

8-poliger quasi-resonanter Flyback-Green-Mode-Controller

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Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Control mode Secondary-side regulation Topology Flyback Rating Catalog Features Light load efficiency, Overcurrent protection, Quasi-Resonant, Secondary-side regulated Duty cycle (max) (%) 99
Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Control mode Secondary-side regulation Topology Flyback Rating Catalog Features Light load efficiency, Overcurrent protection, Quasi-Resonant, Secondary-side regulated Duty cycle (max) (%) 99
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • Green-Mode Controller With Advanced Energy
    Saving Features
  • Quasi-Resonant Mode Operation for Reduced
    EMI and Low Switching Losses (Low-Voltage
    Valley Switching)
  • Low Standby Current for Minimum System No-
    Load Power Consumption
  • Low Start-up Current: 25-µA Maximum
  • Programmable Line and Load Over-Voltage
  • Internal Over-Temperature Protection
  • Current Limit Protection
    • Cycle-by-Cycle Power Limit
    • Primary-Side Over-Current Hiccup Restart
  • 1-A Sink, –0.75-A Source TrueDrive™ Gate Drive
  • Programmable Soft-Start
  • Green-Mode Status Pin (PFC Disable Function)
  • Green-Mode Controller With Advanced Energy
    Saving Features
  • Quasi-Resonant Mode Operation for Reduced
    EMI and Low Switching Losses (Low-Voltage
    Valley Switching)
  • Low Standby Current for Minimum System No-
    Load Power Consumption
  • Low Start-up Current: 25-µA Maximum
  • Programmable Line and Load Over-Voltage
  • Internal Over-Temperature Protection
  • Current Limit Protection
    • Cycle-by-Cycle Power Limit
    • Primary-Side Over-Current Hiccup Restart
  • 1-A Sink, –0.75-A Source TrueDrive™ Gate Drive
  • Programmable Soft-Start
  • Green-Mode Status Pin (PFC Disable Function)

The UCC28600 is a PWM controller with advanced energy features to meet stringent world-wide energy efficiency requirements.

UCC28600 integrates built-in advanced energy saving features with high-level protection features to provide cost-effective solutions for energy-efficient power supplies. UCC28600 incorporates frequency fold-back and green-mode operation to reduce the switching losses at light-load and no-load conditions.

UCC28600 is available in the 8-pin SOIC package. Operating junction temperature range is –40°C to +105°C.

The UCC28600 Design Calculator, (SLVC104), located in the Tools and Software section of the UCC28600 product folder, provides a user-interactive iterative process for selecting recommended component values for an optimal design.

The UCC28600 is a PWM controller with advanced energy features to meet stringent world-wide energy efficiency requirements.

UCC28600 integrates built-in advanced energy saving features with high-level protection features to provide cost-effective solutions for energy-efficient power supplies. UCC28600 incorporates frequency fold-back and green-mode operation to reduce the switching losses at light-load and no-load conditions.

UCC28600 is available in the 8-pin SOIC package. Operating junction temperature range is –40°C to +105°C.

The UCC28600 Design Calculator, (SLVC104), located in the Tools and Software section of the UCC28600 product folder, provides a user-interactive iterative process for selecting recommended component values for an optimal design.

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Technische Dokumentation

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Alle anzeigen 15
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet UCC28600 8-Pin Quasi-Resonant Flyback Green-Mode Controller datasheet (Rev. K) PDF | HTML 31 Aug 2015
Application brief Flyback Selection Guide PDF | HTML 23 Jun 2022
Application note Selecting Electrolitic Bus Capacitor for Universal Input 17 Jul 2018
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 Jun 2018
White paper Advancing Power Supply Solutions Through the Promise of GaN 24 Feb 2015
More literature Exposing the Inner Behavior of a Quasi-Resonant Flyback Converter 29 Okt 2013
Application note Compensation Design with TL431 for UCC28600 16 Jan 2013
User guide A 600-W Input, Isolated PFC Power Supply for AVR Amplifiers. (Rev. C) 20 Sep 2012
Application note Flyback Transformer Design for the UCC28600 (Rev. A) 13 Apr 2011
User guide Quasi-Resonant Flyback Converter Universal Off-Line Input 65-W Evaluation Module (Rev. C) 18 Jun 2010
Application note Design Considerations for the UCC28600 (Rev. B) 01 Mai 2008
User guide UCC28600 120-W Evaluation Module User's Guide (Rev. A) 19 Okt 2006
Application note Bootstrap Circuit for Green Mode Applications 27 Jan 2006
More literature Seminar 300 Topic 8 - Switching Power Supply Design Review 15 Feb 2001
More literature Seminar 400 Topic 2 - Design of Flyback Transformers and Filter Inductors 15 Feb 2001

Design und Entwicklung

Weitere Bedingungen oder erforderliche Ressourcen enthält gegebenenfalls die Detailseite, die Sie durch Klicken auf einen der unten stehenden Titel erreichen.


