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Intelligente 60-A-Synchron-Abwärts-NexFET™-Leistungsstufe mit TAO-Offset

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VDS (V) 20 Ploss current (A) 30 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 150
VDS (V) 20 Ploss current (A) 30 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 150
LSON-CLIP (DQP) 12 30 mm² 6 x 5
  • 60-A Continuous Operating Current Capability
  • 93.4% System Efficiency at 30 A
  • Low-Power Loss of 2.8 W at 30 A
  • High-Frequency Operation (up to 1.25 MHz)
  • Diode Emulation Mode With FCCM
  • Temperature Compensated Bi-Directional Current Sense
  • Analog Temperature Output (400 mV at 0°C)
  • Fault Monitoring
    • High-Side Short, Overcurrent, and Overtemperature Protection
  • 3.3-V and 5-V PWM Signal Compatible
  • Tri-State PWM Input
  • Integrated Bootstrap Diode
  • Optimized Dead Time for Shoot-Through Protection
  • High-Density SON 5-mm × 6-mm Footprint
  • Ultra-Low-Inductance Package
  • System Optimized PCB Footprint
  • RoHS Compliant – Lead-Free Terminal Plating
  • Halogen Free
  • 60-A Continuous Operating Current Capability
  • 93.4% System Efficiency at 30 A
  • Low-Power Loss of 2.8 W at 30 A
  • High-Frequency Operation (up to 1.25 MHz)
  • Diode Emulation Mode With FCCM
  • Temperature Compensated Bi-Directional Current Sense
  • Analog Temperature Output (400 mV at 0°C)
  • Fault Monitoring
    • High-Side Short, Overcurrent, and Overtemperature Protection
  • 3.3-V and 5-V PWM Signal Compatible
  • Tri-State PWM Input
  • Integrated Bootstrap Diode
  • Optimized Dead Time for Shoot-Through Protection
  • High-Density SON 5-mm × 6-mm Footprint
  • Ultra-Low-Inductance Package
  • System Optimized PCB Footprint
  • RoHS Compliant – Lead-Free Terminal Plating
  • Halogen Free

The CSD95378BQ5M NexFET™ smart power stage is a highly optimized design for use in a high-power, high-density synchronous buck converter. This product integrates the driver IC and power MOSFETs to complete the power stage switching function. This combination produces high-current, high-efficiency, and high speed switching capability in a small
5-mm × 6-mm outline package. It also integrates the accurate current sensing and temperature sensing functionality to simplify system design and improve accuracy. In addition, the PCB footprint is optimized to help reduce design time and simplify the completion of the overall system design.

The CSD95378BQ5M NexFET™ smart power stage is a highly optimized design for use in a high-power, high-density synchronous buck converter. This product integrates the driver IC and power MOSFETs to complete the power stage switching function. This combination produces high-current, high-efficiency, and high speed switching capability in a small
5-mm × 6-mm outline package. It also integrates the accurate current sensing and temperature sensing functionality to simplify system design and improve accuracy. In addition, the PCB footprint is optimized to help reduce design time and simplify the completion of the overall system design.

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* Data sheet CSD95378BQ5M Synchronous Buck NexFET Smart Power Stage datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 21 Jul 2017

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Bestellen & Qualität

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  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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