

具 Eco-Mode™ 的 4.5V 至 60V 輸入、5A 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器

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最新 LM70660 現行 高密度、4.5V 至 65V 輸入、6A 低 EMI 同步 DC/DC 降壓轉換器 Higher efficiency, lower IQ and improved EMI mitigation features
LM76005 現行 3.5-V 至 60-V、5-A 同步降壓式電壓轉換器 Smaller solution size, higher efficiency and lower EMI.


Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 150 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 5 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 60 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 100 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2500 Features Enable, Frequency synchronization, Light Load Efficiency, Over Current Protection, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Wettable flanks package Control mode current mode Vout (min) (V) 0.8 Vout (max) (V) 58.8 Iq (typ) (µA) 146 Duty cycle (max) (%) 98
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 150 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 5 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 60 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 100 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2500 Features Enable, Frequency synchronization, Light Load Efficiency, Over Current Protection, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Wettable flanks package Control mode current mode Vout (min) (V) 0.8 Vout (max) (V) 58.8 Iq (typ) (µA) 146 Duty cycle (max) (%) 98
HSOIC (DDA) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • High efficiency at light loads with pulse skipping Eco-mode™
  • 92-mΩ high-side MOSFET
  • 146-µA operating quiescent current and
    2-µA shutdown current
  • 100-kHz to 2.5-MHz Fixed switching frequency
  • Synchronizes to external clock
  • Low dropout at light loads with integrated BOOT recharge FET
  • Adjustable UVLO and hysteresis
  • 0.8 V 1% Internal voltage reference
  • 8-Pin HSOIC with PowerPAD™ package
  • –40°C to 150°C TJ operating range
  • Create a custom design using the TPS54560B with the WEBENCH® Power Designer
  • High efficiency at light loads with pulse skipping Eco-mode™
  • 92-mΩ high-side MOSFET
  • 146-µA operating quiescent current and
    2-µA shutdown current
  • 100-kHz to 2.5-MHz Fixed switching frequency
  • Synchronizes to external clock
  • Low dropout at light loads with integrated BOOT recharge FET
  • Adjustable UVLO and hysteresis
  • 0.8 V 1% Internal voltage reference
  • 8-Pin HSOIC with PowerPAD™ package
  • –40°C to 150°C TJ operating range
  • Create a custom design using the TPS54560B with the WEBENCH® Power Designer

The TPS54560B is a 60-V, 5-A step-down regulator with an integrated high side MOSFET. Current-mode control provides simple external compensation and flexible component selection. A low-ripple pulse-skip mode reduces no-load-supply current to 146 µA. Shutdown supply current is reduced to 2 µA when the EN (enable) pin is pulled low.

Undervoltage lockout is internally set at 4.3 V but can be increased using the EN pin. Output voltage start-up ramp is internally controlled to provide a controlled start-up and eliminate overshoot.

A wide switching frequency range allows either efficiency or external component size to be optimized. Output current is limited cycle-by-cycle. Frequency foldback and thermal shutdown protects internal and external components during an overload condition.

The TPS54560B is available in an 8-pin thermally enhanced HSOIC PowerPAD package.

The TPS54560B is a 60-V, 5-A step-down regulator with an integrated high side MOSFET. Current-mode control provides simple external compensation and flexible component selection. A low-ripple pulse-skip mode reduces no-load-supply current to 146 µA. Shutdown supply current is reduced to 2 µA when the EN (enable) pin is pulled low.

Undervoltage lockout is internally set at 4.3 V but can be increased using the EN pin. Output voltage start-up ramp is internally controlled to provide a controlled start-up and eliminate overshoot.

A wide switching frequency range allows either efficiency or external component size to be optimized. Output current is limited cycle-by-cycle. Frequency foldback and thermal shutdown protects internal and external components during an overload condition.

The TPS54560B is available in an 8-pin thermally enhanced HSOIC PowerPAD package.

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star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 9
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet TPS54560B 4.5-V to 60-V Input, 5-A step-down dc/dc converter with Eco-mode™ datasheet PDF | HTML 2019年 1月 24日
Application note Controller to Converter – Design Considerations for 24V and 48V Systems PDF | HTML 2024年 10月 2日
Application note Working with Inverting Buck-Boost Converters (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2022年 10月 18日
Application note Step-Dwn (Buck) Convrtr Pwer Solutions for Programmable Logic Controller Systems (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2021年 7月 26日
Application note NRND & Differences TPS54340/360/540/560 and TPS54340B/360B/540B/560B 2019年 4月 5日
Application note Output Ripple Voltage for Buck Switching Regulator (Rev. A) 2014年 10月 13日
Analog Design Journal Accurately measuring efficiency of ultralow-IQ devices 2014年 1月 22日
Application note AN-1889 How to Measure the Loop Transfer Function of Power Supplies (Rev. A) 2013年 4月 23日
Application note AN-2155 Layout Tips for EMI Reduction in DC/ DC Converters (Rev. A) 2013年 4月 23日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


TPS54560EVM-515 — TPS54560 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器評估模組

The Texas Instruments TPS54560EVM-515 evaluation module (EVM) is a fully assembled and tested circuit for evaluating the TPS54560 Step-Down DC/DC Converter. The EVM operates from a 7V to 60V input (12V nominal) and provides a 5.0V output at 5A.
使用指南: PDF

TPS54560 PSpice Average Model

SLVM941.ZIP (63 KB) - PSpice Model

TPS54560 PSpice Transient Model (Rev. A)

