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1.2-V 精密微功率分流電壓參考,0.1% 準確度


VO (V) 1.225 Initial accuracy (max) (%) 0.1 VO adj (min) (V) 1.225 VO adj (max) (V) 1.225 Iz for regulation (min) (µA) 45 Reference voltage (V) Fixed Rating Catalog Temp coeff (max) (ppm/°C) 100 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Iout/Iz (max) (mA) 25
VO (V) 1.225 Initial accuracy (max) (%) 0.1 VO adj (min) (V) 1.225 VO adj (max) (V) 1.225 Iz for regulation (min) (µA) 45 Reference voltage (V) Fixed Rating Catalog Temp coeff (max) (ppm/°C) 100 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Iout/Iz (max) (mA) 25
SOT-23 (DBZ) 3 6.9204 mm² 2.92 x 2.37 SOT-SC70 (DCK) 5 4.2 mm² 2 x 2.1
  • 1.225V Fixed and adjustable outputs (1.225V to 10V)
  • Tight output tolerances and low temperature coefficient
    • Maximum 0.1%, 100ppm/°C – A grade
    • Maximum 0.2%, 100ppm/°C – B grade
    • Maximum 0.5%, 100ppm/°C – C grade
    • Maximum 1.0%, 150ppm/°C – D grade
  • Low output noise . . . 20µVRMS (typical)
  • Wide operating current range . . . 45µA (typical) to 12mA
  • Stable with all capacitive loads; no output capacitor required
  • Available in
    • Industrial temperature: –40°C to 85°C
    • Extended temperature: –40°C to 125°C
  • 1.225V Fixed and adjustable outputs (1.225V to 10V)
  • Tight output tolerances and low temperature coefficient
    • Maximum 0.1%, 100ppm/°C – A grade
    • Maximum 0.2%, 100ppm/°C – B grade
    • Maximum 0.5%, 100ppm/°C – C grade
    • Maximum 1.0%, 150ppm/°C – D grade
  • Low output noise . . . 20µVRMS (typical)
  • Wide operating current range . . . 45µA (typical) to 12mA
  • Stable with all capacitive loads; no output capacitor required
  • Available in
    • Industrial temperature: –40°C to 85°C
    • Extended temperature: –40°C to 125°C

The LM4041 series of shunt voltage references are versatile, easy-to-use references designed for a wide array of applications. These parts do not require external capacitors for operation and are stable with all capacitive loads. Additionally, the reference offers low dynamic impedance, low noise, and a low temperature coefficient to maintain a stable output voltage over a wide range of operating currents and temperatures. The LM4041 uses fuse and Zener-zap reverse breakdown voltage trim during wafer sort to offer four output voltage tolerances, ranging from 0.1% (maximum) for the A grade to 1% (maximum) for the D grade. Thus, a great deal of flexibility is offered to designers in choosing the best cost-to-performance ratio for applications. The LM4041 is available in a fixed (1.225V nominal) or an adjustable version (which requires an external resistor divider to set the output to a value between 1.225V and 10V).

Packaged in space-saving SC-70 and SOT-23-3 and requiring a minimum current of 45µA (typical), the LM4041 also designed for portable applications. The TO-92 package also is available for through-hole packaging needs. The LM4041xI is characterized for operation over an ambient temperature range of –40°C to 85°C. The LM4041xQ is characterized for operation over an ambient temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.

The LM4041 series of shunt voltage references are versatile, easy-to-use references designed for a wide array of applications. These parts do not require external capacitors for operation and are stable with all capacitive loads. Additionally, the reference offers low dynamic impedance, low noise, and a low temperature coefficient to maintain a stable output voltage over a wide range of operating currents and temperatures. The LM4041 uses fuse and Zener-zap reverse breakdown voltage trim during wafer sort to offer four output voltage tolerances, ranging from 0.1% (maximum) for the A grade to 1% (maximum) for the D grade. Thus, a great deal of flexibility is offered to designers in choosing the best cost-to-performance ratio for applications. The LM4041 is available in a fixed (1.225V nominal) or an adjustable version (which requires an external resistor divider to set the output to a value between 1.225V and 10V).

Packaged in space-saving SC-70 and SOT-23-3 and requiring a minimum current of 45µA (typical), the LM4041 also designed for portable applications. The TO-92 package also is available for through-hole packaging needs. The LM4041xI is characterized for operation over an ambient temperature range of –40°C to 85°C. The LM4041xQ is characterized for operation over an ambient temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.

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檢視所有 3
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet LM4041 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference datasheet (Rev. G) PDF | HTML 2024年 7月 19日
E-book Voltage Supervisor and Reset ICs: Tips, Tricks and Basics 2019年 6月 28日
More literature SLL Precision Reference Product Clip 2006年 2月 23日


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SHUNT-REFERENCE-CALC Shunt Reference Selector and Design Calculator

This tool guides the user through the design process for the TLx431 and LM40x0 family of shunt voltage references. This calculator will recommend resistance and capacitance values to optimally meet the user's desired specifications.


