Gleichspannungsabwärtswandler, vier Phasen, Einzelausgang 16 A
- High-Efficiency Step-Down Four-Phase DC/DC Converter Cores:
- Maximum Output Current 16 A
- Auto PWM-PFM and Forced-PWM Operations
- Auto Phase Adding/Shedding and Force Multi-Phase Operations
- Remote Differential Feedback Voltage Sensing
- Programmable Output Voltage Slew-Rate from 30 mV/µs to 0.5 mV/µs
- VOUT Range = 0.5 V to 3.36 V with DVS
- Programmable Start-up and Shutdown Delays with Enable Signal
- I2C-Compatible Interface which Supports Standard (100 kHz), Fast (400 kHz), Fast+ (1 MHz), and High-Speed (3.4 MHz) Modes
- Interrupt Function with Programmable Masking
- Load Current Measurement
- Output Short-Circuit and Overload Protection
- Spread-Spectrum Mode and Phase Interleaving for EMI Reduction
- Overtemperature Warning and Protection
- Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
The LP8758 is designed to meet the power management requirements of the latest application processors in mobile phones and similar portable applications. The device contains four step-down DC/DC converter cores, which are bundled together in a single 4-phase buck converter. The device is controlled by an I2C-compatible serial interface.
The automatic PWM-PFM (AUTO mode) operation, together with the automatic phase adding/shedding, maximizes efficiency over a wide output-current range. The LP8758 supports remote differential voltage sensing to compensate IR drop between the regulator output and the point-of-load, thus improving the accuracy of the output voltage.
The LP8758 supports programmable start-up and shutdown delays synchronized to Enable signal.
The protection features include short-circuit protection, current limits, input supply UVLO, and temperature warning and shutdown functions. Several error flags are provided for status information of the device. In addition, the LP8758 device supports load current measurement without the addition of external current sense resistors. During start-up and voltage change, the device controls the output slew rate to minimize output voltage overshoot and the inrush current.
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LP8758EVM — LP8758-B0 Vier-Phasen-DC-DC-Abwärtswandler – Evaluierungsmodul
The LP8758EVM demonstrates the integrated circuit LP8758 from Texas Instruments. The LP8758 is a high-performance, multiphase step-down converter designed to meet the power management requirements of the latest applications processors in mobile phones and similar portable applications. The device (...)
SNVC186 — LP8758EVM Qt Source
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