Startseite Energiemanagement AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)



Einstellbarer linearer Spannungsregler, 100 mA, 35 V, mit geringem Ruhestrom

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Selbe Funktionalität wie der verglichene Baustein bei gleicher Anschlussbelegung
LM317L AKTIV Einstellbarer linearer Spannungsregler, 100 mA, 35 V Lower Accuracy


Vin (min) (V) 2.5 Vin (max) (V) 35 Iout (max) (A) 0.1 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Vout (min) (V) 1.25 Vout (max) (V) 32 Iq (typ) (µA) 50
Vin (min) (V) 2.5 Vin (max) (V) 35 Iout (max) (A) 0.1 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Vout (min) (V) 1.25 Vout (max) (V) 32 Iq (typ) (µA) 50
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6 SOP (PS) 8 48.36 mm² 6.2 x 7.8 TO-92 (LP) 3 19.136 mm² 5.2 x 3.68 TSSOP (PW) 8 19.2 mm² 3 x 6.4
  • Output Voltage Range Adjustable From
    1.25 V to 32 V When Used With an External
    Resistor Divider
  • Output Current Capability of 100 mA
  • Input Regulation Typically 0.01% Per
    Input-Voltage Change
  • Output Regulation Typically 0.5%
  • Ripple Rejection Typically 80 dB
  • Output Voltage Range Adjustable From
    1.25 V to 32 V When Used With an External
    Resistor Divider
  • Output Current Capability of 100 mA
  • Input Regulation Typically 0.01% Per
    Input-Voltage Change
  • Output Regulation Typically 0.5%
  • Ripple Rejection Typically 80 dB

The TL317 is an adjustable three-terminal positive-voltage regulator capable of supplying 100 mA over an output-voltage range of 1.25 V to 32 V. It is exceptionally easy to use and requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage.

This regulator offers full overload protection available only in integrated circuits. Included on the chip are current-limiting and thermal-overload protection. All overload-protection circuitry remains fully functional, even when ADJUSTMENT is disconnected. Normally, no capacitors are required unless the device is situated far from the input filter capacitors, in which case an input bypass is required. An optional output capacitor can be added to improve transient response. ADJUSTMENT can be bypassed to achieve very high ripple rejection.

In addition to replacing fixed regulators, the TL317 regulator is useful in a wide variety of other applications. Because the regulator is floating and sees only the input-to-output differential voltage, supplies of several hundred volts can be regulated as long as the maximum input-to-output differential is not exceeded. Its primary application is that of a programmable output regulator, but by connecting a fixed resistor between ADJUSTMENT and OUTPUT, this device can be used as a precision current regulator. Supplies with electronic shutdown can be achieved by clamping ADJUSTMENT to ground, programming the output to 1.25 V, where most loads draw little current.

The TL317 is an adjustable three-terminal positive-voltage regulator capable of supplying 100 mA over an output-voltage range of 1.25 V to 32 V. It is exceptionally easy to use and requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage.

This regulator offers full overload protection available only in integrated circuits. Included on the chip are current-limiting and thermal-overload protection. All overload-protection circuitry remains fully functional, even when ADJUSTMENT is disconnected. Normally, no capacitors are required unless the device is situated far from the input filter capacitors, in which case an input bypass is required. An optional output capacitor can be added to improve transient response. ADJUSTMENT can be bypassed to achieve very high ripple rejection.

In addition to replacing fixed regulators, the TL317 regulator is useful in a wide variety of other applications. Because the regulator is floating and sees only the input-to-output differential voltage, supplies of several hundred volts can be regulated as long as the maximum input-to-output differential is not exceeded. Its primary application is that of a programmable output regulator, but by connecting a fixed resistor between ADJUSTMENT and OUTPUT, this device can be used as a precision current regulator. Supplies with electronic shutdown can be achieved by clamping ADJUSTMENT to ground, programming the output to 1.25 V, where most loads draw little current.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TL317 100-mA 3-Terminal Adjustable Positive Voltage Regulator datasheet (Rev. I) PDF | HTML 19 Aug 2016
Application note LDO Noise Demystified (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 18 Aug 2020
Application note LDO PSRR Measurement Simplified (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 09 Aug 2017

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TL317 PSpice Transient Model

SLVMBW7.ZIP (66 KB) - PSpice Model

TL317 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model

SLVMBW6.ZIP (2 KB) - PSpice Model
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
SOIC (D) 8 Ultra Librarian
SOP (PS) 8 Ultra Librarian
TO-92 (LP) 3 Ultra Librarian
TSSOP (PW) 8 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

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