Startseite Schnittstelle I2C & I3C ICs I2C- und I3C-Pegelumsetzer, -Puffer und -Hubs



Bidirektionaler 2-Bit-2,3-V- bis 5,5-V-, Hot-Swap-fähiger 400-kHz-I2C/SMBus-Puffer


Features Buffer, Enable pin, Hot swap Protocols I2C Frequency (max) (MHz) 0.4 VCCA (min) (V) 2.3 VCCA (max) (V) 5.5 VCCB (min) (V) 2.3 VCCB (max) (V) 5.5 Supply restrictions VCC Single Supply Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Features Buffer, Enable pin, Hot swap Protocols I2C Frequency (max) (MHz) 0.4 VCCA (min) (V) 2.3 VCCA (max) (V) 5.5 VCCB (min) (V) 2.3 VCCB (max) (V) 5.5 Supply restrictions VCC Single Supply Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
VSSOP (DGK) 8 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9
  • Supports bidirectional data transfer of I2C bus signals
  • Operating power-supply voltage range of 2.3 V to 5.5 V
  • TA ambient air temperature range of -40 °C to 125 °C
  • 1-V Precharge on all SDA and SCL lines prevents corruption during live insertion
  • Accommodates standard mode and fast mode I2C devices
  • Supports clock stretching, arbitration and synchronization
  • Powered-off high-impedance I2C pins
  • Supports bidirectional data transfer of I2C bus signals
  • Operating power-supply voltage range of 2.3 V to 5.5 V
  • TA ambient air temperature range of -40 °C to 125 °C
  • 1-V Precharge on all SDA and SCL lines prevents corruption during live insertion
  • Accommodates standard mode and fast mode I2C devices
  • Supports clock stretching, arbitration and synchronization
  • Powered-off high-impedance I2C pins

The TCA9511A is a hot-swappable I2C bus buffer that supports I/O card insertion into a live backplane without corruption of the data and clock lines. Control circuitry prevents the backplane-side I2C lines (in) from being connected to the card-side I2C lines (out) until a stop command or bus idle condition occurs on the backplane without bus contention on the card. When the connection is made, this device provides bidirectional buffering, keeping the backplane and card capacitances isolated. During insertion, the SDA and SCL lines are pre-charged to 1 V to minimize the current required to charge the parasitic capacitance of the device.

When the I2C bus is idle, the TCA9511A can be put into shutdown mode by setting the EN pin low, reducing power consumption. When EN is pulled high, the TCA9511A resumes normal operation. It also includes an open drain READY output pin, which indicates that the backplane and card sides are connected together. When READY is high, the SDAIN and SCLIN are connected to SDAOUT and SCLOUT. When the two sides are disconnected, READY is low.

The TCA9511A is a hot-swappable I2C bus buffer that supports I/O card insertion into a live backplane without corruption of the data and clock lines. Control circuitry prevents the backplane-side I2C lines (in) from being connected to the card-side I2C lines (out) until a stop command or bus idle condition occurs on the backplane without bus contention on the card. When the connection is made, this device provides bidirectional buffering, keeping the backplane and card capacitances isolated. During insertion, the SDA and SCL lines are pre-charged to 1 V to minimize the current required to charge the parasitic capacitance of the device.

When the I2C bus is idle, the TCA9511A can be put into shutdown mode by setting the EN pin low, reducing power consumption. When EN is pulled high, the TCA9511A resumes normal operation. It also includes an open drain READY output pin, which indicates that the backplane and card sides are connected together. When READY is high, the SDAIN and SCLIN are connected to SDAOUT and SCLOUT. When the two sides are disconnected, READY is low.

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