

I3C-Umsetzer für extrem niedrige Spannungen mit Anstiegszeitbeschleunigern

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Features Output Enable Protocols I2C, I3C Frequency (max) (MHz) 12.5 VCCA (min) (V) 0.72 VCCA (max) (V) 1.98 VCCB (min) (V) 0.72 VCCB (max) (V) 1.98 Supply restrictions No rule Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Features Output Enable Protocols I2C, I3C Frequency (max) (MHz) 12.5 VCCA (min) (V) 0.72 VCCA (max) (V) 1.98 VCCB (min) (V) 0.72 VCCB (max) (V) 1.98 Supply restrictions No rule Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
SOT-23-THN (DDF) 8 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8 X2SON (DTW) 8 1.35 mm² 1 x 1.35
  • 2-bit dual supply bidirectional translator for I3C, I 2C, SMBus, SPI applications
  • Provides bidirectional voltage translation with no direction pin
  • High-impedance output Ax and Bx pins when OE = 0 V or V CC = 0 V
  • Internal 10-kΩ pull-up resistor on Ax and Bx pins
  • 0.72 V to 1.98 V on both A and B ports; V CCA ≤ V CCB
  • Compatible with MIPI I3C supporting speeds up to 12.5 MHz
  • Compatible with JEDEC I3C module sideband bus specification (JESD403)
  • V CC Isolation feature: If either V CC input is at GND, both A and B ports are in the high-impedance state
  • No power-supply sequencing required: either V CCA or V CCB can be ramped first
  • Low I off of 2.5 µA when either V CCA or V CCB = 0 V
  • OE input can be tied directly to V CCA or controlled by GPIO
  • Latch-up performance exceeds 100 mA per JESD 78, class II
  • ESD Protection exceeds JESD 22
    • 4000-V Human-body model (A114-B)
    • 1500-V Charged-device model (C101)
  • 2-bit dual supply bidirectional translator for I3C, I 2C, SMBus, SPI applications
  • Provides bidirectional voltage translation with no direction pin
  • High-impedance output Ax and Bx pins when OE = 0 V or V CC = 0 V
  • Internal 10-kΩ pull-up resistor on Ax and Bx pins
  • 0.72 V to 1.98 V on both A and B ports; V CCA ≤ V CCB
  • Compatible with MIPI I3C supporting speeds up to 12.5 MHz
  • Compatible with JEDEC I3C module sideband bus specification (JESD403)
  • V CC Isolation feature: If either V CC input is at GND, both A and B ports are in the high-impedance state
  • No power-supply sequencing required: either V CCA or V CCB can be ramped first
  • Low I off of 2.5 µA when either V CCA or V CCB = 0 V
  • OE input can be tied directly to V CCA or controlled by GPIO
  • Latch-up performance exceeds 100 mA per JESD 78, class II
  • ESD Protection exceeds JESD 22
    • 4000-V Human-body model (A114-B)
    • 1500-V Charged-device model (C101)

The TCA39416 is a 2-bit bidirectional MIPI I3C v1.1.1, I 2C, SMBus and SPI voltage-level translator with an output enable (OE) input and rising and falling edge accelerators. It is operational from 0.72 V to 1.98 V on both the A-side and B-side with V CCA must be less than V CCB for proper operation. This limitation allows the device to interface between lower and higher logic signal levels at any of the typical 1-V, 1.2-V and 1.8-V supply rails.

The OE input pin is referenced to V CCA, can be tied directly to V CCA, but it is also 1.98-V tolerant. The OE pin can also be controlled and set to a logic low to place all the Ax (A1, A2) and Bx (B1, B2) pins in a high-impedance state, which significantly reduces the quiescent current consumption.

The TCA39416 is compatible with 12.5 MHz I3C speeds and also supports higher speed SPI applications with two devices. It also enables bidirectional voltage level translation for traditional I2C-bus/SMBus applications under normal I 2C and SMBus configurations.

The TCA39416 features internal 10-kΩ pull-up resistors on Ax and Bx that act as high-keeper and are enabled based on respective V CC voltage when bus is high.

The TCA39416 is a 2-bit bidirectional MIPI I3C v1.1.1, I 2C, SMBus and SPI voltage-level translator with an output enable (OE) input and rising and falling edge accelerators. It is operational from 0.72 V to 1.98 V on both the A-side and B-side with V CCA must be less than V CCB for proper operation. This limitation allows the device to interface between lower and higher logic signal levels at any of the typical 1-V, 1.2-V and 1.8-V supply rails.

The OE input pin is referenced to V CCA, can be tied directly to V CCA, but it is also 1.98-V tolerant. The OE pin can also be controlled and set to a logic low to place all the Ax (A1, A2) and Bx (B1, B2) pins in a high-impedance state, which significantly reduces the quiescent current consumption.

The TCA39416 is compatible with 12.5 MHz I3C speeds and also supports higher speed SPI applications with two devices. It also enables bidirectional voltage level translation for traditional I2C-bus/SMBus applications under normal I 2C and SMBus configurations.

The TCA39416 features internal 10-kΩ pull-up resistors on Ax and Bx that act as high-keeper and are enabled based on respective V CC voltage when bus is high.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TCA39416 Ultra-Low-Voltage I3C Translator with Rise Time Accelerators datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 03 Nov 2023
Application note Understanding Transient Drive Strength vs. DC Drive Strength in Level-Shifters (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 03 Jul 2024
Application brief I3C Voltage Translator and Multiplexer Quick Reference PDF | HTML 04 Jan 2024
User guide TCA39416EVM User's Guide PDF | HTML 15 Dez 2022
Certificate TCA39416EVM EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 30 Nov 2022

Design und Entwicklung

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X2SON (DTW) 8 Ultra Librarian

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