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4 埠 5-Gbps SuperSpeed USB 3.0 集線器


Function USB3 USB speed (Mbps) 5000 Type Hub Supply voltage (V) 1.1, 3.3 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Function USB3 USB speed (Mbps) 5000 Type Hub Supply voltage (V) 1.1, 3.3 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
VQFN (RGC) 64 81 mm² 9 x 9
  • Four Port USB 3.0 Hub
  • USB 2.0 Hub Features
    • Multi Transaction Translator (MTT) Hub: Four Transaction Translators
    • Four Asynchronous Endpoint Buffers Per Transaction Translator
  • Supports Battery Charging
    • CDP Mode (Upstream Port Connected)
    • DCP Mode (Upstream Port Unconnected)
    • DCP Mode Complies with Chinese Telecommunications Industry Standard YD/T 1591-2009
    • D+/D- Divider Mode
  • Supports Operation as a USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 Compound Device
  • Per Port or Ganged Power Switching and Over-Current Notification Inputs
  • OTP ROM, Serial EEPROM or I2C/SMBus Slave Interface for Custom Configurations:
    • VID and PID
    • Port Customizations
    • Manufacturer and Product Strings (not by OTP ROM)
    • Serial Number (not by OTP ROM)
  • Application Feature Selection Using Pin Selection or EEPROM/ or I2C/SMBus Slave Interface
  • Provides 128-Bit Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
  • Supports On-Board and In-System OTP/EEPROM Programming Via the USB 2.0 Upstream Port
  • Single Clock Input, 24-MHz Crystal or Oscillator
  • No Special Driver Requirements; Works Seamlessly on any Operating System with USB Stack Support
  • 64-Pin QFN Package (RGC)
  • Four Port USB 3.0 Hub
  • USB 2.0 Hub Features
    • Multi Transaction Translator (MTT) Hub: Four Transaction Translators
    • Four Asynchronous Endpoint Buffers Per Transaction Translator
  • Supports Battery Charging
    • CDP Mode (Upstream Port Connected)
    • DCP Mode (Upstream Port Unconnected)
    • DCP Mode Complies with Chinese Telecommunications Industry Standard YD/T 1591-2009
    • D+/D- Divider Mode
  • Supports Operation as a USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 Compound Device
  • Per Port or Ganged Power Switching and Over-Current Notification Inputs
  • OTP ROM, Serial EEPROM or I2C/SMBus Slave Interface for Custom Configurations:
    • VID and PID
    • Port Customizations
    • Manufacturer and Product Strings (not by OTP ROM)
    • Serial Number (not by OTP ROM)
  • Application Feature Selection Using Pin Selection or EEPROM/ or I2C/SMBus Slave Interface
  • Provides 128-Bit Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
  • Supports On-Board and In-System OTP/EEPROM Programming Via the USB 2.0 Upstream Port
  • Single Clock Input, 24-MHz Crystal or Oscillator
  • No Special Driver Requirements; Works Seamlessly on any Operating System with USB Stack Support
  • 64-Pin QFN Package (RGC)

The TUSB8041 is a four-port USB 3.0 hub. It provides simultaneous SuperSpeed USB and high-speed/full-speed connections on the upstream port and provides SuperSpeed USB, high-speed, full-speed, or low-speed connections on the downstream ports. When the upstream port is connected to an electrical environment that only supports high-speed or full-speed/low-speed connections, SuperSpeed USB connectivity is disabled on the downstream ports. When the upstream port is connected to an electrical environment that only supports full-speed/low-speed connections, SuperSpeed USB and high-speed connectivity are disabled on the downstream ports.

The TUSB8041 supports per port or ganged power switching and over-current protection, and supports battery charging applications.

An individually port power controlled hub switches power on or off to each downstream port as requested by the USB host. Also when an individually port power controlled hub senses an over-current event, only power to the affected downstream port will be switched off.

A ganged hub switches on power to all its downstream ports when power is required to be on for any port. The power to the downstream ports is not switched off unless all ports are in a state that allows power to be removed. Also when a ganged hub senses an over-current event, power to all downstream ports will be switched off.

