Startseite Energiemanagement LED-Treiber RGB-LED-Treiber



12-kanaliger RGB-LED-Treiber, 16 Bit, ES-PWM, mit 3,3-V-Linearregler

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Number of channels 12 LED current per channel (mA) 60 Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 17 Features Constant current, PWM control, Thermal shutdown Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog
Number of channels 12 LED current per channel (mA) 60 Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 17 Features Constant current, PWM control, Thermal shutdown Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog
HTSSOP (PWP) 20 41.6 mm² 6.5 x 6.4 VQFN (RGE) 24 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • 12 Constant-Current Sink Output Channels
  • Current Capability: 60 mA Per Channel
  • Grayscale (GS) Control With Enhanced Spectrum
    16-Bit (65536 Steps)
  • Global Brightness Control (BC):
    7-Bit (128 Steps) for Each Color Group
  • Power-Supply Voltage Range:
    • Internal Linear Regulator: 6 V to 17 V
    • Direct Power Supply: 3 V to 5.5 V
  • LED Supply Voltage: Up to 17 V
  • Constant-Current Accuracy:
    • Channel-to-Channel = ±1% (Typical)
    • Device-to-Device = ±1% (Typical)
  • Data Transfer Rate: 20 MHz
  • Linear Voltage Regulator: 3.3 V
  • Auto Display Repeat Function
  • Display Timing Reset Function
  • Internal and External Selectable GS Clock
  • Thermal Shutdown (TSD) With Auto Restart
  • Unlimited Device Cascading
  • Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C
    • RGB LED Cluster Lamp Displays

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners

  • 12 Constant-Current Sink Output Channels
  • Current Capability: 60 mA Per Channel
  • Grayscale (GS) Control With Enhanced Spectrum
    16-Bit (65536 Steps)
  • Global Brightness Control (BC):
    7-Bit (128 Steps) for Each Color Group
  • Power-Supply Voltage Range:
    • Internal Linear Regulator: 6 V to 17 V
    • Direct Power Supply: 3 V to 5.5 V
  • LED Supply Voltage: Up to 17 V
  • Constant-Current Accuracy:
    • Channel-to-Channel = ±1% (Typical)
    • Device-to-Device = ±1% (Typical)
  • Data Transfer Rate: 20 MHz
  • Linear Voltage Regulator: 3.3 V
  • Auto Display Repeat Function
  • Display Timing Reset Function
  • Internal and External Selectable GS Clock
  • Thermal Shutdown (TSD) With Auto Restart
  • Unlimited Device Cascading
  • Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C
    • RGB LED Cluster Lamp Displays

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners

The TLC5971 device is a 12-channel, constant-current sink driver. Each output channel has individually adjustable currents with 65536 PWM grayscale (GS) steps. Also, each color group can be controlled by 128 constant-current sink steps with the global brightness control (BC) function. GS control and BC are accessible through a two-wire signal interface. The maximum current value for each channel is set by a single external resistor. All constant-current outputs are turned off when the IC is in an overtemperature condition.

The TLC5971 device is a 12-channel, constant-current sink driver. Each output channel has individually adjustable currents with 65536 PWM grayscale (GS) steps. Also, each color group can be controlled by 128 constant-current sink steps with the global brightness control (BC) function. GS control and BC are accessible through a two-wire signal interface. The maximum current value for each channel is set by a single external resistor. All constant-current outputs are turned off when the IC is in an overtemperature condition.

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Alle anzeigen 5
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TLC5971 12-Channel, 16-Bit, Enhanced Spectrum, PWM, RGB, LED Driver With 3.3-V Linear Regulator datasheet (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 08 Dez 2015
White paper Common LED Functions and LED Driver Design Considerations 21 Sep 2020
Technical article Using dynamic headroom control for industrial lighting applications PDF | HTML 28 Jun 2018
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 Jun 2018
Technical article Industrial stack lights get smarter with LEDs PDF | HTML 09 Aug 2016

Design und Entwicklung

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TLC5971 IBIS Model

SBVM086.ZIP (53 KB) - IBIS Model

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Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
HTSSOP (PWP) 20 Ultra Librarian
VQFN (RGE) 24 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
Beinhaltete Information:
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  • Montagestandort

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