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Convertidor de carril dividido, inductor único y regulador de salida múltiple (SIMO)

Detalles del producto

Display type LCD bipolar IC integration LCD bias Vin (min) (V) 2.5 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Applications 7 inches or less Source driver voltage (min) (V) -7 Source driver voltage (max) (V) 6 Level shifter/scan driver (Ch) 0 V_POS (min) (V) 3 V_POS (max) (V) 6 V_NEG (min) (V) -7 V_NEG (max) (V) -2.5 Topology Split-Rail Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Display type LCD bipolar IC integration LCD bias Vin (min) (V) 2.5 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Applications 7 inches or less Source driver voltage (min) (V) -7 Source driver voltage (max) (V) 6 Level shifter/scan driver (Ch) 0 V_POS (min) (V) 3 V_POS (max) (V) 6 V_NEG (min) (V) -7 V_NEG (max) (V) -2.5 Topology Split-Rail Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
WQFN (RTE) 16 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Single-Inductor, Multiple-Output Topology
  • 2.5-V to 5.5-V Input Voltage Range
  • 750-mW Output Power at VI = 2.9 V
  • Positive Output Voltages Up to 6 V
  • Negative Output Voltage Down to –7 V
  • 1% Output Voltage Accuracy
  • Up to 50% Output Current Mismatch Allowed
  • Excellent Line Regulation
  • Advanced Power-Save Mode for Light-Load Efficiency
  • Low-Noise Operation
  • Out-of-Audio Mode
  • Short-Circuit Protection
  • Thermal Shutdown
  • 3-mm × 3-mm Thin QFN Package
  • Single-Inductor, Multiple-Output Topology
  • 2.5-V to 5.5-V Input Voltage Range
  • 750-mW Output Power at VI = 2.9 V
  • Positive Output Voltages Up to 6 V
  • Negative Output Voltage Down to –7 V
  • 1% Output Voltage Accuracy
  • Up to 50% Output Current Mismatch Allowed
  • Excellent Line Regulation
  • Advanced Power-Save Mode for Light-Load Efficiency
  • Low-Noise Operation
  • Out-of-Audio Mode
  • Short-Circuit Protection
  • Thermal Shutdown
  • 3-mm × 3-mm Thin QFN Package

The TPS65135 device is a high-efficiency split-rail power supply. Thanks to its single-inductor, multiple-output (SIMO) topology, the converter uses very few external components. The device operates with a buck-boost topology and generates positive and negative output voltages above or below the input supply voltage. The SIMO topology achieves excellent line and load regulation, which is necessary, for example, to avoid disturbance of a mobile phone display as a result of input voltage variations that occur during transmit periods in mobile communication systems. The device can also be used as a general-purpose split-rail supply as long as the output current mismatch between the rails is less than 50%.

The TPS65135 device is a high-efficiency split-rail power supply. Thanks to its single-inductor, multiple-output (SIMO) topology, the converter uses very few external components. The device operates with a buck-boost topology and generates positive and negative output voltages above or below the input supply voltage. The SIMO topology achieves excellent line and load regulation, which is necessary, for example, to avoid disturbance of a mobile phone display as a result of input voltage variations that occur during transmit periods in mobile communication systems. The device can also be used as a general-purpose split-rail supply as long as the output current mismatch between the rails is less than 50%.

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TPS65132 ACTIVO Convertidor de carril dividido con inductor único y salidas dobles, positivas y negativas This product is the successor of the TPS65135, with I2C (less external components),on SIMO and more flexibility.
TPS65133 ACTIVO Convertidor de carril dividido con fuente de alimentación de salida doble de ±5 V y 250 mA This product is fixed at +/-5.0V and supports higher loads.

Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet TPS65135 Single-Inductor, Multiple-Output Regulator datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 30 ene 2017
Application note Understanding Undervoltage Lockout in Power Devices (Rev. A) 19 sep 2018
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 jun 2018
User guide TPS65135 SIMO Converter Evaluation Module 28 oct 2011
Application note Minimizing Ringing at the Switch Node of a Boost Converter 15 sep 2006

Diseño y desarrollo

Para conocer los términos adicionales o los recursos necesarios, haga clic en cualquier título de abajo para ver la página de detalles cuando esté disponible.

Placa de evaluación

TPS65135EVM-265 — Módulo de evaluación TPS65135 de convertidor con SIMO

The Texas Instruments TPS65135EVM evaluation module uses a TPS65135 single-inductor, multipleoutput regulator to provide both a positive and negative power rail. The goal of the EVM is to facilitate evaluation of the TPS65135. The user's guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of (...)

Guía del usuario: PDF
Herramienta de simulación

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® para herramienta de diseño y simulación de TI

PSpice® for TI is a design and simulation environment that helps evaluate functionality of analog circuits. This full-featured, design and simulation suite uses an analog analysis engine from Cadence®. Available at no cost, PSpice for TI includes one of the largest model libraries in the (...)
Diseños de referencia

TIDA-00385 — Diseño de referencia de reproducción de auriculares de audio de alta fidelidad para aplicaciones por

Since the use of high fidelity headphones is a growing trend for portable audio playback, higher performance DAC and Headphone Amplifiers are demanded. This system converts digital audio from USB, SPDIF, or optical sources into analog using PCM5242 audio DAC. A high performance TPA6120A2 headphone (...)
Test report: PDF
Esquema: PDF
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
WQFN (RTE) 16 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

Los productos recomendados pueden tener parámetros, módulos de evaluación o diseños de referencia relacionados con este producto de TI.

Soporte y capacitación

Foros de TI E2E™ con asistencia técnica de los ingenieros de TI

El contenido lo proporcionan “tal como está” TI y los colaboradores de la comunidad y no constituye especificaciones de TI. Consulte los términos de uso.

Si tiene preguntas sobre la calidad, el paquete o el pedido de productos de TI, consulte el soporte de TI. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
