

Hochleistungs-Flyback-Controller mit PSR, Peak-Power-Modus, X-Cap-Entladung, einstellbarer CC-Grenze

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Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Primary-side regulation Topology Flyback Rating Catalog Features CCM, DCM, High voltage startup, Overvoltage protection, Primary-side regulated, Secondary Side Wake-up, Soft start Duty cycle (max) (%) 70
Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Primary-side regulation Topology Flyback Rating Catalog Features CCM, DCM, High voltage startup, Overvoltage protection, Primary-side regulated, Secondary Side Wake-up, Soft start Duty cycle (max) (%) 70
SOIC (D) 7 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • High-Power, Primary-Side CV/CC Regulation
  • Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) and Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) Operation
  • Built-In 700-V Start-Up Current Source
  • Active X-Capacitor Discharge (UCC28630 and UCC28633)
  • Adjustable Constant-Current (CC) Mode Limiting (except for UCC28630)
  • High Gate Drive Current 1-A Source and 2-A Sink
  • Low Power Modes for <30-mW System Standby
  • Best-In-Class Light Load (10%) Efficiency >85%
  • PSR design with no opto-coupler - can meet high CM isolation & surge requirements
  • VDD OVP for independent indirect output OV under open-feedback fault conditions
  • Peak-Power Mode for Transient Overload
  • Shutdown Pin Interface for External NTC
  • Protections: Overvoltage, Overcurrent, Over-Temperature, Overload Timer (UCC28630), AC Line UV, Brownout and Pin Protections
  • Frequency Dither to Ease EMI Compliance (except the UCC28632)
  • Create a Custom Design Using the UCC2863x With the WEBENCH® Power Designer
  • High-Power, Primary-Side CV/CC Regulation
  • Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) and Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) Operation
  • Built-In 700-V Start-Up Current Source
  • Active X-Capacitor Discharge (UCC28630 and UCC28633)
  • Adjustable Constant-Current (CC) Mode Limiting (except for UCC28630)
  • High Gate Drive Current 1-A Source and 2-A Sink
  • Low Power Modes for <30-mW System Standby
  • Best-In-Class Light Load (10%) Efficiency >85%
  • PSR design with no opto-coupler - can meet high CM isolation & surge requirements
  • VDD OVP for independent indirect output OV under open-feedback fault conditions
  • Peak-Power Mode for Transient Overload
  • Shutdown Pin Interface for External NTC
  • Protections: Overvoltage, Overcurrent, Over-Temperature, Overload Timer (UCC28630), AC Line UV, Brownout and Pin Protections
  • Frequency Dither to Ease EMI Compliance (except the UCC28632)
  • Create a Custom Design Using the UCC2863x With the WEBENCH® Power Designer

The UCC2863x targets high-power, primary-side regulated flyback converters. The ability to operate in both CCM and DCM make the device suitable for applications with a wide power range. The peak power mode allows transient peak power delivery up to 200% of nominal rating, with only a 25% peak current increase, maximizing transformer utilization.

The transformer bias winding is used to sense output voltage for regulation, and for low-loss input voltage sensing. Advanced sampling techniques allow CCM operation, and deliver excellent output voltage regulation performance for opto-coupler-less designs at power levels of 100 W and above.

A high-voltage current source enables fast and efficient start-up. Advanced light-load modes are deployed to reduce both controller and system power consumption at no load and light load. These modes enable potential system designs to meet 30-mW no-load power for power designs up to 30 W nominal, 60 W peak.

The device has been designed for ease-of-use and incorporates many features to enable a wide range of designs. Extensive protection features are included to simplify system design.

See the Device Comparison Table for details.

The UCC2863x targets high-power, primary-side regulated flyback converters. The ability to operate in both CCM and DCM make the device suitable for applications with a wide power range. The peak power mode allows transient peak power delivery up to 200% of nominal rating, with only a 25% peak current increase, maximizing transformer utilization.

The transformer bias winding is used to sense output voltage for regulation, and for low-loss input voltage sensing. Advanced sampling techniques allow CCM operation, and deliver excellent output voltage regulation performance for opto-coupler-less designs at power levels of 100 W and above.

A high-voltage current source enables fast and efficient start-up. Advanced light-load modes are deployed to reduce both controller and system power consumption at no load and light load. These modes enable potential system designs to meet 30-mW no-load power for power designs up to 30 W nominal, 60 W peak.

The device has been designed for ease-of-use and incorporates many features to enable a wide range of designs. Extensive protection features are included to simplify system design.

See the Device Comparison Table for details.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet UCC2863x, High-Power Flyback Controller with Primary-Side Regulation and Peak-Power Mode datasheet (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 15 Dez 2017
Certificate IEC 60065 Certification 15 Mär 2019
Certificate UCC28630 and UCC28633 IEC 62368 Certification 07 Feb 2019
Application note Rapid Transient Response With UCC28633 PSR-Flyback and UCC24650 Wake-Up Monitor 27 Feb 2015

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