

200-V-Wake-up-Monitor für schnelle transiente primärseitige Regelung

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Vin (max) (V) 30 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Volt-sec balance Topology Flyback Rating Catalog Features Fast load transient support, Negative Voltage Monitoring, Wake-up Monitor
Vin (max) (V) 30 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Volt-sec balance Topology Flyback Rating Catalog Features Fast load transient support, Negative Voltage Monitoring, Wake-up Monitor
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • Enables Excellent Load Transient Performance and Zero Standby Power
  • Enables Smallest Output Capacitor for Tight ΔVOUT
  • No External Components Required
  • <50 µA Device Current Consumption (Typical)
  • 5-V to 28-V Output Monitoring Capability
  • 3% Voltage Droop Detection (Patent Pending)
  • 200-V Wake-Up Switch
  • Enables and Disables SR Controller, Relay Control, or Other Secondary Circuits
  • SOT-23 5-Pin Package
  • Enables Excellent Load Transient Performance and Zero Standby Power
  • Enables Smallest Output Capacitor for Tight ΔVOUT
  • No External Components Required
  • <50 µA Device Current Consumption (Typical)
  • 5-V to 28-V Output Monitoring Capability
  • 3% Voltage Droop Detection (Patent Pending)
  • 200-V Wake-Up Switch
  • Enables and Disables SR Controller, Relay Control, or Other Secondary Circuits
  • SOT-23 5-Pin Package

The UCC24650 is an easy-to-use secondary-side voltage monitor that periodically measures its own VDD voltage. A relative droop of 3% from the previous reading triggers a alert signal to a receiving primary-side regulation (PSR) controller. Its low-power consumption helps achieve <5-mW standby loss in many applications.

An internal 200-V MOSFET switch is applied across a ground-referenced rectifier to provide a current-limited pulse to the flyback transformer secondary winding, which couples the signal to the primary-side controller. This signal is repeated at 33 kHz until controller-driven switching activity is detected.

Relative-droop detection allows scaling to any voltage between 5 and 28 V. The alert function allows very-low standby frequency to minimize switching loss and reduction of output capacitance needed to respond to a heavy load step. This monitor is used with a controller capable of detecting the signal, such as the UCC28730 PSR flyback controller.

The UCC24650 also provides an enable and disable signal which can be used to control a secondary-side circuit during no-load conditions to reduce standby power loss. Such a circuit may be a synchronous rectifier controller or a relay driver, for example.

The UCC24650 is an easy-to-use secondary-side voltage monitor that periodically measures its own VDD voltage. A relative droop of 3% from the previous reading triggers a alert signal to a receiving primary-side regulation (PSR) controller. Its low-power consumption helps achieve <5-mW standby loss in many applications.

An internal 200-V MOSFET switch is applied across a ground-referenced rectifier to provide a current-limited pulse to the flyback transformer secondary winding, which couples the signal to the primary-side controller. This signal is repeated at 33 kHz until controller-driven switching activity is detected.

Relative-droop detection allows scaling to any voltage between 5 and 28 V. The alert function allows very-low standby frequency to minimize switching loss and reduction of output capacitance needed to respond to a heavy load step. This monitor is used with a controller capable of detecting the signal, such as the UCC28730 PSR flyback controller.

The UCC24650 also provides an enable and disable signal which can be used to control a secondary-side circuit during no-load conditions to reduce standby power loss. Such a circuit may be a synchronous rectifier controller or a relay driver, for example.

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Alle anzeigen 5
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet UCC24650 200-V Wake-Up Monitor for Fast Transient PSR datasheet PDF | HTML 04 Feb 2015
More literature Achieving High Power Density and Ultra Low Standby Power in Flyback Converters 23 Mär 2021
Technical article Get smarter about ‘zero’ standby power in your next appliance design PDF | HTML 27 Aug 2018
Application note Rapid Transient Response With UCC28633 PSR-Flyback and UCC24650 Wake-Up Monitor 27 Feb 2015
EVM User's guide Using the UCC28730EVM-552 10-W Adaptor Module With PSR and Wake-Up Monitor 06 Feb 2015

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SOT-23 (DBV) 5 Ultra Librarian

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