Startseite Energiemanagement LED-Treiber Treiber für LED-Displays



Energieeffizienter 16-Kanal-Konstantstrom-LED-Sink-Treiber mit 3,0–5,5V Versorgungsspannung


Features ON/OFF LED Driver, Thermal shutdown Data transfer rate (typ) (MHz) 30 Ch to ch accuracy (typ) (±%) 5 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Features ON/OFF LED Driver, Thermal shutdown Data transfer rate (typ) (MHz) 30 Ch to ch accuracy (typ) (±%) 5 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
SSOP (DBQ) 24 51.9 mm² 8.65 x 6
  • 16 constant current output channels
  • Matches industry standard IOUT to external resistor ratio
  • Constant output current invariant to load voltage change
  • Output current accuracy:
    • Between channels: < ±5% (maximum)
    • Between ICs: < ±6% (maximum)
  • Constant output current range: 3 mA to 45 mA
  • Output current adjusted by external resistor
  • Fast response of output current, OE (minimum): 100 ns
  • 30-MHz clock frequency
  • Schmitt-trigger inputs
  • 3.0-V to 5.5-V supply voltage
  • Thermal shutdown for overtemperature protection
  • ESD performance: 1-kV HBM
  • 16 constant current output channels
  • Matches industry standard IOUT to external resistor ratio
  • Constant output current invariant to load voltage change
  • Output current accuracy:
    • Between channels: < ±5% (maximum)
    • Between ICs: < ±6% (maximum)
  • Constant output current range: 3 mA to 45 mA
  • Output current adjusted by external resistor
  • Fast response of output current, OE (minimum): 100 ns
  • 30-MHz clock frequency
  • Schmitt-trigger inputs
  • 3.0-V to 5.5-V supply voltage
  • Thermal shutdown for overtemperature protection
  • ESD performance: 1-kV HBM

The TLC59025 device is designed for LED displays and LED lighting applications. The TLC59025 contains a 16-bit shift register and data latches, which convert serial input data into parallel output format. At the TLC59025 output stage, 16 regulated-current ports provide uniform and constant current for driving LEDs within a wide range of VF variations. Used in system design for LED display applications (for example, LED panels), the TLC59025 provides great flexibility and device performance. Users can adjust the output current from 3 mA to 45 mA through an external resistor, Rext, which gives flexibility in controlling the light intensity of LEDs. TLC59025 is designed for up to 17 V at the output port. The high clock frequency, 30 MHz, also satisfies the system requirements of high-volume data transmission.

The serial data is transferred into TLC59025 through SDI, shifted in the shift register, and transferred out through SDO. LE can latch the serial data in the shift register to the output latch. OE enables the output drivers to sink current.

The TLC59025 device is designed for LED displays and LED lighting applications. The TLC59025 contains a 16-bit shift register and data latches, which convert serial input data into parallel output format. At the TLC59025 output stage, 16 regulated-current ports provide uniform and constant current for driving LEDs within a wide range of VF variations. Used in system design for LED display applications (for example, LED panels), the TLC59025 provides great flexibility and device performance. Users can adjust the output current from 3 mA to 45 mA through an external resistor, Rext, which gives flexibility in controlling the light intensity of LEDs. TLC59025 is designed for up to 17 V at the output port. The high clock frequency, 30 MHz, also satisfies the system requirements of high-volume data transmission.

The serial data is transferred into TLC59025 through SDI, shifted in the shift register, and transferred out through SDO. LE can latch the serial data in the shift register to the output latch. OE enables the output drivers to sink current.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TLC59025 Low-Power 16-Channel Constant-Current LED Sink Driver datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 04 Feb 2021
White paper Common LED Functions and LED Driver Design Considerations 21 Sep 2020
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 Jun 2018

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