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車用可調式精密分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:KRA)


VO (V) 2.495 Initial accuracy (max) (%) 0.5, 1 VO adj (min) (V) 2.495 VO adj (max) (V) 36 Iz for regulation (min) (µA) 400 Reference voltage (V) adjustable Rating Automotive TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Temp coeff (max) (ppm/°C) 92 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Iout/Iz (max) (mA) 100
VO (V) 2.495 Initial accuracy (max) (%) 0.5, 1 VO adj (min) (V) 2.495 VO adj (max) (V) 36 Iz for regulation (min) (µA) 400 Reference voltage (V) adjustable Rating Automotive TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Temp coeff (max) (ppm/°C) 92 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Iout/Iz (max) (mA) 100
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8 SOT-23 (DBZ) 3 6.9204 mm² 2.92 x 2.37
  • Qualified for automotive applications
  • AEC-Q100 test guidance with the following:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to 125°C ambient operating temperature range
  • Reference voltage tolerance at 25°C:
    • 1% (A Grade)
    • 0.5% (B Grade)
  • Typical temperature drift:
    • 14 mV (Q Temp)
  • Low output noise
  • 0.2-Ω Typical output impedance
  • Sink-current capability: 1 mA to 100 mA
  • Adjustable output voltage: VREF to 36 V
  • Qualified for automotive applications
  • AEC-Q100 test guidance with the following:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to 125°C ambient operating temperature range
  • Reference voltage tolerance at 25°C:
    • 1% (A Grade)
    • 0.5% (B Grade)
  • Typical temperature drift:
    • 14 mV (Q Temp)
  • Low output noise
  • 0.2-Ω Typical output impedance
  • Sink-current capability: 1 mA to 100 mA
  • Adjustable output voltage: VREF to 36 V

The TL431LI-Q1 / TL432LI-Q1 are pin-to-pin alternatives to TL431-Q1 / TL432-Q1. TL43xLI-Q1 offers better stability, lower temperature drift (VI(dev)), and lower reference current (Iref) for improved system accuracy.

The TL431-Q1 is a three-pin adjustable shunt regulator with specified thermal stability over applicable automotive temperature ranges. The output voltage can be set to any value from VREF (approximately 2.5 V) to 36 V, with two external resistors (see Figure 28). This device has a typical output impedance of 0.2 Ω. Active output circuitry provides a sharp turnon characteristic, making this device an excellent replacement for Zener diodes in many applications, such as onboard regulation, adjustable power supplies, and switching power supplies.

The TL432-Q1 has exactly the same functionality and electrical specifications as the TL431-Q1 device, but has a different pinout for the DBZ package.

The TL431LI-Q1 / TL432LI-Q1 are pin-to-pin alternatives to TL431-Q1 / TL432-Q1. TL43xLI-Q1 offers better stability, lower temperature drift (VI(dev)), and lower reference current (Iref) for improved system accuracy.

The TL431-Q1 is a three-pin adjustable shunt regulator with specified thermal stability over applicable automotive temperature ranges. The output voltage can be set to any value from VREF (approximately 2.5 V) to 36 V, with two external resistors (see Figure 28). This device has a typical output impedance of 0.2 Ω. Active output circuitry provides a sharp turnon characteristic, making this device an excellent replacement for Zener diodes in many applications, such as onboard regulation, adjustable power supplies, and switching power supplies.

The TL432-Q1 has exactly the same functionality and electrical specifications as the TL431-Q1 device, but has a different pinout for the DBZ package.

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open-in-new 比較替代產品
TL431LI-Q1 現行 具有最佳化參考電流的車用可調整精密分流穩壓器 Lower temperature drift (63 ppm/°C) and lower reference current


star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 6
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet TL431-Q1 / TL432-Q1 Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator datasheet (Rev. G) PDF | HTML 2020年 5月 7日
Analog Design Journal High-power, low-cost, discrete linear pre-regulator for automotive rear lights 2020年 12月 21日
Functional safety information TL43x-Q1 Functional Safety FIT Rate and Failure Mode Distribution 2019年 12月 18日
E-book Voltage Supervisor and Reset ICs: Tips, Tricks and Basics 2019年 6月 28日
Application brief Automotive LED Lighting with Adjustable Shunt References 2018年 7月 17日
Technical article Using dual high-current op amps to drive automotive LED lights PDF | HTML 2015年 7月 20日


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TL431 Family Unencrypted PSpice Transient and AC Model (Rev. B)

SLVM071B.ZIP (130 KB) - PSpice Model

SHUNT-REFERENCE-CALC Shunt Reference Selector and Design Calculator

This tool guides the user through the design process for the TLx431 and LM40x0 family of shunt voltage references. This calculator will recommend resistance and capacitance values to optimally meet the user's desired specifications.