UC28600 TINA-TI Transient Reference Design

SLUM608.TSC (5529 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design

UC28600 TINA-TI Transient Spice Model

SLUM607.ZIP (27 KB) - TINA-TI Spice Model

UCC28600 PSpice Transient Model

SLUM536.ZIP (16 KB) - PSpice Model

SLVC104 UCC28600 Design Calculator

Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)
UCC28600 8-poliger quasi-resonanter Flyback-Green-Mode-Controller

PMP40473 — Referenzdesign für Flyback mit 85 bis 115 V AC-Eingang zu isoliertem Flyback mit drei Ausgängen für

This is a quasi-resonance (QR) flyback reference design for industrial applications, which illustrates how to convert AC input voltage 85 - 115 Vac to isolated multiple outputs: 24 V/0.5 A, 12 V/0.9 A and 15 V/20 mA using the UCC28600 Controller. The quasi-resonant switching of the UCC28600 allows (...)
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

PMP40347 — 3-Phasen-AC-Eingang, Dreifach-12-W-Ausgang – Referenzdesign für E-Meter

This reference design was designed for the 3 Phase E-meter application. It uses the UCC28600 quasi-resonant flyback controller to generate three 3KV isolated output rails from an extremely wide input source from 110VAC to 420VAC. The 3 output rails have independent protections to improve system (...)
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

PMP30094 — 3-Phasen-E-Meter-Quasiresonanz-Flyback – Referenzdesign

The PMP30094 has been designed especially for E-meters. It uses the UCC28600 quasi-resonant flyback controller to provide two isolated outputs (5V @ 2A and 7V @ 0.3A) from an 3-phase input. The input voltage range is between 140VAC and 470VAC.
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

PMP10150 — Referenzdesign für quasiresonanten Flyback-Wandler mit universellem AC-Eingang und doppeltem Ausgang

The PMP10150 reference design uses the UCC28600 quasi-resonant flyback controller to generate a 12V and a -8.5V output from an universal AC input. An optocoupler is used to regulate the 12V output.
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

TIDA-00127 — Referenzdesign für 30 W Ultra-Weitbereichsstromversorgung für Schutzrelais

Diese Stromversorgungslösung für Schutzrelais verarbeitet einen extrem breiten AC-Eingangsspannungsbereich (88–276 V AC) und DC-Eingangsspannungsbereich (24–250 V DC) und ist somit eine geeignete Plattform für die Stromversorgung einer Vielzahl von Schutzrelais. Die Stromversorgung ist so (...)
Design guide: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

PMP10121 — Referenzdesign für quasiresonanten Flyback-Wandler mit Offline-AC/DC, 77 W

The PMP10121 reference design uses the UCC28600 quasi-resonant flyback controller to generate 22V @ 3.5A from an AC input. This flyback converter is not isolated and no optocoupler is needed for regulation.
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

TIDA-00412 — 360 W, Digital gesteuerter Phasenverschiebungs-Vollbrückenwandler – Referenzdesign

DC-DC power converter with digital control using UCD3138CC64EVM-030 daughter-card. The daughter-card  with preloaded firmware providing the required control functions for a Phase Shift Full Bridge converter.  The TIDA-00412 (UCD3138PSFBEVM-027) accepts a DC input from 370 to 400 VDC, and (...)
Schaltplan: PDF

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The power supply employs Full Bridge Resonant LLC with phase shift operating at ramp up, light load, low output voltage. This operating mode can replace PWM operating mode in LLC, which can improve efficiency signficantly in light load.
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

TIDA-00512 — Referenzdesign für digital gesteuerte Halbbrücken-DC/DC-Spannungswandlung (340W) mit LLC-Resonanz

This design is a LLC resonant half-bridge DC-DC power converter with digital control using 3138ACC32EVM-149 daughter-card. The daughter-card control functions with preloaded firmware providing the required control functions for a LLC resonant half-bridge converter.  The TIDA-00512 (...)
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
SOIC (D) 8 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
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  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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