ATL431 2.5-V 低 IQ 可調整精密分流穩壓器 ATL431LI 以超小型 DQN 封裝提供的低 IQ 可編程分流穩壓器 ATL431LI-Q1 車用高頻寬、低 IQ 可編程分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:KRA) ATL432 2.5V 精密可編程分流穩壓器 ATL432LI 高頻寬、低 IQ 可編程分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:RKA) ATL432LI-Q1 車用高頻寬、低 IQ 可編程分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:RKA) LM4030 超高精確分流電壓參考 LM4040 固定電壓、45-µA 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4040-N 100-ppm/°C 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4040-N-Q1 車用 100-ppm/°C 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4040C25-EP 強化型產品 2.5V 精密微功耗分流電壓參考,0.5% 精確度 LM4041-N 固定式與可調式 45-µA 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4041-N-Q1 車用精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4041A12 1.2-V 精密微功率分流電壓參考,0.1% 準確度 LM4041B 可調式精密微功耗分流電壓參考,0.2% 精確度 LM4041B12 1.2-V 精密微功率分流電壓參考,0.2% 準確度 LM4041C 可調式精密微功耗分流電壓參考,0.5% 精確度 LM4041C12 1.2-V 精密微功率分流電壓參考,0.5% 準確度 LM4041D 可調式精密微功耗分流電壓參考,1% 精確度 LM4041D12 1.2-V 精密微功率分流電壓參考,1% 準確度 LM4050-N 50-ppm/°C 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4050-N-Q1 車用 50-ppm/°C 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4050QML-SP 抗輻射 QMLV、2.5-V 或 5-V 分流電壓參考 LM4051-N 固定式與可調式精密微功率分流電壓參考 LMV431 1.5% 低電壓 (1.24-V) 可調式精密分流穩壓器 LMV431A 1% 低電壓 (1.24-V) 可調式精密分流穩壓器 LMV431B 0.5% 低電壓 (1.24-V) 可調節式精密分流穩壓器 TL431 可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TL431-Q1 車用可調式精密分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:KRA) TL431C 2% 可調式精準分流穩壓器 TL431LI 具有最佳化參考電流的可調整精密分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:KRA) TL431LI-Q1 具有最佳化參考電流的車用可調整精密分流穩壓器 TL432 可調精密度分流穩壓器 (反向針腳配置) TL432-Q1 車用可調式精密分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:RKA) TL432LI 具有最佳化參考電流的可調整精密分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:RKA) TL432LI-Q1 具有最佳化參考電流的車用可調整精密分流穩壓器 TLA431 具有 KRA 接腳配置的所有電容器穩定精密可編程參考 TLA432 具有 RKA 接腳配置的所有電容器穩定精密可編程參考 TLV431 1.5% 準確度、低電壓、可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLV431A 1% 準確度、低電壓、可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLV431A-Q1 車用低店家可調式精密分流聯穩壓器 TLV431B 0.5% 準確度、低電壓、可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLV431B-Q1 車用、低電壓可調式精密分流穩壓器 TLVH431 1.5% 低電壓寬操作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLVH431A 1% 低電壓寬操作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLVH431A-Q1 車用、低電壓可調式精密分流穩壓器 TLVH431B 0.5% 低電壓寬操作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLVH431B-EP 強化型塑膠 0.5% 低電壓寬運作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLVH431B-Q1 車用低電壓可調式精密分流聯穩壓器 (反向接腳配置) TLVH432 1.5% 低電壓寬操作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 (反向針腳配置) TLVH432A 1% 低電壓寬操作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 (反向針腳配置) TLVH432B 0.5% 低電壓寬操作電流可調式精密分流穩壓器 (反向接腳配置)
TLV4313 四路、5.5-V、1-MHz、低靜態電流 (65-μA)、RRIO 運算放大器 TLV4314 四路、5.5-V、3-MHz、RRIO 運算放大器 TLV4314-Q1 車規、四路、5.5-V、3-MHz、RRIO 運算放大器 TLV4316 四路、5.5-V、10-MHz、RRIO 運算放大器 TLV4316-Q1 車規、四路、5.5-V、10-MHz、RRIO 運算放大器 TLV4379 四路、5.5-V、90-kHz、低靜態電流 (4-μA)、RRIO 運算放大器
精密度運算放大器 (Vos<1mV)
TLV4333 適用於成本導向系統的四路、350-kHz、低雜訊、RRIO、CMOS 運算放大器 TLV4376 四路、5.5-MHz、100 µV 偏移、8-nV/√Hz 雜訊、815-µA 功率、精密運算放大器 TLV4387 四路、超高精確度 (10 μV) 零漂移 (0.01 μV/°C)、低輸入偏壓電流運算放大器

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® for TI 設計與模擬工具

PSpice® for TI is a design and simulation environment that helps evaluate functionality of analog circuits. This full-featured, design and simulation suite uses an analog analysis engine from Cadence®. Available at no cost, PSpice for TI includes one of the largest model libraries in the (...)

TIDA-00705 — 480W,效率高達 97% η 的超精巧型 (480W/in3) 雙向 DC/DC 參考設計

The TIDA-00705 is an ultra-compact (1”x1”x1”) high efficiency bi-directional DC-DC power converter capable of delivering 480W for use in Local Energy Storage (LES) and Battery Back-up power applications, specifically designed for server PSUs embedded with battery backup units (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-01141 — 分流架構、<1% 精確電壓、±100A、高壓側、雙向電流量測參考設計

This reference design is ±100-A shunt-based, high-side continuous bidirectional current measurement addressing applications such as battery current monitoring and current monitoring in UPS, telecom rectifiers and server PSUs. This design achieves high accuracy with low-shunt (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
SOT-23 (DBZ) 3 Ultra Librarian
SOT-SC70 (DCK) 5 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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