

具 Eco-Mode™ 的車用 3.5V 至 60V、1.5A 降壓轉換器


open-in-new 比較替代產品
LM76002-Q1 現行 3.5V 至 60V 3.5A/2.5A 同步電壓穩壓器 Wettable flank WQFN package with improved performance.


Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 1.5 Vin (min) (V) 3.5 Vin (max) (V) 60 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 100 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2500 Features Enable, Frequency synchronization, Light Load Efficiency, Over Current Protection, Power good, Soft Start Adjustable, Tracking, UVLO adjustable Control mode current mode Vout (min) (V) 0.8 Vout (max) (V) 58 Iq (typ) (µA) 116 Duty cycle (max) (%) 100
Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 1.5 Vin (min) (V) 3.5 Vin (max) (V) 60 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 100 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2500 Features Enable, Frequency synchronization, Light Load Efficiency, Over Current Protection, Power good, Soft Start Adjustable, Tracking, UVLO adjustable Control mode current mode Vout (min) (V) 0.8 Vout (max) (V) 58 Iq (typ) (µA) 116 Duty cycle (max) (%) 100
HVSSOP (DGQ) 10 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9 VSON (DRC) 10 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Qualified for Automotive Applications
  • 3.5-V to 60-V Input Voltage Range
  • 200-mΩ High-Side MOSFET
  • High Efficiency at Light Loads With Pulse-
    Skipping Eco-mode™ Control Scheme
  • 116-µA Operating Quiescent Current
  • 1.5-µA Shutdown Current
  • 100-kHz to 2.5-MHz Switching Frequency
  • Synchronizes to External Clock
  • Adjustable Slow Start/Sequencing
  • Undervoltage and Overvoltage Power-good Output
  • Adjustable Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) Voltage
    and Hysteresis
  • 0.8-V Internal Voltage Reference
  • Supported by SwitcherPro™ Software Tool
  • Z-Suffix Offers Improved Delamination
  • Qualified for Automotive Applications
  • 3.5-V to 60-V Input Voltage Range
  • 200-mΩ High-Side MOSFET
  • High Efficiency at Light Loads With Pulse-
    Skipping Eco-mode™ Control Scheme
  • 116-µA Operating Quiescent Current
  • 1.5-µA Shutdown Current
  • 100-kHz to 2.5-MHz Switching Frequency
  • Synchronizes to External Clock
  • Adjustable Slow Start/Sequencing
  • Undervoltage and Overvoltage Power-good Output
  • Adjustable Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) Voltage
    and Hysteresis
  • 0.8-V Internal Voltage Reference
  • Supported by SwitcherPro™ Software Tool
  • Z-Suffix Offers Improved Delamination

The TPS57160-Q1 device is a 60-V 1.5-A step-down regulator with an integrated high-side MOSFET. Current-mode control provides simple external compensation and flexible component selection. A low-ripple pulse-skip mode reduces the no load, input supply current to 116 µA. Using the enable pin, shutdown supply current is reduced to 1.5 µA.

Undervoltage lockout is set internally at 2.5 V but can be increased using the enable pin. The output voltage startup ramp is controlled by the slow-start pin that can also be configured for sequencing or tracking. An open-drain power-good signal indicates the output is within 92% to 109% of the nominal voltage.

A wide switching frequency range allows efficiency and external component size to be optimized. Frequency foldback and thermal shutdown protects the part during an overload condition.

The TPS57160-Q1 device is available in a 10-pin thermally enhanced MSOP-PowerPAD™ (DGQ) or 10-pin VSON (DRC) package. The Z-suffix offers reduced delamination compared to standard device.

The TPS57160-Q1 device is a 60-V 1.5-A step-down regulator with an integrated high-side MOSFET. Current-mode control provides simple external compensation and flexible component selection. A low-ripple pulse-skip mode reduces the no load, input supply current to 116 µA. Using the enable pin, shutdown supply current is reduced to 1.5 µA.

Undervoltage lockout is set internally at 2.5 V but can be increased using the enable pin. The output voltage startup ramp is controlled by the slow-start pin that can also be configured for sequencing or tracking. An open-drain power-good signal indicates the output is within 92% to 109% of the nominal voltage.

A wide switching frequency range allows efficiency and external component size to be optimized. Frequency foldback and thermal shutdown protects the part during an overload condition.

The TPS57160-Q1 device is available in a 10-pin thermally enhanced MSOP-PowerPAD™ (DGQ) or 10-pin VSON (DRC) package. The Z-suffix offers reduced delamination compared to standard device.