ATL431 2.5-V 低 IQ 可調整精密分流穩壓器 ATL431LI 以超小型 DQN 封裝提供的低 IQ 可編程分流穩壓器 ATL431LI-Q1 車用高頻寬、低 IQ 可編程分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:KRA) ATL432 2.5V 精密可編程分流穩壓器 ATL432LI 高頻寬、低 IQ 可編程分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:RKA) ATL432LI-Q1 車用高頻寬、低 IQ 可編程分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:RKA) LM4030 超高精確分流電壓參考 LM4040 固定電壓、45-µA 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4040-N 100-ppm/°C 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4040-N-Q1 車用 100-ppm/°C 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4040C25-EP 強化型產品 2.5V 精密微功耗分流電壓參考,0.5% 精確度 LM4041-N 固定式與可調式 45-µA 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4041-N-Q1 車用精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4041A12 1.2-V 精密微功率分流電壓參考,0.1% 準確度 LM4041B 可調式精密微功耗分流電壓參考,0.2% 精確度 LM4041B12 1.2-V 精密微功率分流電壓參考,0.2% 準確度 LM4041C 可調式精密微功耗分流電壓參考,0.5% 精確度 LM4041C12 1.2-V 精密微功率分流電壓參考,0.5% 準確度 LM4041D 可調式精密微功耗分流電壓參考,1% 精確度 LM4041D12 1.2-V 精密微功率分流電壓參考,1% 準確度 LM4050-N 50-ppm/°C 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4050-N-Q1 車用 50-ppm/°C 精密微功率分流電壓參考 LM4050QML-SP 抗輻射 QMLV、2.5-V 或 5-V 分流電壓參考 LM4051-N 固定式與可調式精密微功率分流電壓參考 LMV431 1.5% 低電壓 (1.24-V) 可調式精密分流穩壓器 LMV431A 1% 低電壓 (1.24-V) 可調式精密分流穩壓器 LMV431B 0.5% 低電壓 (1.24-V) 可調節式精密分流穩壓器 TL431 可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TL431-Q1 車用可調式精密分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:KRA) TL431C 2% 可調式精準分流穩壓器 TL431LI 具有最佳化參考電流的可調整精密分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:KRA) TL431LI-Q1 具有最佳化參考電流的車用可調整精密分流穩壓器 TL432 可調精密度分流穩壓器 (反向針腳配置) TL432-Q1 車用可調式精密分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:RKA) TL432LI 具有最佳化參考電流的可調整精密分流穩壓器 (針腳配置:RKA) TL432LI-Q1 具有最佳化參考電流的車用可調整精密分流穩壓器 TLA431 具有 KRA 接腳配置的所有電容器穩定精密可編程參考 TLA432 具有 RKA 接腳配置的所有電容器穩定精密可編程參考 TLV431 1.5% 準確度、低電壓、可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLV431A 1% 準確度、低電壓、可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLV431A-Q1 車用低店家可調式精密分流聯穩壓器 TLV431B 0.5% 準確度、低電壓、可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLV431B-Q1 車用、低電壓可調式精密分流穩壓器 TLVH431 1.5% 低電壓寬操作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLVH431A 1% 低電壓寬操作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLVH431A-Q1 車用、低電壓可調式精密分流穩壓器 TLVH431B 0.5% 低電壓寬操作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLVH431B-EP 強化型塑膠 0.5% 低電壓寬運作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 TLVH431B-Q1 車用低電壓可調式精密分流聯穩壓器 (反向接腳配置) TLVH432 1.5% 低電壓寬操作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 (反向針腳配置) TLVH432A 1% 低電壓寬操作電流可調整精密度分流穩壓器 (反向針腳配置) TLVH432B 0.5% 低電壓寬操作電流可調式精密分流穩壓器 (反向接腳配置)
TLV4313 四路、5.5-V、1-MHz、低靜態電流 (65-μA)、RRIO 運算放大器 TLV4314 四路、5.5-V、3-MHz、RRIO 運算放大器 TLV4314-Q1 車規、四路、5.5-V、3-MHz、RRIO 運算放大器 TLV4316 四路、5.5-V、10-MHz、RRIO 運算放大器 TLV4316-Q1 車規、四路、5.5-V、10-MHz、RRIO 運算放大器 TLV4379 四路、5.5-V、90-kHz、低靜態電流 (4-μA)、RRIO 運算放大器
精密度運算放大器 (Vos<1mV)
TLV4333 適用於成本導向系統的四路、350-kHz、低雜訊、RRIO、CMOS 運算放大器 TLV4376 四路、5.5-MHz、100 µV 偏移、8-nV/√Hz 雜訊、815-µA 功率、精密運算放大器 TLV4387 四路、超高精確度 (10 μV) 零漂移 (0.01 μV/°C)、低輸入偏壓電流運算放大器

