

Regulador de voltaje de 150 mA, bajo ruido, baja IQ y baja caída con habilitación

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Detalles del producto

Output options Fixed Output Iout (max) (A) 0.15 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Vin (min) (V) 2.5 Vout (max) (V) 4.5 Vout (min) (V) 1.5 Fixed output options (V) 1.5, 1.575, 1.8, 1.9, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 2.65, 2.7, 2.75, 2.8, 2.85, 3, 3.3, 4.5 Rating Catalog Noise (µVrms) 6.5 PSRR at 100 KHz (dB) 40 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.025 Thermal resistance θJA (°C/W) 80 Load capacitance (min) (µF) 0.47 Regulated outputs (#) 1 Features Enable Accuracy (%) 3 Dropout voltage (Vdo) (typ) (mV) 80 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Output options Fixed Output Iout (max) (A) 0.15 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Vin (min) (V) 2.5 Vout (max) (V) 4.5 Vout (min) (V) 1.5 Fixed output options (V) 1.5, 1.575, 1.8, 1.9, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 2.65, 2.7, 2.75, 2.8, 2.85, 3, 3.3, 4.5 Rating Catalog Noise (µVrms) 6.5 PSRR at 100 KHz (dB) 40 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.025 Thermal resistance θJA (°C/W) 80 Load capacitance (min) (µF) 0.47 Regulated outputs (#) 1 Features Enable Accuracy (%) 3 Dropout voltage (Vdo) (typ) (mV) 80 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
DSBGA (YPF) 4 1.5625 mm² 1.25 x 1.25 DSBGA (YZR) 4 1.5625 mm² 1.25 x 1.25 WSON (NGF) 6 5.5 mm² 2.5 x 2.2
  • Input Voltage Range, 2.5 V to 5.5 V
  • Output Voltage Range, 1.5 V to 4.5 V
  • Stable with 0.47-μF Ceramic Input and Output Capacitors
  • No Noise Bypass Capacitor Required
  • Logic Controlled Enable
  • Thermal-Overload and Short-Circuit Protection
  • −40°C to 125°C Junction Temperature Range for Operation
  • Output Current, 150 mA
  • Low Output Voltage Noise, 6.5 μVRMS
  • PSRR, 75 dB at 1 kHz
  • Output Voltage Tolerance, ±2%
  • Virturally Zero IQ (Disabled), < 1 µA
  • Very Low IQ (Enabled), 25 μA
  • Start-up Time, 150 μs
  • Low Dropout, 80 mV Typ.
  • Input Voltage Range, 2.5 V to 5.5 V
  • Output Voltage Range, 1.5 V to 4.5 V
  • Stable with 0.47-μF Ceramic Input and Output Capacitors
  • No Noise Bypass Capacitor Required
  • Logic Controlled Enable
  • Thermal-Overload and Short-Circuit Protection
  • −40°C to 125°C Junction Temperature Range for Operation
  • Output Current, 150 mA
  • Low Output Voltage Noise, 6.5 μVRMS
  • PSRR, 75 dB at 1 kHz
  • Output Voltage Tolerance, ±2%
  • Virturally Zero IQ (Disabled), < 1 µA
  • Very Low IQ (Enabled), 25 μA
  • Start-up Time, 150 μs
  • Low Dropout, 80 mV Typ.

The LP5900 is an LDO capable of supplying 150-mA output current. Designed to meet the requirements of RF and analog circuits, the LP5900 device provides low noise, high PSRR, low quiescent current, and low line transient response figures. Using new innovative design techniques the LP5900 offers class-leading device noise performance without a noise bypass capacitor.

The device is designed to work with 0.47-μF input and output ceramic capacitors (no bypass capacitor required).

The device is available in a DSBGA (YZR) package and a WSON package; the device is also available in an extremely thin DSBGA (YPF) package. For all voltage and package options available today, see the Package Option Addendum (POA) at the end of this data sheet. For any other fixed output voltages from 1.5 V to 4.5 V in 25-mV steps and all other package options, contact your local TI Sales office.

For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet.

The LP5900 is an LDO capable of supplying 150-mA output current. Designed to meet the requirements of RF and analog circuits, the LP5900 device provides low noise, high PSRR, low quiescent current, and low line transient response figures. Using new innovative design techniques the LP5900 offers class-leading device noise performance without a noise bypass capacitor.

The device is designed to work with 0.47-μF input and output ceramic capacitors (no bypass capacitor required).

The device is available in a DSBGA (YZR) package and a WSON package; the device is also available in an extremely thin DSBGA (YPF) package. For all voltage and package options available today, see the Package Option Addendum (POA) at the end of this data sheet. For any other fixed output voltages from 1.5 V to 4.5 V in 25-mV steps and all other package options, contact your local TI Sales office.

For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet.

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Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet LP5900 150-mA Ultra-Low-Noise LDO for RF and Analog Circuits - Requires No Bypass Capacitor datasheet (Rev. R) PDF | HTML 01 jun 2016
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 jun 2018
Selection guide Low Dropout Regulators Quick Reference Guide (Rev. P) 21 mar 2018
Technical article How LDOs contribute to power efficiency PDF | HTML 13 may 2016
EVM User's guide AN-1494 LP5900SD 6 Pin WSON Evaluation Board Information (Rev. B) 30 abr 2013
EVM User's guide AN-1396 LP5900 DSBGA Evaluation Board Information (Rev. C) 29 abr 2013
Application note AN-2145 Power Considerations for SDI Products (Rev. B) 26 abr 2013
Application note AN-2146 Power Design for SDI and Other Noise-Sensitive Devices (Rev. A) 26 abr 2013
Application note AN-1950 Silently Powering Low Noise Applications (Rev. A) 22 abr 2013
User guide High-IF Sub-sampling Receiver Subsystem User Guide 27 ene 2012
User guide SP16130CH4RB Low IF Receiver Reference Design User Guide 27 ene 2012
White paper Using Power to Improve Signal-Path Performance 01 ago 2006

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Modelo de simulación

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SNVM636.ZIP (41 KB) - PSpice Model
Modelo de simulación

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SNVMAA6.ZIP (1 KB) - PSpice Model
Modelo de simulación

LP5900_3P0 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model

SNVMAA4.ZIP (1 KB) - PSpice Model
Modelo de simulación

LP5900_3P3 PSpice Transient Model

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Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
DSBGA (YPF) 4 Ultra Librarian
DSBGA (YZR) 4 Ultra Librarian
WSON (NGF) 6 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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