This device contains four independent 2-input exclusive-OR gates.
It performs the Boolean function Y = A
B = A\B + AB\ in positive logic.
A common application is as a true/complement element. If one of
the inputs is low, the other input is reproduced in true form at the
output. If one of the inputs is high, the signal on the other input
is reproduced inverted at the output.
The 74AC11086 is characterized for operation from -40°C to
This device contains four independent 2-input exclusive-OR gates.
It performs the Boolean function Y = A
B = A\B + AB\ in positive logic.
A common application is as a true/complement element. If one of
the inputs is low, the other input is reproduced in true form at the
output. If one of the inputs is high, the signal on the other input
is reproduced inverted at the output.
The 74AC11086 is characterized for operation from -40°C to