The TUSB8041 downstream ports provide support for battery charging applications by providing Battery Charging Downstream Port (CDP) handshaking support. It also supports a Dedicated Charging Port (DCP) mode when the upstream port is not connected. The DCP mode supports USB devices which support with the USB Battery Charging and Chinese Telecommunications Industry Standard YD/T 1591-2009. In addition, an automatic mode provides transparent support for BC devices and devices supporting Divider Mode charging solutions when the upstream port unconnected.

The TUSB8041 provides pin strap configuration for some features including battery charging support, and also provides customization though OTP ROM, I2C EEPROM or via an I2C/SMBus slave interface for PID, VID, and custom port and phy configurations. Custom string support is also available when using an I2C EEPROM or the I2C/SMBus slave interface.

The device is available in a 64-pin RGC package and is offered in a commercial version (TUSB8041) for operation over the temperature range of 0°C to 70°C, and in an industrial version (TUSB8041I) for operation over the temperature range of -40°C to 85°C.

The TUSB8041 is a four-port USB 3.0 hub. It provides simultaneous SuperSpeed USB and high-speed/full-speed connections on the upstream port and provides SuperSpeed USB, high-speed, full-speed, or low-speed connections on the downstream ports. When the upstream port is connected to an electrical environment that only supports high-speed or full-speed/low-speed connections, SuperSpeed USB connectivity is disabled on the downstream ports. When the upstream port is connected to an electrical environment that only supports full-speed/low-speed connections, SuperSpeed USB and high-speed connectivity are disabled on the downstream ports.

The TUSB8041 supports per port or ganged power switching and over-current protection, and supports battery charging applications.

An individually port power controlled hub switches power on or off to each downstream port as requested by the USB host. Also when an individually port power controlled hub senses an over-current event, only power to the affected downstream port will be switched off.

A ganged hub switches on power to all its downstream ports when power is required to be on for any port. The power to the downstream ports is not switched off unless all ports are in a state that allows power to be removed. Also when a ganged hub senses an over-current event, power to all downstream ports will be switched off.

The TUSB8041 downstream ports provide support for battery charging applications by providing Battery Charging Downstream Port (CDP) handshaking support. It also supports a Dedicated Charging Port (DCP) mode when the upstream port is not connected. The DCP mode supports USB devices which support with the USB Battery Charging and Chinese Telecommunications Industry Standard YD/T 1591-2009. In addition, an automatic mode provides transparent support for BC devices and devices supporting Divider Mode charging solutions when the upstream port unconnected.

The TUSB8041 provides pin strap configuration for some features including battery charging support, and also provides customization though OTP ROM, I2C EEPROM or via an I2C/SMBus slave interface for PID, VID, and custom port and phy configurations. Custom string support is also available when using an I2C EEPROM or the I2C/SMBus slave interface.

The device is available in a 64-pin RGC package and is offered in a commercial version (TUSB8041) for operation over the temperature range of 0°C to 70°C, and in an industrial version (TUSB8041I) for operation over the temperature range of -40°C to 85°C.

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open-in-new 比較替代產品
TUSB8020B 現行 雙埠 SuperSpeed 5.0Gbps USB 3.0 集線器 A 2-port hub


star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 7
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet TUSB8041 Four-Port USB 3.0 Hub datasheet (Rev. E) PDF | HTML 2017年 6月 23日
Application note ESD and Surge Protection for USB Interfaces (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2024年 1月 11日
Application note TI USB Hubs: Adjusting USB_R1 2018年 8月 14日
Application note High-Speed Layout Guidelines for Signal Conditioners and USB Hubs 2018年 6月 14日
Application note Transition From USB 3.0 Hub to USB 3.1 Hub 2017年 12月 6日
Technical article DisplayPort(TM) over USB Type-C(TM): One connector to rule them all PDF | HTML 2015年 5月 18日
User guide TUSB8041RGC REVD Evaluation Module User's Guide 2014年 5月 16日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


TUSB8041EVM — 4 埠 USB 3.0 SuperSpeed 集線器評估模組

The TUSB8041EVM is a functional board design of a single device that implements both a USB 3.0 hub and a USB 2.0 hub. The evaluation module (EVM) can support both SuperSpeed (SS) and USB 2.0 (HS, FS, and LS) operation on its USB ports. This EVM is intended for use in evaluating system (...)