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檢視所有 7
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet TPS57160-Q1 1.5-A 60-V Step-Down DC-DC Converter With Eco-mode™ Control datasheet (Rev. E) PDF | HTML 2015年 3月 19日
Application note Passing CISPR25 Radiated Emissions Using the TPS54160-Q1 (Rev. A) 2019年 5月 23日
Application note Interfacing TPS57xxx-Q1 and TPS65320-Q1 Family Devices With Low Impendence Exter 2015年 12月 8日
Application note TPS54xxx-Q1 and TPS57xxx-Q1 Devices EMC Performance Comparison Study 2015年 11月 17日
Application note TPS54xx0-Q1 and TPS57xx0-Q1 Pin Open and Short Test Results (Rev. B) 2015年 11月 3日
Application note Design Considerations for DC-DC Converters in Fast-Input Slew Rate Applications 2015年 3月 5日
EVM User's guide TPS57160EVM User's Guide 2014年 6月 3日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


TPS57160-Q1EVM — TPS57160-Q1EVM: 採用 TPS57160-Q1 降壓 DC/DC 轉換器的 EMC 最佳化 EVM

The TPS57160-Q1EVM is optimized to meet the CISPR25 EMC Standard for automotive components. It requires an input voltage between 9V and 16V and will provide an output voltage of 5V at 1A. The layout has been designed to reduce emissions to levels deemed acceptable by the aforementioned standard. (...)

使用指南: PDF 無法提供

TPS92662AEVM6-104 — TPS92662A-Q1 六通道矩陣評估模組

TPS92662AEVM6-104 包含 66 個獨立控制的 LED,配置爲六通道應用程式。此評估模組顯示 TPS92662A-Q1 LED 矩陣管理裝置的多功能性和可配置性。使用搭配的控制 PCB、6CHAUTOECU-899 和 TPS92662AEVM 軟體套件,可評估完整控制的動態前方照明系統。

TPS92662EVM6-900 — TPS92662-Q1 六通道矩陣評估模組

The TPS92662EVM6-900 consists of 66 invidividually controllable LEDs configured into a six channel application. This evaluation module shows the versatility and configurability of the TPS92662-Q1 LED Matrix Manager Device. Using the companion control PCB, 6CHAUTOECU-899, and the TPS92662EVM (...)

TPS57160-Q1 PSpice Transient Model

SLVM817.ZIP (86 KB) - PSpice Model

TPS57160-Q1 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model

SLVMCV2.ZIP (7 KB) - PSpice Model

TPS54-57XX0-CALC TPS54xx0-Q1 and TPS57xx0-Q1 Design Calculation Tool

This worksheet is designed for use with Microsoft Excel 2002 or later. It intends to assist circuit designers in their day-to-day calculations

This worksheet includes two sections:

  • Recommendations: Calculates the maximum requirements for different components to guarantee the input voltage, output (...)


AC/DC 和 DC/DC 轉換器 (整合式 FET)
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PMP30942 — 適用於光達的車用 5-W 反相降壓升壓參考設計

這款微型反相降壓升壓可在 5.2 V 的輸入電壓中為光達應用提供高達 -45 V 的負電壓。最大負載電流限制為 120 mA。針對較大負載,使用 TPS54260 或 TPS54360。這些降壓裝置適合高工作週期範圍,可在 5-V 輸入下輕鬆啟動。
Test report: PDF

TIDA-050040 — 適用於鹵素替換參考設計的車用 LED 車頭燈驅動器模組

This reference design showcases the TPS92682 and the TPS92520 as a fully self functional three-channel LED driver for headlight applications.  The design is intended to be a low-cost halogen headlight module replacement compatible with an automotive body control module.  The three LED (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-050030 — 120W 雙級矩陣相容汽車頭燈 ECU 參考設計

This reference design details a headlight ECU using an interleaved boost in voltage regulation mode feeding four synchronous buck channels. This design is also capable of matrix headlight control and is mounted to a heatsink and enclosure to emulate an automotive headlight ECU. The TPS92682-Q1 is (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

PMP30473 — 最低雜訊輔助雙輸出電源供應參考設計

This reference design is a 2 x 1-W inverting buck boost converter. The two output voltages (+5 V and -5 V) are produced from one single buck silicon (TPS57160-Q1). Post regulators (and post filters) ensure ripple free output voltages. Input voltage range covers automotive and industrial (...)
Test report: PDF
電路圖: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
HVSSOP (DGQ) 10 Ultra Librarian
VSON (DRC) 10 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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