SLVM811A.ZIP (113 KB) - PSpice Model

TPS54560 TINA-TI Average Reference Design

SLVMAY4.TSC (64 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design

TPS54560 TINA-TI Average Spice Model

SLVMAY3.ZIP (7 KB) - TINA-TI Spice Model

TPS54560 TINA-TI Transient Reference Design (Rev. A)

SLVM969A.TSC (903 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design

TPS54560 TINA-TI Transient Spice Model

SLVM970.ZIP (50 KB) - TINA-TI Spice Model

TPS54560 Unencrypted PSpice Average Model

SLVMCU2.ZIP (1 KB) - PSpice Model

TPS54560 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model

SLVMCU1.ZIP (5 KB) - PSpice Model

SLVC452 TPS54360 and TPS54361 Family Design Excel Tool



AC/DC 和 DC/DC 轉換器 (整合式 FET)
TPS54340 具 Eco-mode™ 的 42 V 輸出、3.5 A 降壓式 DC/DC 轉換器 TPS54341 具緩啟動和 Eco-mode™的 4.5V 至 42V 輸入 3.5A 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器 TPS54360 具 Eco-mode 的 4.5V 至 60V 輸入,3.5A 降壓轉換器 TPS54360B 具有 Eco-Mode™ 的 60V 輸入、3.5A 降壓 DC/DC 轉換器 TPS54361 具有緩啟動和 Eco-mode™ 的 4.5V 至 60V 輸入 3.5A 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器 TPS54540 具 Eco-Mode 的 42 V、5 A 降壓式 DC-DC 轉換器 TPS54541 具緩啟動和 Eco-mode™的 4.5V 至 42V 輸入 5A 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器 TPS54560 具 Eco-Mode 的 4.5V 至 60V 輸入、5A 降壓轉換器 TPS54560B 具 Eco-Mode™ 的 4.5V 至 60V 輸入、5A 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器 TPS54561 具緩啟動和 Eco-mode™的 4.5V 至 60V 輸入 5A 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器
TPS54340EVM-182 TPS54340 降壓轉換器評估模組 TPS54341EVM-555 TPS54341EVM-555 4.5 至 60V 輸入 3.5A 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器評估模組 TPS54360EVM-182 60V 輸入、3.5A、降壓轉換器評估模組 TPS54361EVM-555 TPS54361EVM-555 TPS54361 4.5-V 至 60-V 輸入 3.5-A 降壓式 DC/DC 轉換器評估模組 TPS54541EVM-555 TPS54541EVM-555 - 4.5V 至 42V 輸入 5A 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器評估模組 TPS54560EVM-515 TPS54560 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器評估模組 TPS54561EVM-555 TPS54561EVM-555 - 60V 輸入 5A 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器評估模組

SWIFTINV-CALC SWIFT™ Converter Inverting Buck/Boost Calculator

The SWIFTINV-CALC Excel sheet is a complementary worksheet to the SLVA317 application note. The worksheet is used to calculate the external components needed to create a negative output voltage from a positive input voltage. The tool features several families of wide input voltage, current-mode (...)



AC/DC 和 DC/DC 轉換器 (整合式 FET)
TPS54040 具 Eco-Mode 的 3.5V 至 42V 輸入、0.5A 降壓轉換器 TPS54060 具 Eco-Mode 的 3.5V 至 60V 輸入、0.5A 降壓轉換器 TPS54060-EP 具 Eco-Mode 的 TPS54060-EP- 0.5-A、60V 降壓 DC/DC 轉換器 TPS54140 具 Eco-Mode 的 3.5V 至 42V 輸入、1.5A 降壓轉換器 TPS54160 具 Eco-Mode 的 3.5V 至 60V 輸入、1.5A 降壓轉換器 TPS54231 具 Eco-mode™ 的 3.5 至 28V 輸入、2A、570kHz 降壓轉換器 TPS54232 具 eco-mode 的 3.5-V 至 28-V 輸入、2-A 降壓轉換器 TPS54233 具 Eco-mode 的 3.5 至 28V 輸入 2A、300kHz 降壓轉換器 TPS54260 具 Eco-Mode 的 3.5V 至 60V 輸入、2.5A 降壓轉換器 TPS54331 具 Eco-mode 的 3.5V 至 28V 輸入、3A、570kHz 降壓轉換器 TPS54332 具 Eco-mode 的 3.5V 至 28V 輸入、3.5A、1MHz 降壓轉換器 TPS54340 具 Eco-mode™ 的 42 V 輸出、3.5 A 降壓式 DC/DC 轉換器 TPS54360 具 Eco-mode 的 4.5V 至 60V 輸入,3.5A 降壓轉換器 TPS54360B 具有 Eco-Mode™ 的 60V 輸入、3.5A 降壓 DC/DC 轉換器 TPS54540 具 Eco-Mode 的 42 V、5 A 降壓式 DC-DC 轉換器 TPS54560 具 Eco-Mode 的 4.5V 至 60V 輸入、5A 降壓轉換器 TPS54560B 具 Eco-Mode™ 的 4.5V 至 60V 輸入、5A 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器 TPS54561 具緩啟動和 Eco-mode™的 4.5V 至 60V 輸入 5A 降壓 DC-DC 轉換器

PMP22343 — 具有輔助輸出參考設計的 +/-40-V 反相降壓升壓

This reference design uses the TPS54560B in an inverting buck-boost topology to generate a -40-V output from a +5-V input. An auxiliary winding generates a +40-V output with reference to the same ground. For applications needing a positive and negative voltage, the buck topology provides a (...)
Test report: PDF
電路圖: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
HSOIC (DDA) 8 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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