby power and high efficiency in flyback converters PDF | HTML 27 Jul 2015

Design und Entwicklung

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Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

SLUC582 UCC24630 Design Calculator

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AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)
UCC24630 Synchroner Gleichrichtercontroller mit extrem niedrigem Standby-Strom

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Design guide: PDF
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Design guide: PDF
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Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

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Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

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Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
SOT-23 (DBV) 6 Ultra Librarian

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