使用指南: PDF
TI.com 無法提供

USB-CTM-MINIDK-EVM — 支援視訊和充電的 USB Type-C™ 迷你底座電路板評估模組

The USB Type-C™ and Power Delivery (PD) MiniDock evaluation module (EVM) provides a complete reference solution for a USB Type-C dock including audio, USB data, power and video.  The EVM has a small 2-inch by 4-inch form factor and supports both source and sink power capabilities over (...)

使用指南: PDF | HTML
TI.com 無法提供

TUSB8041 IBIS Model

SLLC445.ZIP (241 KB) - IBIS Model

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® for TI 設計與模擬工具

PSpice® for TI 是有助於評估類比電路功能的設計和模擬環境。這款全功能設計和模擬套件使用 Cadence® 的類比分析引擎。PSpice for TI 包括業界最大的模型庫之一,涵蓋我們的類比和電源產品組合,以及特定類比行為模型,且使用無需支付費用。

PSpice for TI 設計和模擬環境可讓您使用其內建函式庫來模擬複雜的混合訊號設計。在進行佈局和製造之前,建立完整的終端設備設計和解決方案原型,進而縮短上市時間並降低開發成本。 

在 PSpice for TI 設計與模擬工具中,您可以搜尋 TI (...)

TINA-TI — 基於 SPICE 的類比模擬程式

TINA-TI provides all the conventional DC, transient and frequency domain analysis of SPICE and much more. TINA has extensive post-processing capability that allows you to format results the way you want them. Virtual instruments allow you to select input waveforms and probe circuit nodes voltages (...)
使用指南: PDF

TIDEP0076 — 基於 AM572x 處理器並採用 DLP® 結構光的 3D 機器視覺參考設計

The TIDEP0076 3D machine vision design describes an embedded 3D scanner based on the structured light principle. A digital camera along with a Sitara™ AM57xx processor System on Chip (SoC)  is used to capture reflected light patterns from a DLP4500-based projector. Subsquent processing (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-01243 — 具有視訊和充電支援的 USB Type-C™ 和電力傳輸迷你底座參考設計

The USB Type-C® and power delivery (PD) minidock reference design provides a reference for a USB Type-C dock including audio, USB data, power and video.  This reference design has a small 2-inch by 4-inch form factor and supports both source and sink power capabilities over the (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDEP0046 — 基於 AM57x 使用 OpenCL 進行 DSP 加速的 Monte-Carlo 模擬參考設計

TI’s high performance ARM® Cortex®-A15 based AM57x processors also integrate C66x DSPs. These DSPs were designed to handle high signal and data processing tasks that are often required by industrial, automotive and financial applications. The AM57x OpenCL implementation makes it easy (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDEP0047 — 採用 TI AM57x 處理器參考設計的電源和熱能設計考量

This is a reference design based on the AM57x processor and companion TPS659037 power management integrated circuit (PMIC).  This design specifically highlights important power and thermal design considerations and techniques for systems designed with AM57x and TPS659037.  It includes (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDEP0065 — 具有 PRU-ICSS 的增強型 I2C 和 SMbus 主介面參考設計

This is a reference design for industrial communication on Sitara™ processors with Programmable Real-Time Unit and Industrial Communication Subsystem (PRU-ICSS). PRU-ICSS allows custom firmware applications in the field of real-time applications. The I2C peripheral on many application processors (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-00288 — 4 連接埠 USB 3.0 集線器參考設計

This verified reference design is a four-port USB 3.0 compliant hub. It provides simultaneous SuperSpeed and high-speed/full-speed connections on the upstream port and provides SuperSpeed, high-speed, full- speed, or low-speed connections on the downstream ports. The hub design provides power (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
VQFN (RGC) 64 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點

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