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® for TI 設計與模擬工具

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TIDA-020061 — 適用於 100/1000Base-T1 乙太網路應用的汽車數據線供電 PD 參考設計

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Design guide: PDF

TIDA-01382 — 具有線性熱保護機制的車用日間行車燈 (DRL) LED 驅動器參考設計

The TIDA-01382 reference design is a precision pulse width modulation (PWM) dimming solution for daytime running lights (DRL) including thermal foldback without requiring a microcontroller (MCU). The design includes key peripherals like electromagnetic interference (EMI) filtering, electromagnetic (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

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This reference design is an automotive qualified isolated gate driver solution for driving Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs in half bridge configuration. The design includes two push pull bias supplies for the dual channel isolated gate driver respectively and each supply provides +15V and -4V output (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

PMP30790 — 40-W 低輸入電壓非同步升壓轉換器參考設計

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Test report: PDF

PMP31011 — 24-W 低輸入電壓同步升壓轉換器參考設計

此參考設計使用 LM51521-Q1 升壓控制器供應 8-V、3-A 負載,已針對在輸入處以單電池芯超級電容器運作進行最佳化。轉換器可將超級電容器放電至最低 1.0 V,以運用盡可能多的儲存能源在緊急情況下開啟車門,此時 KL30 汽車電瓶電壓並不存在。
Test report: PDF

TIDA-01168 — 適用於 12-V/48-V 車用系統的雙向 DC/DC 轉換器參考設計

The TIDA-01168 reference design is a four-phase, bidirectional DC-DC converter development platform for 12-V/48-V automotive systems. The system uses two LM5170-Q1 current controllers and a TMS320F28027F microcontroller (MCU) for the power stage control. LM5170-Q1 subsystems use average current (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

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This power supply reference design for automotive auxiliary circuits generates a 15-V, 4-A output from a wide input range of 40 V to 1 kV and up to a 1.2-kV transient. The design fits ideally into an 800-V batterydriven hybrid-electric vehicle (HEV) or electric vehicle(EV) traction inverter (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-020030 — SiC/IGBT 隔離式閘極驅動器參考設計,具備熱二極體與感測 FET

This reference design is an IGBT or SiC isolated gate driver power stage driving a IGBT module with advanced protection features. The design consists of a single phase power stage from a traction inverter supporting high level of safety features. The IGBT module has integrated thermal diode for (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

PMP20305 — 11W 車用 LED 驅動器參考設計

PMP20305 is an LED driver circuit reference design using the LM5022-Q1 boost controller IC and two types of constant-current methods to drive 4 strings of LEDs. Two of the LED strings utilize the TL431 voltage reference as a driver to perform a constant current source, while the other two (...)
Test report: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-01183 — 適用於車用照明的精密 PWM 調光 LED 驅動器參考設計

This reference design shows how to use pulse width modulation (PWM) to dim an automotive headlight or tail light with precision of better than 2% duty cycle without the necessity of using a microcontroller. This allows the design to be cost competitive. Devices used in this design are the (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 Ultra Librarian
SOT-23 (DBZ) 3 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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