

LED-Hochstrom-Matrixtreiber, 11 × 18, mit Dimmfunktion 8 Bit (analog) und 8/16 Bit (PWM)

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Number of channels 18 LED current per channel (mA) 100 LED configuration Matrix Program memory Yes Topology Linear Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Iout (max) (A) 1.8 Features Analog/PWM mixed dimming, Constant current, Enable/Shutdown, LED Open Detection, LED Short Detection, SPI/I2C, Thermal shutdown Iq (typ) (mA) 4.3 Shutdown current (ISD) (typ) (µA) 1 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Rating Catalog
Number of channels 18 LED current per channel (mA) 100 LED configuration Matrix Program memory Yes Topology Linear Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Iout (max) (A) 1.8 Features Analog/PWM mixed dimming, Constant current, Enable/Shutdown, LED Open Detection, LED Short Detection, SPI/I2C, Thermal shutdown Iq (typ) (mA) 4.3 Shutdown current (ISD) (typ) (µA) 1 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Rating Catalog
VQFN (RKP) 40 25 mm² 5 x 5
  • LED matrix topology:

    • 18 constant current sinks with 11 scan switches for 198 LED dots
    • Configurable for 1 to 11 scan switches

  • Operating voltage range:
    • VCC/VLED range: 2.7V to 5.5V
    • Logic pins compatible with 1.8V, 3.3V, and 5V
  • 18 constant current sinks with high precision:
    • 100mA per current sink when VCC ≥ 3.3V
    • Device-to-device error: ±5%
    • Channel-to-channel error: ±5%
    • Phase-shift for balanced transient power
  • Ultra-low power consumption:
    • Shutdown mode: ICC ≤ 1µA when EN = Low
    • Standby mode: ICC ≤ 10µA when EN = High and CHIP_EN = 0 (data retained)
    • Active mode: ICC = 5mA (typ.) when channel current = 12.5mA
  • Flexible dimming options:
    • Individual ON/OFF control for each LED dot
    • Analog dimming (current gain control)
      • Global 7-step Maximum Current (MC) setting for all LED dots
      • 3 groups of 7-bit Color Current (CC) RGB setting
      • Individual 8-bit Dot Current (DC) setting for each LED dot
    • PWM dimming with audible-noise-free frequency
      • Global 8-bit PWM dimming for all LED dots
      • 3 programmable groups of 8-bit PWM dimming for LED dot arbitrary mapping
      • Individual 8-bit or 16-bit PWM dimming for each LED dot
  • Full addressable SRAM to minimize data traffic
  • Individual LED dot open/short detection
  • De-ghosting and low brightness compensation
  • Interface options:
    • 1MHz (max.) I2C interface when IFS = Low
    • 12MHz (max.) SPI interface when IFS = High
  • LED matrix topology:

    • 18 constant current sinks with 11 scan switches for 198 LED dots
    • Configurable for 1 to 11 scan switches

  • Operating voltage range:
    • VCC/VLED range: 2.7V to 5.5V
    • Logic pins compatible with 1.8V, 3.3V, and 5V
  • 18 constant current sinks with high precision:
    • 100mA per current sink when VCC ≥ 3.3V
    • Device-to-device error: ±5%
    • Channel-to-channel error: ±5%
    • Phase-shift for balanced transient power
  • Ultra-low power consumption:
    • Shutdown mode: ICC ≤ 1µA when EN = Low
    • Standby mode: ICC ≤ 10µA when EN = High and CHIP_EN = 0 (data retained)
    • Active mode: ICC = 5mA (typ.) when channel current = 12.5mA
  • Flexible dimming options:
    • Individual ON/OFF control for each LED dot
    • Analog dimming (current gain control)
      • Global 7-step Maximum Current (MC) setting for all LED dots
      • 3 groups of 7-bit Color Current (CC) RGB setting
      • Individual 8-bit Dot Current (DC) setting for each LED dot
    • PWM dimming with audible-noise-free frequency
      • Global 8-bit PWM dimming for all LED dots
      • 3 programmable groups of 8-bit PWM dimming for LED dot arbitrary mapping
      • Individual 8-bit or 16-bit PWM dimming for each LED dot
  • Full addressable SRAM to minimize data traffic
  • Individual LED dot open/short detection
  • De-ghosting and low brightness compensation
  • Interface options:
    • 1MHz (max.) I2C interface when IFS = Low
    • 12MHz (max.) SPI interface when IFS = High

The LP5860T is a high-current and high-performance LED matrix driver. The device integrates 18 constant current sinks with N (N = 6/8/11) switching MOSFETs to support . The LP5860T integrates 11 MOSFETs for up to 198 LED dots or 66 RGB LEDs.

The LP5860T supports both analog dimming and PWM dimming methods. For analog dimming, each LED dot can be adjusted with 256 steps. For PWM dimming, the integrated 8-bit or 16-bit configurable PWM generators enable smooth and audible-noise-free dimming control. Each LED dot can also be arbitrarily mapped into 8-bit Group PWM to achieve dimming control together.

The LP5860T device implements full addressable SRAM to minimize the data traffic. The ghost-cancellation circuitry is integrated to eliminate both upside and downside ghosting. The LP5860T also supports LED open and short detection functions. Both 1MHz (maximum) I2C and 12MHz (maximum) SPI are available in LP5860T.

The LP5860T is a high-current and high-performance LED matrix driver. The device integrates 18 constant current sinks with N (N = 6/8/11) switching MOSFETs to support . The LP5860T integrates 11 MOSFETs for up to 198 LED dots or 66 RGB LEDs.

The LP5860T supports both analog dimming and PWM dimming methods. For analog dimming, each LED dot can be adjusted with 256 steps. For PWM dimming, the integrated 8-bit or 16-bit configurable PWM generators enable smooth and audible-noise-free dimming control. Each LED dot can also be arbitrarily mapped into 8-bit Group PWM to achieve dimming control together.

The LP5860T device implements full addressable SRAM to minimize the data traffic. The ghost-cancellation circuitry is integrated to eliminate both upside and downside ghosting. The LP5860T also supports LED open and short detection functions. Both 1MHz (maximum) I2C and 12MHz (maximum) SPI are available in LP5860T.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet LP5860T 11 × 18 LED High-Current Matrix Driver with 8-Bit Analog and 8-Bit or 16-Bit PWM Dimming datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 21 Nov 2023
Certificate LP5860TEVM EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 30 Jun 2023

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Bestellen & Qualität

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  • RoHS
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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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